PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. 1. There shall be a Professional Study Committee established which shall be composed of equal representation from the Board and Association with each responsible for the selection of its members.
2. The Committee will review Board policies and will recommend additions and deletions in order to keep District policies current.
3. The Committee may accept special tasks by the Board or the Association for investigation, study and recommendations for action by the Board.
4. Meetings will be scheduled at such times as are mutually agreeable to the members of the Committee.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. A. There is hereby established a Professional Study Committee composed of eight (8) members: four (4) members appointed by the Executive Board of the Association, and four (4) members from the administrative group appointed by the Board of Education. The Mt. Pleasant Education Association appointees will fill staggered years of appointment in an effort to provide continuity of MPEA membership on this committee. It is agreed that the PSC shall cooperate in an on-going study and shall provide effective consultation with and assistance to the Board whereby it may bring about needed improvements, desirable changes and innovations in teaching methods and techniques, class composition, curriculum and any other phases of the instructional program. PSC shall establish task forces or ad hoc committees as necessary.
B. The parties agree that the PSC serves in an advisory, consultative, and fact-finding capacity only. The failure of the Board to place any of the recommendations of the PSC into effect shall not constitute the basis for a grievance.
C. Members of the PSC shall continue to develop and refine operating rules for effective consultation with the Board and the professional staff. When meetings are held with the Board's approval during school hours, these days shall count as teaching days. If extensive consultation or development of the school instructional program requires summer or other vacation participation, the Board agrees to make appropriate compensation for the time involved.
D. The PSC shall consider, but shall not be restricted to, the study of instructional matters in need of review, revision, experimentation or innovation. It shall submit a written report and recommendations to the Board annually at a meeting of the Board; and as soon as possible thereafter, copies of said report shall be made available to the professional staff. The PSC report to the board will categorically describe any task force recommendations not supported by PSC.
E. When a bargaining unit member serves as the PSC Chairperson, he shall be paid a stipend of 10% of the BA Base per year. Upon written request from the PSC, the Superintendent may grant some released time for the bargaining unit PSC Chairperson and/or PSC members.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. A. There is xxxxxx established a Professional Study Committee composed of the Superintendent and/or his/her representative, and the President of the Walled Lake Education Association and/or his/her representative.
B. The Professional Study Committee shall meet at least once each month to discuss and study subjects mutually agreed upon relating to the school system.
C. The Professional Study Committee is empowered to appoint subcommittees composed of teachers and administrators to study and report upon any mutually agreed upon subject.
D. All reports of the Professional Study Committee or its subcommittees, including their recommendations, shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Walled Lake Education Association and to the Superintendent of Schools.
E. The parties agree that the Professional Study Committee and its subcommittees serve in an advisory capacity, but any recommendation agreed to will be submitted for action.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. 1. There is hereby established a permanent "Professional Study Committee, "hereafter called PSC, composed of six (6) members, three (3) of whom shall be teachers appointed in September by the Association, and three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the Board.
2. The PSC shall establish a mutually agreed upon monthly meeting date and time, and shall elect a chairman annually at its first meeting.
3. The PSC is empowered to appoint subcommittees composed of teachers, administrators, parents and/or students.
4. All reports of the PSC and its subcommittees, including their recommendations, shall be submitted in writing to all members of the PSC.
5. Subjects of study by subcommittees may include a continuous evaluation of the Board's policy. Upon completion of its study and report the subject assigned to it, each subcommittee shall be considered dissolved, and once dissolved no subcommittee shall be reactivated except by mutual consent of the members of the PSC.
6. The parties agree that the PSC and its subcommittees serve in an advisory capacity only, and that the failure of the Board to place any of its recommendations in effect shall not constitute the basis for any grievance.
7. Any and all expenses of the PSC shall be borne and controlled by the Board.
8. The PSC shall function as part of the School Improvement Team.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. A. A Review Committee shall be established.
1. It will be made up of four (4) members of the Association as selected by the Association.
2. They will meet upon petition of either party; said meeting shall be mutually agreed upon during the school year with representatives of the Superintendent or his/her representative.
3. They will meet to discuss any problems not the subject of a grievance at that time.
4. The sole purpose of these discussions is to provide communication between the Board and the Association and to gain insights and promote understanding. It shall in no way alter this Agreement.
B. There may be established other Professional Study Committees composed of members selected by the Board and members selected by the Association. The Professional Study Committees shall investigate such professional matters as mutually agreed upon to be beneficial to the school.
C. The clerical expenses of such committee shall be borne by the Board. Representatives on such committee shall be excused from the performance of other work, up to five (5) hours per week, for the purpose of serving on such committee, if believed necessary by the Administration or Board.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. 1. The Board of Education, the Administration, and the FTPO wish to establish a “Professional Study Committee (PSC)”. The purpose of this Committee is to establish a forum by which the Administration and the FTPO may discuss and resolve contractual or working environment issues, to promote a positive work environment, and to maintain that level of performance and commitment associated with our peer districts and outperforming districts.
2. The Committee shall be comprised of the school Administration and the FTPO executive board.
3. The Superintendent or the FTPO President will schedule meetings on an as needed basis.
4. Meetings shall not exceed one per week.
5. The PSC is empowered to appoint subcommittees composed of teachers and administrators to study and report upon any mutually agreed upon subject.
6. All reports of the PSC or its subcommittees, including their recommendations, shall be submitted in writing to all members of the PSC.
7. Subject to study by subcommittees shall include but not be limited to:
a. Discipline policy
b. Evaluation of teachers
c. Development of curriculum Upon completion of its study and report on the subject assigned to it, each subcommittee shall be considered dissolved, and once dissolved no subcommittee shall be reactivated except by mutual consent of the members of the PSC.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. In order to facilitate meaningful dialogue between the Board of Education-Administration and the HFEO within the area of working conditions, curriculum, student management, or other non- contractual issues, a Professional Study Committee (PSC) shall be formed. It will be a standing committee appointed by the HFEO Executive Board. The PSC and Administration-Board shall meet at least once in each month on a regularly scheduled basis. Additional meetings may be held when mutually agreeable. At these meetings the PSC may submit HFEO proposals to the Board- Administration regarding the jurisdictional areas of the committee. The PSC may submit to the HFEO all proposals submitted to the committee by the Board-Administration and report back those results. All items which directly affect the educational program and working conditions in the District may be brought to the agenda of the PSC. As a result of the dialogue and/or interaction of committee with Board-Administration, the following will ensue within a reasonable length of time:
A. A joint decision with regard to the revision of a written Board Policy; or
B. An administrative decision with a full explanation to the HFEO Committee in writing. It will be the responsibility of the HFEO Committee to communicate related information to the teachers and instructional assistants. The PSC is an advisory committee. It may not enter into any agreements deleting from, adding to, or altering any articles, sections, or clauses in this agreement. According to law, issues pertaining to matters affecting wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment shall remain subject to collective bargaining and not the domain of the PSC. Instructional assistants will be represented on the Professional Studies Committee by the representative for the department in which they are assigned.
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. There is hereby established a Professional Study Committee composed of five (5) members: two (2) members selected by the Superintendent, and three (3) members selected by the Association. The Association shall designate the chairperson. The Professional Study Committee may recommend changes in the District’s educational program. Recommended Procedure
1. Recommended changes may be made to the Committee by:
a. A Teacher in the District b. Superintendent
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. The parties agree that a Professional Study Committee (P.S.C.) will meet on a timely basis to discuss issues of mutual concern. The committee shall serve in a problem solving and advisory capacity. The parties may have as many as four (4) representatives each on the P.S.C. KALAMAZOO COUNTY SCHOOLCRAFT COMMUNITY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION A-1 Compensation. XXXXXXXXXXX COMMUNITY SCHOOLS SCHEDULE A
PROFESSIONAL STUDY COMMITTEE. 1. There will be a Professional Study Committee established which shall be composed of four (4) members: two (2) shall be selected by the Board of Education and two (2) shall be selected by the Association.
2. Sub-Committees may be established as needed and may include existing committees.
3. Prior to Board action, this committee will consider questions related to the following areas of concern where no other Association/Board Committee or District Committee exists to examine the issues;
a. Review of policies affecting teachers.
b. Review of policies affecting students.
c. Review of matters pertaining to professional ethics.