5.01 The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to manage the business in which it is engaged, to maintain order and efficiency, to hire, promote, transfer and to increase and decrease working forces provided that in carrying out these rights it does not violate the specific provisions of this Collective Agreement. Furthermore, the Union recognizes the right of the Employer to demote, suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause subject to the right of the employee affected to lodge a grievance as provided for in Article 8.
5.02 The Union further acknowledges that the Employer has the right to make and alter, from time to time, rules and regulations to be observed by employees, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
5.03 Subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement and in the interests of efficient operation, the Union agrees that the Employer may at any time, subject to reasonable notice to the Union, determine or change work schedules and assignments or methods. If there is a claim of discriminatory action by the Employer in this regard, the aggrieved employee may, if they so desire, make it the subject of a grievance in the manner hereinafter provided.
5.04 The Employer may engage students or other persons for summer and other temporary or special employment providing that such employment does not contravene any Article of the current Collective Agreement. Any employees engaged under this clause will automatically come under the jurisdiction of the Union once the period of employment exceeds 3 months (4 months for summer students).
5.05 No job in the bargaining unit will be performed by non-bargaining unit personnel for more than 3 months (4 months for summer students) in any 12 month period. However, any member of the bargaining unit who has been laid off and had recall rights under Article 11.06(c) would have priority in filling those positions within the same department where the duties were previously carried out by members of the bargaining unit.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 4.01 The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to manage the business in which it is engaged, to maintain order and efficiency, to hire, promote, transfer and to increase and decrease working forces provided that in carrying out these rights it does not violate the specific provisions of this Collective Agreement. Furthermore, the Union recognizes the right of the Employer to demote, suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause subject to the right of the employee affected to lodge a grievance as provided for in Article 6. For purposes of this Article a transfer shall mean a change in work location or in job classification if there is no reduction in the basic hourly rate.
4.02 The Union further acknowledges that the Employer has the right to make and alter, from time to time, rules and regulations to be observed by employees, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
4.03 In the interests of efficient operation, the Union agrees that the Employer may at any time, subject to reasonable notice to the Union, change hours of work (subject to Article 11) and determine or change work assignments or methods. If there is a claim of discriminatory action by the Employer in this regard, the aggrieved employee may, if he/she so desires, make it the subject of a grievance in the manner hereinafter provided.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Employer, on its own behalf and on behalf of the district, hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Michigan and of the United States to the executive management and administrative control of the school system and its properties and facilities, and the direction of the activities of its employees within the scope of their employment; to establish written personnel and other policies; and to establish policies, bus schedules, the hours of work, and other duties, responsibilities and assignments of employees, terms and conditions of employment not in conflict with this Agreement. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Employer, the adoption of policies, rules and regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and expressed terms of this Agreement, and shall not direct or require any employee to violate any Federal or State law or regulation.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 8.1 All the functions, rights, powers and authorities which the Employer has not abridged, delegated or modified by this Collective Agreement including, but not limited to, the right to hire, lay off, recall, determine the hiring criteria, define the job descriptions, determine the standards of work to be performed, evaluate, supervise, establish and enforce working rules, and discipline, suspend or discharge its employees for just cause are recognized by the union as being retained by the Employer. These rights are subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement and the right of any Employee to lodge a grievance in the manner and to the extent provided in Article 29 (Grievance and Arbitration).
8.2 In its exercise of these rights, the Employer shall act in a manner that is fair, equitable, and consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Failure to do so shall be grounds for a grievance as defined under Article 30 (
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 7.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Employer to manage the Hospital and without affecting the generality of the foregoing to function as follows:
7.02 To direct the operation of the Hospital in the best interests of the patients, the community and the employees both within and without the Bargaining Unit.
7.03 To formulate reasonable policies, rules and regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
7.04 To introduce new practices and/or services, to expand, reduce, eliminate, change or modify present services and practices and to enter into contracts for buildings, repairs, equipment, supplies, materials and services.
7.05 To determine, where, by whom, in what manner, at what time, under what conditions employees in the Bargaining Unit perform their duties within their own classification.
7.06 To determine in the interest of efficient operation and highest standard of service, job rating and classification, the hours of work, work assignments, and method of doing work, the number of personnel required, provided always that reasonable notice shall be given to the employee or employees involved of any change to be made.
