STAFFING SCHEDULE. The staffing schedule set forth in this paragraph may be changed or amended at any time in the sole discretion of the CITY. Utilities and services will be provided according to the schedule. PERMITTEE may, at his/her own risk, occupy the assigned slip prior to and after the dates in the staffing schedule, provided, PERMITTEE shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the CITY for any and all loses, damages or injuries resulting from PERMITTEE’S occupation of said slip outside and during the staffing schedule. The CITY reserves the right to adjust the staffing schedule in the event of an emergency, facility breakdown or personnel shortages. The CITY further reserves the right to adjust the electrical, water, fuel or sewage pump-out services provided in the event of emergency, facility breakdown, or due to the effects of unusually high or low water elevations. (Advisory only) Toilet/Showers Electricity/Water Fuel Pump-Out Opening Dates May 15th * May 15th** May 15th May 15th ** Closing Dates Oct. 15th * Oct. 15th ** Oct. 15th Oct. 15th ** * Toilets are available year-round in City Hall during business hours. ** Water and Pump-out dates, may be opened later or closed earlier due to extreme weather conditions in any given year.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. The staffing schedule shall be reviewed each month by the staff committee at the Learning Centre. A copy of this schedule will be sent to the Surrey Teachers’ Association.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. The company shall not deliberately stagger the workweek in such a manner as to deprive employees of overtime. Regularly scheduled swing shifts, when practical and desirable may be negotiated between the Company and the Union. Supervisors, Team Leaders and other plant personnel excluded from the bargaining unit will not be permitted or assigned to do work covered by the bargaining unit, except as outlined in (a), and below:
(a) Instructing training employees Demonstrating the correct use of tools or equipment (c)Acting to prevent an accident or injury to an employee, or to prevent product or equipment damage. Employees may not reject work in their regular position and us their seniority to claim work in another position. All employees will be assigned to either “A” or shift designation for the purposes of shift rotation during any two-shift operation. For the purposes of rotation during any three shift operation, positions on the third shift will be tilled by those employee who hold shift postings, these employees will have designation along with their regular “A” or shift designation for the purpose of any shift rotation. A shift rotation calendar starting after the plant shutdown will be set up for the purpose of scheduling designated shifts for the next fifty-two week period. Assignments to these and, or shifts shall be permanent the extent of maintaining a balance of skills, experience and continuity of production. Changes from one shift to another shift shall be in accord with the job posting procedure as outlined in Article when bid job vacancies exist or when the parties agree it is necessary to redistribute the skills or necessitated by a reduction in force to fill available jobs. The parties agree that when a reduction in force occurs, the purpose the following paragraphs is to generally work opportunities for the more senior employees. Employees shall, when their regular bid job is not operating, designate, in order of unlimited alternate primary in all of operations. Employees will list all jobs for which they wish to work on their choice sheet within their primary and secondary and sanitation or will face layoff. Employees who hold shift bid jobs will be scheduled to these positions any time their bid job is running, or was running to start the week (if they obtain if by seniority). their bid job is not running they have begun to work on the shift they will follow all production choices on that shift as long as they are able to obtain these by w...
STAFFING SCHEDULE. The company shall not deliberately stagger the workweek in such a manner as to deprive employeesof overtime. Regularly scheduled swing shifts, when practical and desirablemay be negotiated between the Company and the Union. Supervisors, Team Leaders and other plant personnel excluded from the bargaining unit will not be permitted or assigned to do work covered by the bargaining unit, except as outlined in (a), and below:
STAFFING SCHEDULE. 8.01 The company shall not deliberately stagger the workweek in such a manner as to deprive employees of overtime. Regularly scheduled swing shifts, when practical and desirable may be negotiated between the Company and the Union. Supervisors, Team Leaders and other plant personnel excluded from the bargaining unit will not be permitted or assigned to do work covered by the bargaining unit, except as outlined in (a), (b) and (c) below:
a) Instructing and/or training employees
b) Demonstrating the correct use of tools or equipment
c) Acting to prevent an accident or injury to an employee, or to prevent product or equipment damage.
