Reductions in Staff Sample Clauses
Reductions in Staff. A. In the event that a reduction in staff occurs, displaced tenure teachers shall have the right to replace any non-tenure teacher holding a position for which the tenure teacher is certified; or, should no such position exist, replace any tenure teacher with less system-wide seniority holding a position for which the senior tenure teacher is certified, provided that ability, training, and experience in the subject matter of the senior tenure teacher are at least equal to that of the junior tenure teacher in the position. If a group of teachers has identical length of service and certification, then lots will be drawn among said teachers to determine seniority.
B. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off a nurse or nurses, the principle of seniority in the Xxxxxx Public Schools shall be the major element in determining the order of lay off, along with the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. Any nurse laid off under this provision shall have recall rights for two (2) school years following said lay off.
C. Tenure teachers who have been laid off will have recall rights for two years from the effective date of their respective layoffs. During the recall period, teachers will be given preference for positions for which they are qualified as they develop. The recall right must be exercised by the teacher within two weeks of receipt of a registered mail notice of recall. All benefits to which a teacher was entitled at the time of layoff will be restored in full upon re-employment.
D. On or after September 1, 1982, time spent on any authorized leave of absence will not constitute a break in seniority, and seniority will accumulate up to one (1) year during such periods. A layoff of tenured teachers placed on the recall list in accordance with this Article will not constitute a break in their seniority, but the seniority of a teacher not recalled in accordance with this Article will be broken.
E. Teachers laid off under the provisions of this Article shall be given initial consideration on the substitute list if they choose to be so recorded.
F. The Committee will recommend to the Town of Xxxxxx that a staff member laid off and on the recall list be allowed to continue being covered under any health or medical insurance applicable to staff members, provided that said staff member pays the full cost thereof and according to procedures established by the Town Treasurer.
G. 1. A dismissal vote to effectuate a layoff shall be treated as a vote to plac...
Reductions in Staff. 1. In the event the College determines a reduction of staff (layoff) is necessary, the College shall determine which and how many positions, will be eliminated and shall implement such reduction in staff. The College reserves the right to place employees where it needs them in compliance with this Article.
Reductions in Staff. 1. The District shall determine when reductions in force are necessary and which program areas shall be affected. If the District determines that a reduction in force is necessary, it will immediately notify the Association. Such notice will be in writing and will indicate the programs which may be affected. The District's overall instructional program will be given priority consideration. Teachers shall be considered for retention on the basis of related experience and education. When two or more teachers are considered equally qualified for retention, seniority within the District shall be the determining factor.
2. In the event the District determines the need for a reduction in its specialist or therapist personnel, the same contract criteria and procedures applicable to teachers shall be applied except that the layoffs shall be by job classification.
3. Seniority shall be defined as the employee's total length of service since the last date of hire. Any teacher who is to be laid off will be so notified in writing as soon as practicably possible. Such notice will include the proposed time schedule and the reasons for the proposed action.
4. The District will compile and transmit to SKEA no later than January 15 of each school year a list of unit members in order of their months of continuous, creditable service to the District.
5. A probationary or contract teacher who loses his or her position because of budget cuts will be laid off in accordance with Article XIII of this Agreement.
6. An employee who has been laid off will receive the bargained hospital medical insurance benefits for six months or until the employee becomes insured under a subsequent employer, whichever comes f i rs t .
7. Any laid off employee will be given the option of being placed on the day to day substitute list and will receive preferential treatment as a day to day substitute as long as they remain on the recall list.
Reductions in Staff. Section 1 In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of employees through layoff of employment or to reduce the number of employees in a given area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate position(s), the following procedure shall be used (except for employees covered by the State Tenure Act):
A. Probationary non-teaching employees shall be laid off first, provided there are employees certified and qualified (or on leave of absence or layoff) to replace them.
B. The order of reduction among non-teaching employees shall be according to seniority, District needs, certification, and qualifications.
Reductions in Staff. A. Reductions in staff shall be in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.17. Any contract language herein that is inconsistent with Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.17 shall be superseded by the language of Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.17.
Reductions in Staff. In the event of a Retrenchment (as defined in Section 15.1), the HEOP staff member with the shortest service period shall be affected first, provided that the more senior staff member succeeding to the work of the affected staff member has the skill and ability to perform the required work.
Reductions in Staff. The following provisions for personnel reduction shall apply solely to teachers with professional status. In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers, the Superintendent will take into consideration length of service, ability, and qualifications; and when all the factors that constitute ability and qualification are relatively equal, length of continuous service shall prevail. The laid-off teacher or the teacher whose position is eliminated, shall (A) be transferred to an open position for which he/she is qualified or could become qualified before the effective date of the layoff, or (B) replace a teacher with the lowest seniority anywhere within the Xxxxxx school system in an area which the laid-off teacher is qualified.
Reductions in Staff. If an employee’s hours of work are reduced or jobs are lost through attrition, the Employer shall clearly detail what existing duties are not to be performed in the future.
Reductions in Staff. If it should be necessary to transfer a teacher from one school to another to facilitate staff reduction the following will be used:
1. The staff needs of each school will be determined;
2. Any teacher with a voluntary request on file to transfer to a building with openings will be transferred first assuming he/she is certified and qualified.
3. All teachers in a building where a reduction of staff is necessary will be notified of opening(s) and given an opportunity to request a transfer.
Reductions in Staff. 1. The District shall determine when reductions in force are necessary and which program areas shall be affected. If the District determines that a reduction in force is necessary, it will immediately notify the Association. Such notice will be in writing and will indicate the programs which may be affected. The District's overall instructional program will be given priority consideration. Teachers shall be considered for retention on the basis of related experience and education. When two or more teachers are considered equally qualified for retention, seniority within the District shall be the determining factor.
2. In the event the District determines the need for a reduction in its specialist or therapist personnel, the same contract criteria and procedures applicable to teachers shall be applied except that the layoffs shall be by job classification.
3. Seniority shall be defined as the employee's total length of service since the last date of hire. Any teacher who is to be laid off will be so notified in writing as soon as practicably possible. Such notice will include the proposed time schedule and the reasons for the proposed action.
4. The District will compile and transmit to SKEA no later than January 15 of each school year a list of unit members in order of their months of continuous, creditable service to the District.