VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. A. A vacancy shall be defined as an opening in any professional position within the District including extra- and co-curricular positions, as well as supervisory positions and any new positions created by the Board.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. A. A vacancy shall be defined as any bargaining unit position newly created or not currently filled. Any bargaining unit member may apply for a posted vacancy.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. A. The Board recognizes that it is desirable in making assignments, transfers and promotions to consider the interests and aspirations of its teachers. A teacher may apply for any position at any time. Such applications should be in writing addressed to the Superintendent of Schools. Applications will be considered should vacancies occur either during the school year or during the summer requiring adjustments for the fall semester. This application should be reviewed annually.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. A. Whenever any vacancy in a teaching, supervisory or extra duty position that amounts to more than $200.00 shall occur, the Board will post the vacancy, including a general statement of the qualifications required, and will give written notice of such vacancy to the Association. During the months of June, July, and August when school is not in session, notice of vacancies shall be included in the paychecks of employees, as they are known. No vacancy will be filled except on a temporary basis, within five (5) working days from the date of notice.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. A. A "promotion" is an upward change in position which results in additional compensation for additional duties or responsibilities performed during the regular working day. Promotions are not meant to include the taking on of additional duties in connection with extra-curricular or extra-duty activities.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. If a bargaining unit position becomes vacant at short notice, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to provide temporary coverage to avoid changes to approved leave. Every vacancy for a bargaining unit position expected to be of more than six (6) months duration and every newly created position shall be posted on the Union notice Board. The job posting shall state the job classification, rate of pay, shifts, required qualifications for the position and the closing date for applications. An Employee who wishes to apply for a posted position shall do so before the closing date as advertised on the posting. All vacancies will be advertised internally for one (Iw)eek prior to the external advertising. In making selections, promotions and appointments within the Bargaining Unit, where the required qualifications, skills and abilities of an applicant demonstrably exceed those of applicants with more seniority, that applicant may be awarded the position. Otherwise, the qualified applicant with the greatest seniority shall be awarded the position. Upon completion of a competition and when a candidate has been offered and has accepted a position, the unsuccessful candidates will be notified, in writing and advised as to the successful candidate. Unsuccessful candidates may make inquiries as to their own candidacy. No Employee shall be transferred to a position outside the Bargaining Unit without his or her consent. No Employee in the bargaining unit shall be transferred to a supervisory position within the Bargaining Unit without consent. New Employees shall not be hired when there is Employees on lay off who are qualified and willing to perform the job.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. SECTION A - Definition A "vacancy" shall be defined as a newly created position or a present position that has been permanently vacated and which will be filled except when there is a qualified employee from the classification on layoff. After an employee is on leave for over one (1) year, such position shall then be considered a vacancy and shall be posted and filled as in D below. The last sentence above does not include positions of those employees on sick leave or extended illness leave as provided for in Article XVI.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. 12.1 PROMOTIONS, REASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS The Board and the Association recognize that an optimum educational environment includes a teacher who is working within his/her area of special competence and in the school setting best suited to his/her personal circumstances. Therefore, the Board shall provide opportunities for teachers to express their desires for changes in assignment. Procedures shall be established to explore such expressed interests as described in the following sections:
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. 23.01 Where permanent vacancies in the bargaining unit occur which the Employer decides to fill on a permanent basis such vacancies will be posted unless otherwise specified herein. The posting shall indicate those qualifications required by the Employer, the job title, current salary range, seniority group and where applicable a brief description of the duties and responsibilities. In addition the posting shall include an indication of the current location of work to be performed. It is the policy of the Employer to promote from within where possible and reasonable to do so. The Employer will make a hiring decision in respect of internal applicants prior to interviewing any external candidates. The Employer is permitted to advertise externally at the same time as the internal posting is made.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS. 7.1 Posting Process Whenever any vacancy or other special opportunity in a WWESA position occurs, the administration shall publicize the position by giving written notice to bargaining unit members by providing a posting in every building, within five (5) working days after the Cabinet's decision to fill the vacancy. The District shall also forward a copy of each posting to the Association. Postings shall be for seven (7) working days. The District shall then fill the posting under the following process: