Short Term Assignments. When an employee assumes responsibilities, on a short- term (less than two years) basis, with another Party (subject to any otherwise applicable restrictions such as affiliated interest requirements) but does not become an employee of the other Party, provide services required by the new position and allocate costs appropriately.
Short Term Assignments. A person who has completed one hundred fifty (150) hours of service within the identified school year as a substitute shall be paid at the rate negotiated between management and the employee. Both parties reserve the right to renegotiate the rate of pay at this juncture. The negotiated rate of pay shall not be less than the rate being paid in the first one hundred fifty (150) hours of work.
Short Term Assignments. A short-term assignment may be used for the purpose of meeting nonrecurring or short term workload needs. Opportunities for short term assignments shall be emailed to all bargaining unit employees who are currently working within the classification of the short term assignment. Any qualified employee may express interest in the assignment, and the assignment shall be made by management, considering skills, experience and qualifications. An employee may ask in writing for hardship consideration to not accept the assignment. Any employee who does not volunteer or who requests hardship consideration shall not be subject to disciplinary action or retaliation. Any employee working in a short-term assignment shall have their regular ongoing workload reduced proportionately in order to ensure equitable distribution of workload.
Short Term Assignments. The parties acknowledge that it is in the best interest of the University to provide opportunities for employee development through cross-training and acting assignments. It is also in the University’s interest to have short-term vacancies staffed in an expeditious and effective manner. Where operationally feasible, the Employer agrees to give preference to qualified University employees when staffing short-term assignments or vacancies for positions more than one (1) month and less than four (4) months in duration. Human Resource Services Department will notify all employees of short-term vacancies as they arise, and employees may apply for these positions. The supervisor of a selected employee will determine whether or not it is operationally feasible to approve the temporary absence of the selected employee. The employee’s approval will not be unreasonably denied. The employment status of an employee who accepts a Short-Term Assignment will not change during the period of the assignment. When an employee applies for and accepts a short term assignment that is at a lower pay level than the position the employee currently holds, the employee shall be paid at the rate within the pay range for the position that is closest to the employee’s current salary. UNION BUSINESS
Short Term Assignments. The Library may re-assign an employee(s) on a short-term basis to fill public service staffing shortages, subject to the following provisions:
a. The Library will utilize substitute employees as needed and appropriate to alleviate the need for short-term assignments.
b. “Short-term” assignments are defined as assignments lasting for a period up to and including two (2) weeks’ duration.
c. Short-term assignments will first be offered to employees who volunteer to be available to “float” to other departments or branches on a short-term basis, in accordance with the provisions below.
d. Volunteers will be assigned in an equitable manner subject to scheduling needs and qualifications required by the affected branches or departments.
e. In the event that no volunteers are available, the Library shall have the right to assign an employee to a short-term assignment.
f. Main Library employees willing to float to another department for up to one (1) work day (with the consent of the employee’s supervisor at the time a short-term assignment is available) shall have the opportunity to volunteer for such assignments.
g. Branch employees willing to float to other branches on a short-term basis shall have the opportunity to volunteer for such assignments.
h. All short-term assignments will be re-evaluated two (2) weeks after the first day of the assignment to determine if the position needs to be posted as a temporary position. If appropriate, the short-term assignment may be extended on a week-to-week basis.
i. At the time of placement, the expected duration of the short term assignment will be designated in writing via email to the employee.
j. The Human Resources Department will provide a summary report of all short-term assignments as part of regular monthly reports to the Board of Trustees.
Short Term Assignments. Short term assignment of some or all duties or performance responsibilities ordinarily associated with one job classification to an employee in another classification is not a "transfer" nor a violation of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that such assignments may be appropriate to maintain the quality of Library service to the community. An employee temporarily assigned to substantially all the job duties or performance responsibilities of a position in a different job classification shall receive the higher rate of pay of the two classifications for the hours or fractions of hours worked in that classification, as calculated on the current step level of the employee. Time worked in each classification will be tracked by the employee as directed by work rules and procedures established by management.
Short Term Assignments. If an Instructor is voluntarily or involuntarily assigned to perform the duties of another faculty member for part of a semester or the summer session, the Instructor shall receive compensation prorated for the period of assignment as specified in Article 20.
Short Term Assignments. Subd. 1. Teachers, who are assigned to work at taking or selling tickets, chaperoning, or other similar duties at student extracurricular functions, will be paid for all but two assignments. The minimum pay will be for one hour. Subd. 2. Club assignments without stipends will be in lieu of nonpaying assignments.
Short Term Assignments. Short-term assignments, those known or projected to be five (5) days or less, will be assigned to either non-contract drivers or substitute drivers at the discretion of the District in order to best meet the needs of the department.
Short Term Assignments. To Boosters within a facility on a seniority basis