Scope Definition Sample Clauses
Scope Definition. Divide work to allow more than one trade subcontractor to work on the project. Managing the sizing of bid packages can attract more minority subcontractors.
Scope Definition. 2.01 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all registered and graduate nurses employed in a nursing capacity by Heutinck Nursing Home Limited, (Hilltop Manor Nursing Home), at Cambridge, Ontario, save and except Director of Care and persons above the rank of Director of Care.
(a) A full-time employee shall mean an employee covered by this Agreement who is committed to and regularly works the full work period of seventy- five (75) hours bi-weekly, exclusive of overtime.
(b) A regular part-time employee is one who is committed to and regularly works less than the full prescribed bi-weekly hours of work.
(c) A casual part-time employee means an employee who is called to work on a call in basis, but who does not work a regular schedule, or does so only for a specified period. Such employee has the option of refusing work when it is made available to her, however, it is also understood that a casual part-time employee cannot unreasonably or consistently refuse to work shifts.
2.03 Whenever the feminine pronoun is used in this agreement, it includes the masculine pronoun, where the context so requires and vice-versa. Where the singular is used, it may also be deemed to mean the plural and vice-versa.
Scope Definition. The following paragraph applies to the Country Operations and Maintenance bargaining unit only Viterra Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes the Grain and General Services Union (ILWU • Canada) (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”) for the duration of this Agreement as the sole collective bargaining agent for purposes of collective bargaining in respect of wages/salaries and other conditions of employment on behalf of employees of the Company in the Company’s Country Operations and Maintenance unit as set out in the Certification Order of the Canada Industrial Relations Board dated April 6, 2011 (which is Board Order No. # 9959-U), and as this Order may be amended from time to time. *The following paragraph applies to the Regina Office bargaining unit only Viterra Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes the Grain and General Services Union (ILWU • Canada) (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”) for the duration of this Agreement as the sole collective bargaining agent for purposes of collective bargaining in respect of wages/salaries and other conditions of employment on behalf of employees of the Company in the Company’s Regina Office as set out in the Certification Order of the Canada Industrial Relations Board dated April 6, 2011 (which is Board Order No. # 9956-U) and as this Order may be amended from time to time. *The remainder of this article applies to both bargaining units
Scope Definition. Prairie Co-operative Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Co-operative”) recognizes the Grain and General Services Union (ILWU • Canada) (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”) for the duration of this Agreement as the sole collective bargaining agent for purposes of collective bargaining in respect of wages/salaries and other conditions of employment on behalf of employees of the Co-operative at the agricultural centres located at:
Scope Definition. Scope definition is traditionally a planning phase that describes the “big picture” view of the project. It involves deciding what the scale and boundaries of the project are to be as well as the “perceived problems, opportunities, and directives that triggered the project” [75]. Given the different objectives of the CDC and ÚVG for this software, the first step in the process was to concretely define the scope of the project. The proposals for the funding for this project from the CDC and the UVG were examined. They were then consolidated and reconciled with each to create a unified list of objectives. These objectives allowed for the creation of more definite project goals and a clearer definition of the problem to be solved.
Scope Definition. Before submitting Receivables, Debtors must receive an approval in the form of a credit limit set by Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring. If the Debt is not contested and subject to the Client fulfilling its obligations under the Contract, Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring shall bear responsibility, up to the approved limits in force, for Receivables in the event of non-payment due exclusively to the insolvency of the Debtors. Such insolvency shall be established by the initiation of insolvency, receivership or compulsory liquidation proceedings or equivalent proceedings in the case of foreign Debtors. Applications for approval must be made, unless as otherwise provided, via computerised exchange of information as provided for in schedule 4. Any response to an application for approval received via computerised exchange of information shall be confirmed by all appropriate means. The crediting of Receivables to the Current Account shall not imply their approval. Unapproved Receivables may be debited from the Current Account at any time. Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring may demand that some business transactions be submitted for approval before being undertaken. In any case, an application must first be requested once the Client agrees to specific conditions of payment or delivery before or after taking the order. The amount of the approved outstandings, which may be granted for a limited period to a Debtor, shall be restored as and when the Receivables are actually collected. Where default in the payment of an approved amount is due to any cause other than the Debtor’s insolvency, Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring shall at any time have the right of recourse in respect of the Client for the receivables remaining fully or partially outstanding, and may thus demand immediate repayment of Receivables by debiting them from the Current Account. Where the Debtor or a third party contests the approved Debt, Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring may initiate legal proceedings; the Debt shall be allocated to a Reserve Fund, with Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring continuing to be its owner until its rights are recognised by a final court decision. The allocation to the Reserve Fund shall then be cancelled in the amounts corresponding to the afore-mentioned decision. Fees and charges incurred in legal proceedings shall be borne by Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring for the Approved receivables. For Unapproved receivables, they shall be borne by the client or, d...