7.07 To maintain order and discipline, to hire, assign, retire, classify, promote, transfer, demote, suspend or discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause, subject to the Grievance Procedure.
7.08 To instruct and direct employees in their duties, responsibilities and conduct towards patients, visitors, Department Heads, Supervisors and other Hospital employees both within and without the Bargaining Unit.
7.09 To control the use of buildings, equipment, utensils, machinery, tools, materials, instruments, drugs, medicines, clothing, uniforms and all other articles or things belonging to the Employer.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. D-1 Subject to the right of any employee who feels that she or he has been unjustly treated to lodge a grievance in the manner hereinafter provided, the Union agrees to co-operate with the Employer at all times to maintain discipline and to maintain the highest standard of service and efficiency and the Union acknowledges the exclusive rights of the Employer as follows:
D-2 To direct the operation of the Hospital in the best interest of the patients, the community and the employees, both within and without the bargaining unit.
D-3 To formulate reasonable policies, rules and regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement.
D-4 To introduce new practices or services, to expand, reduce, eliminate, change or modify present services and practices; to enter into contracts for buildings, repairs, equipment, supplies, materials and services.
D-5 To determine where, by whom, in what manner, at what time and under what conditions, employees in the bargaining unit and/or contractors and their employees shall perform their duties.
D-6 To determine in the interest of efficient operation and highest standard of service, the hours of work, work assignments, methods of doing the work and the working establishment for any service, provided always that reasonable notice shall be given to the employee or employees involved, of any changes to be made.
D-7 To maintain order and discipline, to hire, promote, transfer, demote, suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause.
D-8 To instruct and direct employees in their duties, responsibilities and conduct.
D-9 To have absolute control of buildings, use of buildings, use of utensils, equipment, machinery, tools, supplies, materials, insurance, drugs and medicines and of clothing, uniforms, and all other articles or things belonging to the Employer.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 17.1 The Town reserves and retains all the regular and customary functions, rights and prerogatives of municipal management which have not been specifically relinquished, abridged, or limited by this AGREEMENT. The exercise of such functions, right and prerogatives shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. The Employer, on its own behalf and on behalf of the district, hereby retains and reserves unto itself, without limitation all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Michigan and of the United States, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right:
A. To the executive management and administrative control of the school system and its properties and facilities, and the direction of the activities of its employees within the scope of their employment;
B. To hire all employees and subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment, of their dismissal or demotions; and to promote, and transfer all such employees as allowed by law.
C. To establish written personnel and other policies; and
D. To establish policies, bus schedules, the hours of work, and other duties, responsibilities and assignments of employees, terms and conditions of employment not in conflict with this Agreement. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Employer, the adoption of policies, rules and regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and expressed terms of this Agreement, and shall not direct or require any employee to violate any Federal or State law or regulation.
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS. 4.01 The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to manage the business in which it is engaged, to maintain order and efficiency, to hire, promote, transfer and to increase and decrease working forces provided that in carrying out these rights it does not violate the specific provisions of this Collective Agreement. Furthermore, the Union recognizes the right of the Employer to demote, suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause subject to the right of the employee affected to lodge a grievance as provided for in Article 7.
4.02 The Union further acknowledges that the Employer has the right to make and alter, from time to time, rules and regulations to be observed by employees, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
4.03 Subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement and in the interests of efficient operation, the Union agrees that the Employer may at any time, subject to reasonable notice to the Union, determine or change work schedules and assignments or methods. If there is a claim of discriminatory action by the Employer in this regard, the aggrieved employee may, if he/she so desires, make it the subject of a grievance in the manner hereinafter provided.
4.04 The Employer may engage students or other persons for summer and other temporary or special employment providing that such employment does not
THE EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS subject to this Agreement, include but are not limited to the following:
a) the right to maintain order, discipline, and efficiency; to make, alter, and enforce rules and regulations, policies, and practices to be adhered to by its employees; to discipline and discharge employees for just cause;
b) the right to select, hire, and direct the working force and employees; to transfer, assign, promote, demote, classify, layoff, recall, and suspend employees; to select and retain employees for positions excluded from the bargaining unit;
c) the right to operate and manage the Employer's business in order to satisfy its commitments and responsibilities; the right to determine the kind and location of business to be done by the Employer; the direction of the working forces; the scheduling of work; the number of shifts; the methods,