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ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. A. Assignment - annual designation of a position involving grade(s) and/or subject(s) within a school 1. When determining assignments, the principal or supervisor should give consideration to teacher’s years of experience in the proposed area of the assignment. 2. In arranging schedules for teachers who are assigned to more than one school, every effort will be made to limit the amount of interschool travel. Adequate travel time shall be allowed for teachers who are required to report to another school during the school day. Travel time shall be exclusive of lunch and planning. 3. All teachers will be given written notice of their class and/or subject assignments, and building assignments three (3) working days prior to July 15th. All teachers will be given electronic access to their salary schedules, sick leave, annual leave, and personal leave accumulated for the forthcoming year not later than July 30, except in cases of emergency. Any teacher may request and receive email or written confirmation of the salary and leave information identified in this Section. B. Reassignment - a change in assignment within a school during the school year 1. After a teacher has been assigned for the school year, it may be necessary to make a reassignment. When changes in grade assignment in the elementary schools and in subject assignments in the secondary schools are necessary, the parties agree that volunteers should be solicited whenever possible. Notice of reassignment shall be given to the teacher when possible at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the first day of pre-service week and twenty (20) calendar days prior to the date of change during the remainder of the year. 2. Reassignment will be made only after meeting between the teacher involved and the appropriate administrator, at which time the teacher will be notified in writing, upon request, of the reason or reasons. In the event that a teacher objects to the reassignment at this meeting, upon their request, the Superintendent or their representative will meet with them. 3. Any elementary school teacher reassigned to another grade level after the start of the student year will receive two (2) duty days of unassigned time to prepare for the new assignment. 4. In reassigning teachers, items in 7A.1 and A.2 will be considered.
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. 1. Student understands that, while the University will consider roommate preferences in making Unit assignments, final decisions regarding Unit assignments and roommate assignments will be made by the University in its sole discretion. 2. The University shall have the right to reassign Student to another unit at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, the welfare of residents, a violation of Community Standards or the Student Conduct Code; the need to accommodate facility operations, improvements, or repairs to Court 17 premises; to accommodate students with disabilities; to use available space more efficiently; or to further the best interests of the University and/or its community. 3. Student shall not change or switch to another Unit not assigned to Student by the University without written University approval to do so. Student may request a Unit change by contacting Residence Life. The University will subsequently inform Student whether Student’s request has been approved or denied. Such a decision shall be in the University’s sole discretion. In the event of a University- approved Unit change or reassignment, Student shall completely Vacate Student’s originally assigned Unit by the deadline given to Student by the University. If Student fails to do so, Student may be assessed $50, which Student agrees is a reasonable approximation of University’s administrative costs. Student may also be charged the pro-rata daily housing rate for both Units until Student Vacates the originally assigned Unit. If Student’s original Unit keys are not returned by the University designated deadline, Student will be assessed the cost for the University to have the lock(s) changed. 4. If Student makes a Unit change without prior University approval, Student may be assessed $50, which Student agrees is a reasonable approximation of University’s administrative costs. Additionally, the University may require that Student move back to Student’s originally assigned Unit by a deadline, or it may approve the Unit change. Student may be charged the pro-rata daily housing rate for both Units until either (1) the Unit change has been approved and Student has vacated Student’s originally assigned Unit or (2) Student has moved back to Student’s originally assigned Unit and vacated the unauthorized Unit. If Unit keys are not returned by appropriate deadlines, Student may also be assessed the cost for the University to have the lock(s) changed. Student understands that if...
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. A. Assignment - annual designation of a position involving grade(s) and/or subject(s) within a school 1. Consideration shall be given to new and nontenured teachers in making assignments, recognizing their lack of experience. 2. In arranging schedules for teachers who are assigned to more than one school, every effort will be made to limit the amount of interschool travel. Adequate travel time shall be allowed for teachers who are required to report to another school during the school day. Travel time shall be exclusive of lunch and planning. 3. All teachers will be given written notice of their class and/or subject assignments, and building assignments three (3) working days prior to July 15th. All teachers will be given electronic access to their salary schedules, sick leave, annual leave, and personal leave accumulated for the forthcoming year not later than July 30, except in cases of emergency. Any teacher may request and receive email or written confirmation of the salary and leave information identified in this Section. B. Reassignment - a change in assignment within a school during the school year 1. After a teacher has been assigned for the school year, it may be necessary to make a reassignment. Changes in grade assignment in the elementary schools and in subject assignments in the secondary schools will be voluntary except in cases of emergency. Notice of reassignment shall be given to the teacher when possible at least ten (10) days prior to the date of change in August and September and twenty
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. Employees are subject to assignment and reassignment (which may include transfer to another building) for stated reason(s) which are not arbitrary or capricious.
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. 8.1.1 Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfer - General The Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Board of Education, will make the assignment, reassignment and transfer of personnel. Transfer shall mean a change in work site. Reassignment shall mean a change in subject matter or grade level within a work site.
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. If the leave is declined or discontinued following the first posting but prior to the final posting, such teacher shall be entitled to displace the least senior teacher in his/her area of certification in accordance with the involuntary reassignment provisions of Article X (Assignment and Reassignment), Section 4 (
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. 1. The professional staff has the ultimate responsibility of providing the best possible education in the classroom.
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. 4 Assignments and reassignments are at the discretion of the principal and/or 5 administration. The following criteria may be utilized in determining assignments and
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENT. 17.1.1 Classified Personnel are appointed to serve the District as a whole rather than any separate school and assignment may be made at the discretion of the administration. Insofar as possible, consultations with employees are arranged with reference to placement to ensure the most productive working relationships. 17.1.2 Personnel are normally assigned to a given school or department for the entire year. However, an employee may at any time be assigned to the school or department of greatest need. 17.1.3 Appointments and assignments are functions of the Superintendent of Schools and are accomplished with the concurrent recommendation and agreement of the appropriate supervising school and/or District administrator. 17.1.4 Requests for reassignments to another school or department, within the same job classification, will be received in writing, at any time, and considered whenever a directly related job vacancy arises. Requests of this type may be submitted regardless of opportunities available at the time. Such transfers will be made in the best interests of the District and employee. 17.1.5 Recommendations for reassignment, or demotion to a lower classification, shall be for reasonable cause, including but not limited to the employee’s incompetence in performing the duty and in carrying out the responsibilities of the position.
ASSIGNMENT AND REASSIGNMENTThe Employer will attempt to avoid involuntary reassignments. However, employees are subject to assignment and reassignment (which may include transfer to another building) at any time at the discretion of the Employer and such decision shall not be grievable beyond Level 2.