8.02 Employees may not reject work in their regular position and thereafter us their seniority to claim work in another position.
a) Employees returning from modified work must be scheduled for minimum of one regular shift before being awarded overtime.
8.03 All employees will be assigned to either an “A” or “B” shift designation for the purposes of shift rotation during any two-shift operation. For the purposes of shift rotation during any three shift operation, positions on the third shift will be filled by those employees who hold 3rd shift postings, these employees will have a “C” designation along with their regular “A” or “B” shift designation for the purpose of any two shift rotation. A two shift rotation calendar starting after the plant shutdown will be set up for the purpose of scheduling designated shifts for the next fifty-two (52) week period. Assignments to these “A”,”B” and, or “C” shifts shall be permanent to the extent of maintaining a balance of skills, experience and continuity of production. Changes from one shift to another shift shall be in accord with the job posting procedure as outlined in ARTICLE 15 when bid job vacancies exist or when the parties agree it is necessary to redistribute the skills or when necessitated by a reduction in force to fill available jobs.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. The Contractor shall maintain the approved minimum staffing plan and scheduled hours of coverage during the life of the contract and shall ensure that all Contractor management and line staff positions are filled for the entire scheduled work period(s), and that individuals are physically present at the work site as scheduled. Any changes to the minimum staffing plan and schedule must be approved in writing by the Contract Manager.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. The Xxxxxx City Xxxxxx is staffed by City personnel according to the schedule set forth in this paragraph. Utilities and services will be provided according to the schedule. Permittee may, at his or her own risk, occupy the assigned slip prior to and after the dates in the staffing schedule provided that Permittee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend himself or herself for any and all losses, damages, or injuries resulting from the Permitte's occupation of said slip outside the staffing schedule. The City reserves the right to adjust the staffing schedule in the event of emergency, facility breakdown, or personnel shortages. The City further reserves the right to adjust the electrical, water, fuel, or sewage pump-out services provided in the event of emergency, facility breakdown, or due to the effects of record high water elevations. Toilet and Showers Electricity Water Fuel Pump-Out Opening dates: May 1 May 1 May 1 After ice May 1 Closing dates: October 15 October 15 October 15 Until ice forms October 15
STAFFING SCHEDULE a. Staffing Schedule Purpose. The quarterly staffing schedule should accurately reflect the hours/locations needed to address current activity levels including holidays and special events. If the schedule varies from the standard then it needs to be justified.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. Contractor shall submit a quarterly staffing schedule for the SmartPark Garages, Portland Downtown Heliport, and Streetcar Facilities a minimum of 14 days prior to the start of a new quarter.
STAFFING SCHEDULE. During the Mobilization and Start-Up Period, the parties acknowledge the number of O & M Employees will gradually increase and the staffing schedule will vary due to the Services to be provided during the Mobilization and Start-Up Period. Operator contemplates its team will increase during this period in accordance with the “Teammate Ramp Up Schedule” attached as Schedule 7, but Operator shall be entitled to alter such Ramp Up Schedule as is necessary to prepare Operator’s team to operate the Facility. While the Mobilization and Start Up Period is anticipated to be seventeen (17) weeks, the Parties acknowledge that Owner may request that Operator commence operation of the Facility sooner or in stages, so that operation of a portion of the Facility (such as the hydrogen plant) may commence before the rest of the Facility, and if so, there may be an overlap of the Mobilization and Start Up Period and Operating Period with respect to different portions of the Facility. Operator will use its best efforts to meet Owner’s requests to commence operation of the Facility (or portions thereof) prior to the end of the anticipated 17-week Mobilization and Start Up Period, provided Owner gives Operator adequate advance notice of Owner’s expectations and requests. It is contemplated the O&M Employees will work forty (40) standard hours per week during the Mobilization and Start-Up Period. When the Operator Team has been fully staffed and trained and the Facility is ready for full operation, the Operator Team will shift to a standard “Dupont Schedule” with 4 shifts as shown on Schedule 8 hereto, and operate the Facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any adjustments to this shift schedule must be approved by the Owner’s Representative and Operator. The Operator may also shift to a “Dupont Schedule” for only a portion of the Facility if Owner requests Operator to commence operation of the Facility in stages.