Scope Definition. The first step of the project was to clearly define the purpose of the software and the goals of the current project. While the application had been in use for years a clear agreement as to what the application’s purpose should be was never formalized. After some discussion the purpose was defined as the following: “Questionnaire Manager is an end-to-end study-based questionnaire management system with focus on interview based questionnaires. This includes the following stages: design, review, deployment, data collection, data aggregation and management, and preparation for data analysis.” The project goals stem from the co-operative agreement (COAG) between the CDC’s Malaria Branch and the UVG in Guatemala City. This cooperative agreement laid out a financial accord between the two entities as to how funds directed from the CDC would be spent by UVG over the course of the year. The UVG maintained a separate budget of its own activities and, as a result, as a first step in this project the two versions of basic goals needed to be reconciled. The UVG budget called for the “Improve Questionnaire Mobile (QM)” activity to include five tasks. The first was to migrate QM to the Android platform. The second was to add a graphic user interface to design and expose the code for calculated variables. The third was to modify the interface to view the case definitions used in the questionnaires. The fourth was to simplify the usage to make it friendlier for non-programmers. And the final task was to evaluate the possibility to migrate QM to the iOS platform. The COAG with UVG called for three tasks under the Improve Questionnaire Mobile activity. First, the user interface would need to be improved to reduce the need for Visual programming to create customized features. Second, with the obsolescence of the Windows Mobile 6 platform, the PDA engine would need to be modernized for Windows 8 smartphones, as well as extended to the Android platform. Finally, the data management component would need to be extended to allow the exportation of data to more commonly used platforms, such as Microsoft excel and Access. In addition, the QM development team felt that an unstated, but essential, project goal would be to meet the software design, security and accessibility requirements mandated by the CDC so that QM could be deployed on federal computers and devices as needed. Finally, the development team also felt that a project goal of incorporating bug fixes and minor ...
Scope Definition. The Scope of Work defines all activities to be delivered by Hewlett-Packard for Photoloft Company's Image Print Solution. This section defines what Hewlett-Packard will do and what Photoloft Company receives as a result of the activities. Each activity included below is further defined and described below with the following components: Activity Name - identifies the services activity by number and name Task Description - defines the activity and the resulting deliverable Acceptance Criteria - acceptance criteria for the deliverable Photoloft Company Obligations - describes any Photoloft Company responsibilities and/or HP assumptions unique to an activity WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE The figure below illustrates the organization of the tasks for the first phase of the Image Print Solution. This Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) diagram for this phase defines and organizes all work activities to be performed.
Scope Definition. This SLA for DigitalCX as a platform, describes the expectations that users of the DigitalCX may have, and the requirement that the Support Team expects, with respect to the different sub-systems described above. Since DigitalCX runs on Azure, the mentioned Microsoft Azure SLA is an integral part of this SLA. For more information about the set-up and security of DigitalCX, please consult DigitalCX’s Security Documentation. DigitalCX’s SLA has a scope that is limited to the sub-systems described in Topology.
3.1 Platform Availability and Response Times Company CX will use all reasonable endeavors to achieve the availability and response times of the subsystems of DigitalCX as described below. Table 1: Sub-system availability and response time Subsystem ID Service Tier Sub-systems Availability Average Response Time (90%) 1 Dev CMS 99,90% 2s 2 Dev Engine 99,90% 2s 3 Dev Engine - Custom Logic 99,90% n/a 4 Dev QA 99,90% n/a 5 Staging Engine 98,00% 2s 6 Staging Engine - Custom Logic 98,00% n/a 7 Staging Testing portal 98,00% 2s 8 Staging Reporting Portal 98,00% 120s 9 Production Engine 99,90% 1s 10 Production Engine - Custom Logic 99,90% n/a 11 Production Reporting Portal 99,90% 60s 12 Admin Portal 99,90% 3s The following additional definitions apply: • “Availability” is described in detail in Monthly Availability Calculation. • “Response Time” is the Server-side Interval it takes to complete an Interactions, i.e. for the respective API to respond to the call. Response Times are measured for each Interactions (see Availability & response time measurements) • “Server-side Interval” is the time a call enters one of DigitalCX’s APIs until the response to that call is provided by the API. Response times are measured automatically within Azure App Insights.
Scope Definition. All Professional Services rendered for a Work Order shall be based on a mutually agreed scope definition as provided below:
(i) StoneRiver shall develop a Work Order and associated scope definition based on the Business Requirements List for Client’s written approval. StoneRiver shall not be obligated to perform any Professional Services until the Work Order is approved in writing by Client, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or unduly delayed.
(ii) Each Work Order shall contain a listing of the nature and timing of tasks, some of which are to be performed by StoneRiver and some by Client. Changes to the Project Plan shall be only by mutual written agreement of the parties. Modifications or additions to the agreed upon Work Order shall be added only upon mutual written agreement. In the event the parties agree to any such changes, the applicable Work Order shall automatically be modified to the extent necessary to allow for such changes.