Plant Chairperson Sample Clauses
Plant Chairperson. Recalls shall be in the reverse order of layoffs.
Plant Chairperson. For the Term of this Agreement --the Plant Chairperson will be allowed sufficient time on his regular shift for the purpose of action as expressly provided in the Agreement at the Local Union Office when related to in-plant problems and he has received the prior permission of the Plant Manager or his designate.
Plant Chairperson. The company will recognize four (4) of the above representatives as the Plant Committee.
Plant Chairperson. IV. One (1) Skilled Trades Representative. The Company will recognize only one (1) union representative at any one (1) time. The Union agrees to assure representation on all shifts. In the event that the amount of production workers in the Northend increases substantially, the Company and the Union will meet to ensure adequate representation on the remaining two shifts. The Company will recognize four (4) representatives consisting of a Southend Representative, a Northend Representative, the Skilled Trades Representative, and the Plant Chairperson, as the bargaining committee. The Union agrees that union representatives will only be acknowledged by the Company if they are representing their working shift The duty of the Union representatives shall be to represent the Employees in the processing of grievances as outlined in the Grievance Procedure.
Plant Chairperson. Up to Three (3) Committee People - one per shift One (1) Skilled Trades representative
a) The Plant Chairperson will be retained on the day shift only. The Plant Chairperson will be compensated equivalent to the highest non-specialized employee in the bargaining unit. All other committee people shall work their regular shift as assigned.
b) The Company will also recognize one of the committee persons as the Vice- Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson is on an extended leave of absence (leave greater than two (2) weeks), the Employer will retain the Vice-Chairperson on the day shift while the Chairperson is on leave.
c) The Company will also recognize up to two (2) alternates when the full committee is out of the plant.
d) The Plant Chairperson will have forty (40) hours per week paid at their straight time hourly rate as per the collective agreement to attend to Union business within the plant. The Chairperson will, in conjunction with their Advisor, create a monthly schedule which will be posted. The other Union positions will have, as needed but not to exceed, a combined maximum sum of up to twenty (20) hours per month for all Union business for which they will be paid their straight time hourly rate as per the collective agreement. The hours spent on Union business need to be accurately documented.
e) The Chairperson will be returned to his/her classification, same team and shift upon leaving office.
f) The Plant Committee will also be the Grievance and Bargaining Committee.
g) The Union will furnish the Company with a written list of its Committee members, alternates, and Health and Safety Committee members and will notify the Company promptly in writing of any changes made to such lists.
Plant Chairperson. The Company agrees to recognize a Plant Chairperson to be elected or appointed plant-wide. The Plant Chairperson will be allowed the of for the purpose of facilitating orderly adjustments to any grievances, complaints, or disputes which may arise from time to time between the Company and the Union. The Plant Chairperson will be paid at the rate of the highest paid skilled classification plus twenty-five cents per hour. The Plant Chairperson shall lose no seniority in former job or classification and shall be returned to that classification upon returning office. will be subject to the provisions outlined in Article COMMITTEEPERSONS
Plant Chairperson. The Plant Chairperson of the Union Bargaining Committee shall be known as the full time Plant Chairperson. He shall be on a full time basis for the purpose of administering the Agreement in co-operation with regular Stewards and Committeepersons. He shall be allowed free access to the Company's operations in the performance of his duties. He will be provided with an office and office facilities including desk, chair, telephone and filing cabinet. Should the Plant Chairperson require to conduct a meeting to communicate with other working union officials, these meetings will be held during off business hours or as otherwise arranged with and approved by the Manager, Labour Relations. The Vice-Chairperson of the Union Bargaining Committee, or because of his unavailability, another designated representative of the Union Plant Committee shall substitute for the full time Plant Chairperson should he be absent from the plant. The full time Plant Chairperson, or his substitute shall receive the rate of pay equal to the highest straight time rate in the Bargaining Unit and will be limited to 52 hours at straight time per week. The Skilled Trades Committeeperson of the Bargaining Committee shall receive the rate of pay he would have received had he remained at work in his classification, and will be limited to forty (40) hours per week at straight time. He shall be responsible to the Manager, Labour Relations or his nominee. Further to this, when the present incumbent to this position, ceases to hold that position, the Skilled Trades Committeperson will have regular duties to perform in connection with his employment and that only such time as is reasonably necessary will be consumed by such persons during working hours in order to attend to the business of administering the agreement. He will be provided with a desk, chair and telephone at a suitable location within the zone he represents. On Saturdays, Sundays or Plant Holidays, where three hundred (300) or more employees in the Bargaining Unit are scheduled to work overtime, the Plant Chairperson shall appoint one member of the Bargaining Committee to work such overtime. Alternatively should there be six hundred (600) or more employees in the Bargaining Unit scheduled to work overtime on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a Plant Holiday, the Plant Chairperson shall appoint two (2) members of the Bargaining Committee to work such overtime. The member(s) of the Bargaining Committee so appointed will fulfill all union repres...
Plant Chairperson. The Plant Chairperson will be permitted 4 hours per day to perform union duties, If the bargaining unit headcount exceed 130, the Chairperson will be recognized on a full-time basis.
Plant Chairperson. It is understood and agreed that the Company shall provide a Union office, desk, file, telephone, etc., at the Distribution Centre, and pay one employee who is a member of, and elected by, the negotiating committee 123.2% of the prevailing trades rate. It is understood he/she will retain his/her seniority and classified job in the department from which he/she came. It is understood the Plant Chairperson will not be eligible for overtime hours.
Plant Chairperson. The above listed shall have preferential bar- gaining unit seniority provided they are able to perform the work to be done and will be retained on the day shift. They will follow normal reduction procedure until layoff occurs. At that time they will remain in their current classification until recall occurs The shift Committeeperson will exercise his seniority rights as per this Article and Article