Co-Curricular Assignments Sample Clauses
Co-Curricular Assignments. Section 1. Co-Curricular Assignments: Co-curricular assignments associated with additional compensation shall not be construed to be part of the continuing contract.
Co-Curricular Assignments. 1. The co-curricular program shall be considered an integral part of the educational program and all employees shall be encouraged to participate.
2. Co-curricular positions shall be compensated in accordance with the Co-curricular Salary Schedule, a copy of which can be found in Appendix D of the Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement. All responsibilities and work of the activity shall be assumed for the complete school year. Year-long activity and club sponsors will be compensated over twenty-one (21) pays commencing with the first regularly scheduled pay period of the school year. Seasonal co-curricular coaches and sponsors will be compensated over the course of their respective season or activity in the form of either seven (7) or fourteen (14) bi-weekly pay periods depending on the duration of the activity.
3. All co-curricular assignments shall be made known to Employees via electronic mail bulletin, through notices placed in a specifically designated location in each building, and at one (1) specific location in the District Office. Positions will be held open for at least five (5) school days.
4. The Superintendent or designee shall make annual assignments, based upon the recommendations of the building principals, as approved by the Board, following the required posting of positions. Employees shall be selected for assignment to a position based on their qualifications for that position and their seniority in that position as they relate to the needs of the district.
5. Co-curricular Assignments shall be made by mutual agreement in writing between the Employee and Administration and must be renewed each year. These agreements shall note the approximate date and amount of payment for the co-curricular activity.
6. To be considered for a co-curricular assignment, the interested Employee shall notify the Principal or designee in writing, by May 1 of the current year. The bottom of said form, when completed and mutually agreed to, will represent a formal approval for the co-curricular position indicated on it.
7. In the event that a co-curricular position is not filled by a qualified Teacher, a qualified non-teaching staff member may be hired. Qualified refers to possessing appropriate Illinois High School Association (IHSA) required credentials and other qualifications determined essential by the athletic director or activities director. If a non-staff member is chosen for a position over a union member, the administration will notify the union pr...
Co-Curricular Assignments. 2015-2017 Secondary Athletics Middle School Athletics Points @ 119.00 Head Year 1 Head Year 2 Head Year 11* Asst. Year 1 Asst. Year 2 Asst. Year 11* 2015-2017 Elementary Activities
Co-Curricular Assignments. The Association has the right to propose new co-curricular activities. At any time during the duration of this contract, the Association may add additional co-curriculars activities with approval from the Board. A separate written agreement shall be executed by the teacher and the Board setting forth the activity and the stipend to be paid. Each spring, and/or additionally as needed, the building principal, in collaboration with a building leadership team that includes REA leadership, will engage in discussion and decision-making regarding the co-curricular activities in GROUP B that will be offered the following school year. Student interest is to be considered when determining the specific activities to be offered. All changes to co-curricular activities must be approved in writing by both the REA president and the Superintendent or designee. All co-curricular activities approved and scheduled by the Board as part of the District’s program shall be supervised and directed by qualified individuals. District 12 teachers will be given priority for such positions. The current qualified holder of an extra-duty position will be retained in the position. In the event that no qualified bargaining unit member applies for a specific extra-duty position, the Board may subcontract such position for a period of one (1) year or less to a person not a member of the bargaining unit. As used herein, whether a teacher is “qualified” or not shall be determined by the Superintendent or designee, but such determination shall not be based primarily on the won-lost record, where applicable, nor on a decision of the teacher regarding participation by a specific student. The Board shall provide after-school supervision for athletes who remain at the Middle School until sports activities begin.
Co-Curricular Assignments. All teachers hired for the 2000-01 school year and thereafter may, at the option of the Board of Education, be required to assume one co-curricular assignment for a three (3) year period for such salary stipends as are contained within the teachers’ contract or as otherwise established by the Board. No teacher shall be required to assume a co-curricular activity in the first year of employment. .
Co-Curricular Assignments. Assignment Slots X.
Co-Curricular Assignments. Secondary Activities Elementary Activities
Co-Curricular Assignments. Classification on the Co-Curricular Assignment Schedule
Co-Curricular Assignments. Co-curricular assignments will be made with the consent of the teacher, unless emergency circumstances require the school district to assign a staff member and unless the school district has tried all other reasonable methods to find a volunteer.
Co-Curricular Assignments. The Article shall apply to all currently non-tenured Professional Educators in the Wilmington School District. Should the District be unable to staff the co-curricular program, the Board reserves the right to assign a Professional Educator to fill any vacant co-curricular position for any school year based on qualifications and seniority, starting with the least senior Professional Educator, not already meeting the co-curricular assignment requirements. If the district has an open position for co-curricular/extra-curricular assignments after it has hired and assigned individuals to fill such assignments, it will first advertise to all high school and middle school Professional Educators; second, it will advertise to all K-5 Professional Educator; third, it will ask support staff employees, if appropriate. If any such positions are still not filled, the teacher will be assigned in accordance with this article. There will be no time frame for advertisement.