Library Employees Sample Clauses
Library Employees. 1. The workweek of all full-time Library employees shall include two (2) consecutive days off. Exceptions may be made at the employee’s request, or on a short term basis, not to exceed four (4) weeks, and only with the employee’s written consent.
2. Library employees shall be assigned to no more than two (2) libraries, which shall be recognized as their home libraries. An employee may work outside of his/her home library(ies) to provide short term coverage, not to exceed four (4) weeks or to perform a specialty assignment (e.g. children’s story hour) for up to a maximum of five (5) times a year. Whenever practical, Regular Hire employees who volunteer or Contingent Hire (Extra Hire) employees will be sought first. These restrictions do not apply to assignments noted below (#3).
3. The Director may hire selected positions that will be recognized as floaters, which may be assigned to work at any branch depending upon the needs of the Library. These positions are not subject to the restrictions described in the paragraph above (#2), The Library shall not use the floater assignments described above until the Library Labor- Management Committee resolves all issues of implementation and administration of the floater positions.
Library Employees. 20.9.1 The ordinary hours of duty for Library Employees shall be Monday to Friday, 7.00am to 6.00pm and shall not exceed 152 hours per 4 week cycle.
20.9.2 The non-ordinary hours of duty for Library Employees shall be Monday - Friday 6.00pm to 9.00pm and Saturdays 7.00am to 1.00pm.
20.9.3 Loading for ‘Non-Ordinary Hours’
Library Employees. For library employees working Saturdays as part of their assigned schedule, the Department shall have the option of:
1. Scheduling employees for Sunday/Monday off Or
2. Scheduling employees for another day off during the following week to which the employee agrees.
Library Employees i Day Workers The ordinary working hours for day workers who commenced prior to 1 July 2015 will be 35 hours per week and will be worked on five (5) days, Monday to Friday inclusive between the spread of hours of 6am and 6pm each day. Council may, at its option, require such ordinary working hours to be worked between the spread of hours of 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and between the hours of 9am and 12 noon on Saturdays. For library employees who commence from 1 July 2015, the ordinary hours will be 35 hours per week and will be worked on five (5) days, Monday to Sunday inclusive between the spread of hours of 8am and 9pm each day. ii Shift Workers The ordinary working hours for shift workers will not be more than 35 hours per week and will be worked in accordance with a regular roster between the spread of hours of 8am and 9pm Monday to Friday inclusive, from 8am to 12 noon on Saturday in straight shifts not exceeding eight (8) consecutive hours per day inclusive of a meal break of not more than one (1) hour. For library employees who commence from 1 July 2015, the ordinary hours will be 35 hours per week and will be worked on five (5) days, Monday to Sunday inclusive between the spread of hours of 8am and 9pm each day
Library Employees. Sections 9.3A, B and C above apply to Library employees except as detailed below. The City recognizes the following holidays for employees working in the Library: New Year’s Day Memorial Day July 4th Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day Employee’s Birthday Three floating holidays Library employees are eligible for an additional floating holiday in lieu of Xx. Xxxx’x Birthday, and an additional floating holiday in lieu of the Friday after Thanksgiving. Those additional floating holiday hours will be added to the employee’s accrual during the pay period in which the observed holiday occurs. For Library employees regularly scheduled to work on days the Library is closed which are not designated City holidays, the following will apply:
(a) Bargaining unit employees in part-time positions who are regularly scheduled to work on days that the Library is closed which are not designated City paid holidays may make up those “lost” hours sixty (60) days before or after the date in question, at a time(s) that is mutually agreed upon by the employee and supervisor.
(b) Bargaining unit employees in full-time positions, excluding maintenance staff, who are regularly scheduled to work on days that the Library is closed which are not designated City paid holidays may make up those “lost” hours within the same pay week as the date in question, at a time(s) that is mutually agreed upon by the employee and supervisor.
Library Employees. The ordinary working hours for library employees who commenced prior to 1 July 2015 will be 35 hours per week and will be worked on five (5) days, Monday to Friday inclusive between the spread of hours of 6am and 6pm each day. Council may, at its option, require such ordinary working hours to be worked between the spread of hours of 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and between the hours of 9am and 12 noon on Saturdays. For library employees who commence from 1 July 2015, the ordinary hours will be 35 hours per week and will be worked on five (5) days, Monday to Sunday inclusive between the spread of hours of 8am and 9pm each day.
Library Employees i Day Workers: The ordinary working hours for day workers will be thirty-five (35) hours per week and will be worked on five days, Monday to Friday inclusive between the spread of hours of 6.00 am and 6.00 pm each day. The Council may at its option require such ordinary working hours to be worked between the spread of hours of 6.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and between the hours of 9.00 am and 12 noon on Saturdays. ii Shift Workers The ordinary working hours for shift workers will not be more than thirty-five (35) hours per week and will be worked in accordance with a regular roster between the spread of hours of 8.00 am and 9.00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, from 8.00 pm to 12 noon on Saturday in straight shifts not exceeding eight consecutive hours per day inclusive of a meal break of not more than one hour.
Library Employees. The regular work week shall consist of thirty-five (35) hours divided over five days, Monday through Saturday. The work day shall be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. No employee shall be required to work more than one evening shift (including hours beyond 6:00 p.m.) per week. No employee shall be required to work more than one "supper hour" shift (including 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) per week. No employee shall be required to work more than one Saturday in each four (4) week period. No employee shall be required to work more than one (1) Saturday during the months of July and August. Employees may exchange scheduled work periods, provided that the department head in charge of scheduling has given prior approval of any exchange. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Library Employees. The normal workweek shall consist of five (5) days of eight (8) hours each, scheduled between Monday and Saturday. In the event the needs of the Library require split shifts, employees shall be assigned to such split shifts by mutual consent. In the event no employee agrees to such split shift assignments, the Employer shall have the right to assign the least-senior, qualified employee to the split shift assignment. Library employees shall be entitled to a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period which shall be scheduled in shifts so that continuous service may be provided to the public.
Library Employees. The ordinary working days for Library employees may be worked on any or all days of the week, Monday to Saturday (inclusive).