Sick Leave Fund Sample Clauses
Sick Leave Fund. The purpose of the sick leave fund is to give additional days of sick leave to employees who experience catastrophic and/or life threatening illness. If the employee has exhausted all of their sick, personal and vacation leave, the employee may receive a donation of sick leave days. For purposes of this procedure, the term "catastrophic and/or life threatening illness" shall include only those illnesses or injuries which are calamitous in nature, constituting a great misfortune. Examples of a catastrophic diagnosis include, but are not limited to the following: • Accident resulting in multiple fractures or amputation of a limb • AIDS • ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) • Cancer • Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy • Condition causing paralysis • Hemophilia • Mental illness (requiring hospitalization) • Rare disease • Severe burn involving over 20 percent of the body • Severe head injury requiring hospitalization • Spinal cord injury • Stroke or cerebrovascular accident The Personnel Director in collaboration with the Employee Association President will be responsible for the management and record keeping of the sick leave fund. The decision of the Personnel Director and Employee Association President shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. If the Personnel Director and Employee Association President cannot agree on whether a donation is warranted, the District, at its cost, shall request the employee seeking the benefits of the sick leave bank to be examined by a physician of the Board’s choosing to determine whether the employee’s condition would qualify as calamitous in nature. An employee may request a donation of sick leave days after they have been out for a minimum of twenty consecutive days for a catastrophic and/or life threatening illness. All requests will be made to the Personnel Director. Each employee may donate one day of their sick leave per fiscal year. If more days are donated than requested, a lottery system will be used to determine which employee’s donated days will be accepted and converted to sick leave for the requestor. Four donated sick leave days will convert to one day of sick leave donated to the employee. An employee may only receive twenty (20) donated sick leave days per fiscal year.
Sick Leave Fund a. The purpose of a sick leave fund is to give additional days of sick leave to teachers who experience personal serious accidental injury, emergency surgery, or a catastrophic illness. If the teacher has used all of the teacher’s personal and sick leave, the teacher may receive a gift of the number of days needed.
b. The association will be responsible for maintaining all records. Further, the association will provide the treasurer with written documentation (Appendix D) signed by the association president authorizing the number of sick leave days that are to be deducted, the name(s) of the bargaining unit member(s) from whom the days are to be deducted, and the name(s) of the bargaining unit member(s) to whom the days are to be donated.
c. The maximum number of days that may be used in any one (1) fiscal year by any number of bargaining unit members is ninety-two (92).
d. Three (3) is the maximum number of days that an individual can donate in any one (1) fiscal year. Each donation is limited up to two (2) per individual requests to sick leave fund.
Sick Leave Fund. 14.01 An sick leave fund will be established on an as-needed basis. Each member of the bargaining unit may voluntarily donate a maximum of two (2) accumulated but unused sick leave days to a Sick Leave Fund.
14.02 All new bargaining unit members shall be eligible for enrollment in the sick leave fund and may enroll by donating one (1) sick leave day to the fund.
14.03 The Superintendent and the RSSA President shall mutually determine eligibility for persons who apply for use of paid leave from the Sick Leave Fund. Such eligible employees must have exhausted all of their sick leave accumulation and must have a serious or catastrophic illness or injury personally or in their immediate family.
14.04 The donations to the Sick Leave Fund shall not be counted as a day of absence for attendance incentive pay.
14.05 The maximum number of days in the fund shall not exceed twice the number of members in the bargaining unit.
14.06 Days remaining in the fund at the end of a school year shall remain in the fund and shall not be counted against the maximum number of days established in Section 14.05.
Sick Leave Fund. Any teachers exhausting their sick leave would be eligible for this plan if catastrophic illness or injury occurs to them or an their immediate family member that would require the teacher’s care. The Association Unit members may donate up to two
Sick Leave Fund. The purpose of a sick leave fund is to give additional days of sick leave to teachers who experience personal serious injury, emergency surgery, or a catastrophic illness. To this end, the JTEA Executive Committee shall within thirty (30) days from the start of each school year appoint not less than three
Sick Leave Fund. Any employee who has accumulated and has maintained at least 15 days of unused sick leave days may donate two (2) days of his/her accumulated sick leave to the sick leave fund once a year at the beginning of the school year before September 30. The records for which will be maintained by the Treasurer, who will issue a notice to all employees (after the end of each school year) who qualify to donate to the sick leave bank. The purpose of a sick leave fund is to give additional days of sick leave to employees of the bargaining unit who experience personal serious accidental injury, emergency surgery, or a catastrophic illness. The donation of that day of sick leave shall not reflect upon the donor employee’s attendance record. Agreement to donate will be reflected on the sick leave fund form (Appendix D). A bargaining unit member must have contributed the required two (2) days of his/her accumulated sick leave during the current school year to utilize the sick leave fund during that school year. If an employee has used all of his/her personal/sick leave and, if applicable, vacation leave, and applies to the sick leave fund, he/she may receive a gift of a number of sick leave days from the sick leave fund up to thirty (30), provided that the President of the Association, one (1) member of the association chosen by the Association president and the Superintendent, in the discretion of each, mutually agree that the employee is deserving, meets the criteria and has suffered personal serious accidental injury, emergency surgery, or a catastrophic illness. Employees requesting a gift of sick leave days shall complete the applicable part of the form in Appendix E.
Sick Leave Fund. 1. The purpose of a sick leave fund is to give additional days of sick leave to employees of the bargaining unit who experience personal serious accidental injury, emergency surgery or a catastrophic illness. Medical documentation may be required. If the employee has used all of the employee’s personal, vacation and sick leave and applies (Form Appendix F) to the Sick Leave Fund, the employee may receive a gift of the number of hours needed, not to exceed twenty (20) days per contract year.
2. After the employee applies, a committee of three (3) employees appointed by the Association President, the Superintendent and the Treasurer shall meet and at the committee’s discretion, through consensus, give notice to employees that there is a need for sick leave donations. The identity of the employee requesting a leave donation will not be revealed when the request for donations is made.
3. No employee may give more than the number of hours equivalent to two (2) of the employee’s work days per year.
4. The employee receiving the gift of sick leave days shall return to work as soon as his/her physician permits the return.
5. Employees submitting donations will complete the Sick Leave Fund Donation Form (Appendix G).
Sick Leave Fund. Sick Leave Credits will cease to accrue effective Commencing in each employee shall be paid an not to exceed two
Sick Leave Fund. Employees may annually donate up to two (2) days of their unused sick time to another employee of the unit who has a catastrophic illness or an immediate family member with a catastrophic illness and is out of sick time.
Sick Leave Fund. Effective with the commencement of the 2002/2003 school year, a “Teacher Sick Leave Fund” shall be established. Upon the establishment of the fund, one day from the annual sick leave entitlement of each unit member (as described in Article 1 – Recognition) shall be deducted therefrom and applied to the said Fund. In the event that the Fund is reduced by the use of days accumulated therein to less than 300 days, then at the commencement of the school year immediately following such occurrence a further deduction of one day from the annual leave entitlement of each unit member shall be made. The said fund shall be drawn upon a unit member in such manner, extent and under such circumstances as may be determined by the Association.