Travel Leave Sample Clauses
Travel Leave. A travel leave is one during which the unit member shall remain in travel status three and one-half (3-1/2) months for each semester of leave granted and the relation to present or prospective service to the District shall be specified by the applicant.
Travel Leave. A written report including a complete travel itinerary and a complete file of all pertinent materials collected and/or developed during the leave.
Travel Leave. A. A leave of absence without pay may be granted for travel. It is expected that this shall include a period for foreign travel. No experience credit will be allowed for a leave of absence for travel.
B. A leave of absence for travel shall be limited to one (1) year.
C. A Teacher shall be granted leave without pay for an award trip or to accompany a spouse on an awarded trip provided it cannot be taken outside of the school calendar year. For the purpose of this section, "award trip" shall be defined as one which has been granted to acknowledge business or professional accomplishments. The days are not to exceed five (5) school days and shall not be counted against an accumulated sick leave or personal leave days. No Teacher shall be granted such leave twice in a five (5) year period.
Travel Leave. A Travel Leave is one during which the employee shall remain in travel status two (2) months for each semester of leave granted. Travel is intended to benefit the faculty member and the District in the same manner as the other approved categories.
Travel Leave. A travel leave is granted to a bargaining unit member to travel outside of a 250-mile radius from the Ventura Unified School District’s administrative offices for educational purposes for a minimum of 60 percent of the time for which the leave is granted. A Professional Leave of Absence will normally be granted for a maximum of one school year. Granting of a second year leave of absence is at the discretion of the Governing Board of Education. All applications for Professional Leave of Absence should be on file in the Certificated Human Resources Department at least 60 days prior to the effective date of leave (except Study and Travel Leave). A seven (7) member Board of Review shall evaluate all applications for Professional Leave and make recommendation to the Superintendent. The following shall constitute the membership of the Board of Review: Three teachers shall be selected by the officially recognized teacher organization. Three administrators selected by the Superintendent or their designee. A file which includes a record of all requests shall be maintained by the Certificated Human Resources Department. The file shall contain reasons for granting or denying each request. Under the conditions of accepting a Professional Leave of Absence: NO VERTICAL MOVEMENT ON THE SALARY SCHEDULE IS TO BE ACHIEVED. MOVEMENT BETWEEN COLUMNS MAY RESULT FROM THE COURSE WORK TAKEN AND/OR DEGREES BY REASON OF THE LEAVE OF ABSENCE.
Travel Leave. Applicants who desire to travel shall submit a detailed plan of the proposed travel and an explanation of how the travel will relate to the schoolwork of said employee.
Travel Leave. After ten (10) years of service to the District, a faculty member may apply for a leave of absence for travel, without pay, for a period not exceeding one (1) academic year, to be taken on a one- (1) semester or two (2) semester basis.
Travel Leave. 1. When the teacher is on a Board-directed activity or approved field trip or extra-curricular trip where return to work is delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the teacher and the teacher has taken all reasonable steps to arrive on time, a leave of absence with pay shall be granted. Where the teacher has access to a telephone, the teacher should make all reasonable effort to inform the Principal or designate of the delay in the return, the reason for the delay and the expected time of arrival.
Travel Leave. A. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board of Education may grant a classified employee (with at least five years of credited service) a leave for purposes of travel for personal enlightenment, or to accompany a spouse, for a period not to exceed one (1) year. Such leave shall be without compensation.
B. Employees should request such leave in writing to the Division of Human Resources/Labor Relations allowing sufficient time for consideration and action. While on (authorized) leave, the position held by the classified employee will be filled by a substitute or temporary employee. Should the employee on leave not return to his/her position on the date agreed upon in the written grant of leave of absence, the position shall be considered open and the employee shall be terminated for cause (unexcused absence and/or abandonment of position) unless a resignation is received from the employee voluntarily terminating his/her employment.
Travel Leave. See Appendix D of this Agreement.