Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.
Personnel Actions Wages, working conditions, and employee benefits shall be established and administered, and personnel actions of every type, including hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, and termination, shall be taken without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability. The following procedures shall be followed: a. The contractor will conduct periodic inspections of project sites to insure that working conditions and employee facilities do not indicate discriminatory treatment of project site personnel. b. The contractor will periodically evaluate the spread of wages paid within each classification to determine any evidence of discriminatory wage practices. c. The contractor will periodically review selected personnel actions in depth to determine whether there is evidence of discrimination. Where evidence is found, the contractor will promptly take corrective action. If the review indicates that the discrimination may extend beyond the actions reviewed, such corrective action shall include all affected persons. d. The contractor will promptly investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination made to the contractor in connection with its obligations under this contract, will attempt to resolve such complaints, and will take appropriate corrective action within a reasonable time. If the investigation indicates that the discrimination may affect persons other than the complainant, such corrective action shall include such other persons. Upon completion of each investigation, the contractor will inform every complainant of all of their avenues of appeal.
School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.
PERSONNEL REDUCTION Section 1 In the event of layoffs in connection with decreasing the work force, and the recall to work of people so laid off, the following consideration shall govern. Skill and ability as determined by reference to the employee's work record, and length of service shall be the determining factors; however, employees shall be laid off by category of seniority. There shall be three (3) seniority categories: probationary, 1 yearto 5 years seniority, and over 5 years seniority. In case of layoff, all employees in the lowest seniority category shall be laid off before proceeding to layoff of anyone in a more senior category. Where skill and ability within a category are approximately equal, length of service shall govern. Employees having the same seniority within a category shall draw lots to determine the order of layoff. No new employees shall be hired until all laid off employees have been given the opportunity to be re-hired. Employees who have been laid off will be offered re-employment in the inverse order of layoffs when they are needed again, provided they are physically qualified and possess sufficient training and experience to perform the duties of the available work. The City shall give laid off employees ten (10) days notice of its intention to rehire. The employees shall within ten (10) days period notify the City of their intention to, or not to, return to the employ of the City, and shall report to work no later than fifteen (15) days from receipt of said notice to rehire. If an employee fails to notify the City within the ten (10) calendar day period of his/her intentions to return to work, or fails to report to work within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of notice, he/she shall be considered permanently severed from the employ of the City. At the time of a layoff the City shall provide all laid off employees with a complete physical examination. At the time of rehire, the City may require a physical examination prior to the employee's return to duty, and it is expressly understood that any employee found physically unfit to return to duty may be refused re-employment and removed from the employment list. The City shall not be obligated to rehire laid off employees who have been laid off for five (5) or more consecutive calendar years, beginning from the date of layoff. Section 2 Employees laid off under provisions of this ARTICLE, who at the time of layoff had existing and established work-connected injuries, may not be denied re-employment during the five (5) year call-back period because of these work-connected injuries as existing and established prior to the layoff. Section 3 Nothing in this ARTICLE shall limit the ability of the City to provide for a compliment of officers and departmental personnel deemed in the judgment of the Chief necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the Department and as provided for within the Departmental budget. Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY12-FY14
MINISTRY/SCHOOL BOARD INITIATIVES ETFO will be an active participant in the consultation process to develop a Ministry of Education PPM regarding Ministry/School Board Initiatives.
LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Section 1. In order to facilitate communication between labor and management, a Labor Management Committee consisting of the Department Head and/or his designated alternate, the Assistant Chief of Police and two (2) Team Managers, and three (3) representatives of the Lincoln Police Union, along with at least one (1) Team Representative, will make up the Labor Management Committee. The Department Head will designate management personnel and the Union shall select Union representatives. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Department Head or Union President, depending upon who the member represents. Members will serve and be replaced on a staggered system (approximately three (3) year limit) depending upon the schedule agreed upon by the Department Head and the Union President. Section 2. Each Team area will be represented by a member of any rank to serve as spokesperson for that area. They will meet at least one week prior to the monthly Labor Management Committee meeting to formulate the common areas of interest and to elect a spokesperson to present the items in writing to the Labor Management Committee. Payment for attending this meeting will be at the discretion of the Department Head. Spokesperson will be chosen on a rotating basis. Team representatives will be picked by a vote of the Team members that they are representing. Section 3. The Labor Management Committee may discuss any area of the Department, with limitation only on those areas already under agreement between the City and the Union. The agenda will be based on the problem areas brought to the attention of the Committee by the Team Representatives and on any area representative members of Labor Management feel need to be discussed. Topics for discussion will be posted on the Union bulletin board and disseminated to Labor Management Committee members at least one (1) week prior to the monthly meeting. Section 4. Membership is subject to change through attrition and elected office, however, a one (1) week notice must be given to the Committee to afford the new member(s) voting privileges. Section 5. Realizing that communication is the key element to the smooth operation of any organization, the Labor Management Committee will xxxxxx an element of cooperation and unity of organizational members, be they labor or management. Section 6. Meetings shall be held at least once per calendar month. Additional meetings may be scheduled by mutual agreement of the Committee and the Department Head. Section 7. A quorum shall consist of two (2) members from labor and two (2) members from management.
Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.
TRANSITION COMMITTEE A transition committee comprised of the employee representatives and the employer representatives, including the Crown, will be established by January 31, 2016 to address all matters that may arise in the creation of the Trust.
Personnel Policies The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to personnel policies. These policies must be made readily accessible from the School’s website or school office, as described in Section 11.4. 1. If the policy is not available from the School’s website, the School shall submit the current policy to the Commission.