Acting Appointment Sample Clauses
Acting Appointment. Employees covered under this agreement shall be eligible for acting appointments and related compensation as set forth in University Policy Library Section 60.4.7-Acting Appointment-Administrative and Managerial, Professional, Supervisory and Confidential (MPSC) Staff. The employee shall be provided with a written copy of the Acting Appointment Form. If the Acting Appointment Form is not provided, the employee will not be responsible for performing the higher-level duties.
Acting Appointment. An Acting Appointment will occur when an Employee is temporarily assigned by the appropriate Manager/Chair to assume full responsibilities of a vacant position in a higher classification. During the Acting Appointment, the Employee will vacate the original position.
(a) During an Acting Appointment, the Employee shall receive the lesser of:
(i) the Employee’s regular salary, plus a premium of five percent (5%) of the Employee’s regular salary; or
(ii) the salary equivalent to what the Employee would receive if placed permanently in the higher classified position.
(b) An Employee in an Acting Appointment shall be able to return to the original position, subject to operational requirements. An Employee may request a return to the original position prior to the anticipated end of the Acting Appointment with one (1) month’s notice.
(c) The Employee shall be entitled to refuse an Acting Appointment without jeopardizing current employment, except in cases where operational necessities and/or statutory requirements for the University will not be met. There must be discussion between the Manager/Director and Employee.
(d) Upon returning to the original position, the Employee shall have the salary adjusted to that which would have been in effect if the Employee had continuously occupied the original position.
Acting Appointment. An employee may be appointed to fill any previously authorized position on an "acting" basis at the discretion of their Department Manager/Director, or EMT Member, subject to the established approval process. Such appointments shall not ordinarily exceed 90 calendar days except where unusual and/or unforeseen circumstances dictate otherwise, as determined by the General Manager/CEO.
Acting Appointment. (a) An Employee shall be eligible for acting appointment pay when required to temporarily perform the majority of duties of a higher level position. A written agreement shall be put in place stipulating the following: • The start and end dates of the acting appointment; • The specific duties to be performed; and • The rate of pay as determined in (f) below, The agreement will be signed off by the Employee, their supervisor and Human Resources.
(b) An Employee shall be entitled to refuse an acting appointment without jeopardizing their current employment.
(c) An acting appointment shall not exceed twelve (12) months, unless mutually agreed by the Employee, Employer and the Union.
(d) Acting provisions shall not apply where an Employee is designated additional limited duties to cover for an Employee absent for a period of four (4) weeks or less.
(e) An Employee designated to an acting appointment under Clause 23.01 shall fall under the terms and conditions of this Collective Agreement when the position is within the Union’s bargaining unit. If the position is not a Union position, the Employee shall request a leave of absence from their position in the bargaining unit and the terms and conditions of the appropriate constituent group shall apply during the appointment.
(f) When an Employee assumes an acting appointment position, the Employee’s regular salary shall become the greater of:
(i) Their original salary plus an equivalent of one step increase to their original salary, or
(ii) The minimum salary for the classification of the higher position.
(g) An Employee who is assigned to an acting position shall be guaranteed the option of returning to their regular position.
(h) An Employee may be returned to their regular position prior to the anticipated end of their acting appointment with one (1) month’s written notice.
(i) An Employee who has been serving in an acting position and returns to their regular position shall have their salary and anniversary date adjusted to that which would have been in effect, including any step increases, if the Employee had continuously occupied the original position.
Acting Appointment. When a vacancy exists, either because there is no incumbent or because the incumbent is temporarily absent, the Vice-President (Academic) will \ meet with the department to discuss the appointment. Acting appointments will not be for more than 12 months.
Acting Appointment. Where a Police Officer has been appointed to perform the duties of another Police Officer in a higher Rank, the Officer so appointed will receive an acting allowance, provided that the period for which he is acting is not less than twenty-eight (28) days.
Acting Appointment. If the Employer appoints an employee to an acting position for more than one week, it will pay the employee the rate of pay appropriate for that employee in the position for which he or she is acting.
Acting Appointment. The college may appoint a bargaining unit member to assume the responsibilities of a superior non-bargaining unit position in an acting capacity for a period not to exceed one (1) year when this position is temporarily vacant. The intent is to provide a continuity of function that would normally be interrupted due to the vacancy. Service in such position is voluntary on the part of the bargaining unit member. A bargaining unit member promoted to an acting appointment will hold all rights of appointment and will be compensated at a rate mutually agreeable to the bargaining unit member and the College. At any time up to but not to exceed one (1) year the bargaining unit member may return or be returned to the original title by the administration. In any event, the bargaining unit member shall have the right to return to his/her original title when the vacancy is filled. Temporary appointments are made for a fixed term not to exceed one (1) year when a position or need for services is not expected to be permanent. Temporary appointments automatically expire upon the final date of the appointment term and there should be no expectation of continued employment beyond the final date of the appointment term. Temporary employees are eligible, on a pro rata basis, for vacation, sick, and personal leaves and for holidays that fall on a regularly scheduled work day. A temporary employee’s eligibility for hospitalization and dental insurance shall be governed pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Temporary employees are not eligible for long-term disability insurance. In the event of multiple temporary appointments in the same administrative position totaling more than one (1) year and the subsequent probationary appointment of the same employee in the same position, such temporary service shall constitute one (1) year of probationary service.
Acting Appointment. When a vacancy exists, either because is no incumbent or because the incumbent is temporarily absent, the University may make an acting appointment for a period of not more than twelve months. Time permitting, the or equivalent shall first consult the appropriate according to procedures established within the Faculty.
Acting Appointment. Upon recommendation by the Department Director and approval by the City Manager, through the Employer’s internal processes, when a supervisory position is unoccupied, vacant, or the current employee is on extended leave, one (1) employee may be named to fill an Acting Appointment of the Supervisor. Upon such designation by the City Manager, the employee serving as the Acting Appointment shall perform the full duties and responsibilities of the position for a period of 40 hours or more. The employee appointed Acting will receive a flat rate of 10% increase based on the employee’s current rate of pay.