Temporary Duty Elsewhere.
1. An employee may be assigned to be temporarily away from his/her regular duties and place of employment for the purpose of performing other educational services, including participation in surveys, professional meetings, study courses, workshops and similar services of direct benefit to the School District. Such assignment may be initiated by the Superintendent or by the individual who desires the temporary duty as days of duty and is subject to the employee’s supervisor’s approval.
2. The Superintendent shall develop procedures and guidelines to implement this policy.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. An employee rendering services in the performance of his/her assigned duties is not considered on professional leave even though he/she is away from his/her usually assigned work location. In such cases, the employee is performing his/her assigned duty and is not on regular duties and places of employment for the purpose of performing educational services through action initiated by the Board. Employees on temporary duty shall receive their regular pay and may be allowed expenses as provided by the Board.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. Temporary Duty Elsewhere may be granted by the Employer upon the request of an employee, provided such duty is in the interest of the Employer. An employee so assigned shall be considered in regular service but on temporary duty and shall continue in the same pay status for the period of time approved. The Employer may assign an employee on temporary duty when in the best interest of the Employer. Temporary duty shall not be assigned in a discriminatory manner. The principal/supervisor may reassign the employee within the school for up to three days in the event that a work-related incident involving a physical conflict occurs resulting in the employee’s inability to return to their work assignment immediately following the incident. An assigned duty outside of Xxxxx County shall be by mutual consent of the employee and the Employer. A teacher performing his duty outside Xxxxx County shall be reimbursed for expenses according to Chapter 106, Part 7, of the Ordinance Code of the City of Jacksonville. The parties agree that "Temporary Duty Elsewhere," as used herein, is not to be used for any employee labor unions or labor unions or labor organization activities, except as agreed elsewhere in this contract. Employees who are assigned temporary duty away from their assigned work location must submit a leave request for TDE. At no time will an employee be required to file their own leave for this.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. EMPLOYEES may be assigned to be temporarily absent from their regular duties and places of employment for purpose of performing other services. EMPLOY- EES will receive their regular pay for such assignments and may be allowed ex- penses.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. A. Temporary duty elsewhere leave may be granted by the Board for an employee to attend professional meetings, conferences, workshops, or other such meetings outside the county. Such leave will be related to improvement of job performance and will normally be with pay and may include per diem.
B. Temporary duty elsewhere leave may be granted employees for the purpose of presenting at professional meetings, conferences, convocations. Such leave will be related to the employee's area of responsibility and will normally be with pay and may include per diem.
C. In-county assignment leave with pay will be granted to employees participating in the following types of activities: district-sponsored program reviews, Board committee meetings, and district level or supervisory job interviews including school administration.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. Teachers on Temporary Duty Elsewhere shall receive their regular pay and may be allowed expenses.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. Teachers may be granted temporary duty assignments for the purpose of performing educational services other than regular duty, as assigned by the authorized administrative personnel. Such temporary duty shall be considered equal to the regular duties of the teacher and the teacher shall not be considered on leave.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. An employee may be assigned to be temporarily away from his/her regular duties and place of 4 employment for the purpose of performing other educational services, including participating on surveys, 5 professional meetings, study courses, workshops and similar services of direct benefit to the School
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. With prior approval of the President or their designee, employees may be assigned to be temporarily absent from their regular duties and places of employment for the purpose of performing other educational services, including participation in school surveys, professional meetings, study courses, workshops, etc. Employees will receive their regular pay and may be allowed expenses as provided by law and rules of the State Board of Education and the Board of Trustees. Such temporary duty shall be considered equal to the regular duties of the individual and employees performing such assigned temporary duties shall not be considered to be on leave. The President shall have the authority to assign various key personnel to participate in community professional organizations as representatives of the College. Attendance by College representatives at meetings and other activities of these community professional organizations within the immediate vicinity when approved by the President may not require temporary leave of absence. The use of temporary duty to attend meetings or other activities of community professional organizations as a College representative outside of the immediate vicinity shall be discretionary with the President and shall require prior approval.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere. An employee may be granted temporary duty elsewhere when officially assigned short term professional duties away from their regular job site. Temporary duty shall not be classified as leave and the employee shall receive their regular pay and may be allowed expenses as provided by law.