Procedures for Layoff Sample Clauses
Procedures for Layoff. All Regular Part-Time Employees under potential notice of layoff will be subject to one (1) of the following four (4) activities in the following sequence:
Procedures for Layoff. Building Supervisors will be laid off in reverse seniority order subject to the following rules:
1. In the event of layoff, the least senior Building Supervisor will be laid off or, if a position is available, may elect to go on the unassigned list.
2. The senior displaced Building Supervisor who fills the position of the laid off Building Supervisor (see #1 above) must be qualified for that position.
Procedures for Layoff. 13 23.2.1 Layoff shall be conducted on a District-wide basis, in reverse order of seniority in 14 the job classification in which the layoff occurs.
16 23.2.2 The bargaining unit member who has been employed the shortest time in the 17 class, plus higher classes shall be laid off first.
19 23.2.3 Seniority will be determined by date of hire for probationary and permanent 20 positions.
Procedures for Layoff. A. In the event of a layoff, the Board shall notify the Association in writing twenty- one (21) calendar days in advance of the effective date of the layoff. Within five
Procedures for Layoff. Reduction means taking away the number of days or hours in a given position. Elimination means the prospective non-existence of a position. Bumping means the movement of a more senior Coordinator from one position to another held by a less senior coordinator. Bumping may only be exercised when one's position is eliminated or reduced in accordance with 1, 2, 3 below. Full-time Community School Coordinators will be laid off in reverse seniority order subject to the following rules:
1. In the event of reduction or elimination of a full-time position, the Coordinator in that position will have a choice of (1) accepting the reduced position, (2) bumping, if qualified, the least senior full-time Coordinator or (3) being laid off subject to recall, if qualified, for the next available full-time position.
2. In the event of being bumped, the least senior full-time Coordinator will have the option of (1) bumping, if qualified, a part-time Coordinator of nearest equivalent level in hours and days who is lesser seniority or (2) being laid off subject to recall, if qualified, for the next available full-time position.
3. In the event of reduction or elimination of or bumping of a part-time position, the Coordinator in that position will have a choice of (1) accepting the reduced position, (2) bumping, if qualified, the least senior part-time coordinator, or (3) being laid off subject to recall, if qualified, for the next available part-time position.
4. No Coordinator may improve his/her position by more than 60 hours in the exercise of layoff bumping rights. Qualified in sections 1-3 refers to seniority in the district as a coordinator, satisfactory performance, past experience and/or training in unique or similar programs.
5. Coordinators on layoff will be retained on the list for one year or for the length of their seniority, whichever is less.
6. Coordinators recalled shall notify the Employee Services Department of their intent to return immediately. Coordinators will be allowed up to three weeks to report to work.
7. Coordinators working less than 1,480 hours/year will be placed in a separate category for purposes of bumping.
Procedures for Layoff. 14.2.1 In the event of a layoff, the Superintendent shall notify the Association President, in writing, at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance of the effective date of the layoff. Within five (5) calendar days after notification to the Association President, the Superintendent will, upon request by the Association President, meet with the Association officers and provide the reasons for the layoff and discuss possible alternatives. The Superintendent shall notify each employee to be laid-off at least 30 calendar days before layoff date.
14.2.2 Whenever a layoff is contemplated, the Board shall take into consideration attrition prior to layoffs being implemented. Employees shall be laid off within the classification where a reduction occurs (classification shall be denied as those job titles set forth in Article 6.32 of this Agreement) in order of seniority beginning with the least senior and progressing to the most senior up to the number of employees that are to be laid off in each classification. A laid off employee may exercise his/her bargaining unit seniority by displacing the next least senior employee in his/her own classification or classification series for which the employee is qualified. •Qualified is defined as meeting entry level job description qualifications and having a knowledge of the job.
Procedures for Layoff. 13 23.2.1 Layoff shall be conducted on a District-wide basis, in reverse order of seniority in 14 the job classification in which the layoff occurs.
Procedures for Layoff. Within each school level as set forth above, in the event of reduction in School Office Supervisor positions, School Office Supervisors will be displaced/laid off in reverse seniority order subject to the following rules:
1. A School Office Supervisor may only be displaced by another School Office Supervisor working at the school tier level equal or greater to their own (elementary, middle, or high school) and with greater seniority.
2. The District shall assign the least senior displaced employee to a vacancy at the employee's current school tier level. In the event more than one vacancy exists, the District shall seek the displaced employees' vacancy preferences before the District makes a final placement decision.
3. If no vacancy exists at the current level, the School Office Supervisor whose position has been eliminated may choose whether to accept layoff, displace the least senior School Office Supervisor within the same school level, or accept assignment to a vacancy at a lower level if a vacancy exists.
4. When the least senior School Office Supervisor is bumped out of their level they will have the choice of layoff or bumping to the next lower level to accept assignment to a vacancy, or to the extent their seniority is greater, to bump the least senior School Office Supervisor in the next lower level.
5. If no position exists for the least senior displaced employee, the employee shall be laid off.
6. In the event that a new position is created at a higher level than current employees on layoff previously held, that position will be posted for internal transfer.
7. Recall rights will be in reverse order of layoff; a School Office Supervisor may not be recalled into a higher level or greater duty day position unless the District determines, at its sole discretion, that they are qualified for the position.
8. The recalled School Office Supervisor must be qualified for the position. An individual's recall rights expire after 24 months from the first effective date of layoff or if the individual declines an offer of recall.
9. Short-term vacancy:
a. When an employee on leave results in a short-term vacancy, the employee still has rights to a position. A laid off employee will not be recalled to a short-term vacancy. A laid off employee may temporarily fill a short-term vacancy, subject to school district approval and selection.
b. If selected: A laid off employee's recall duration will not be altered or lengthened. A laid off employee will not be eligi...
Procedures for Layoff. If the Board determines that layoffs are necessary, employees working with the Cooperative less than four (4) years shall be laid off first, provided there are senior employees with the qualifications to perform the work. If it is necessary to lay off employees who have worked with the Cooperative more than four (4) years, the Board shall consider seniority within his/her appropriate job category first, with the following factors considered in case of a tie: certification or licensure first, then educational level, then experience.
Procedures for Layoff. Within each school level as set forth above, in the event of reduction in School Office Supervisor positions, School Office Supervisors will be displaced/laid off in reverse seniority order subject to the following rules:
1. A School Office Supervisor may only be displaced by another School Office Supervisor working at the school tier level equal or greater to their own (elementary, middle, or high school) and with greater seniority.