Corrective Disciplinary Action Sample Clauses

Corrective Disciplinary ActionThe Department and the Association agree that the Aggravated/Mitigated Disciplinary Decision Guide (Exhibit B) will determine the appropriate level of discipline and the disciplinary process will proceed, as outlined in the Managing Employee Performance & Conduct: a Handbook for Divisions and Bureau Commanders. The Guide can only be modified through negotiations of the Department and Association. • All discipline will be documented on an Adjudication of Complaint form. The statements on the form must clearly outline the specific unacceptable performance or conduct, the specific violation(s) of Department Rules, Regulations, and/or Procedures which is alleged to have occurred and the discipline. The employee will be shown a copy of the Adjudication of Complaint, will be allowed to read it, and will then sign the form acknowledging receipt. The employee will be given a copy of the Adjudication of Complaint. • For minor performance or conduct issues, the supervisor or manager will have to show documentation of at least two (2) efforts to correct the problem. This will be evidenced by at least two (2) documented contacts. Having a minimum of two (2) documented counselings for minor issues enables the supervisor to correct issues without resorting to a disciplinary action. • Written Reprimand - This is the first level of discipline which is documented, and which may be placed in the employee's personnel file. • Suspension - Suspension is used when a written reprimand has not corrected the specific unacceptable performance or conduct. Suspension may be used as the first or second step when a disciplinary offense is clearly of such a serious nature that a suspension is the appropriate corrective action. • Termination - Termination is the final step of the progressive disciplinary process. Termination is used when all other efforts to correct a disciplinary situation have failed or when the nature of the offense is of such a serious nature as to warrant the immediate severance of the employee/employer relationship.
Corrective Disciplinary Action. Corrective/Disciplinary Action may be taken against any regular employee of the City up to and including termination of employment when employee performance or behavior is determined to be below expectations desired or outside the standards of the work environment. The City will administer a just cause progressive discipline approach up to and including termination of employment. However, the City reserves the right to determine the form of discipline to be imposed based on several factors, including but not limited to, the severity and frequency of the cause of action as well as the employment history of the employee. Grounds for Corrective Disciplinary Action Poor performance or any violation of a City rule, regulation, policy, procedure or ordinance may require Corrective/Disciplinary Action. The poor performance or violation may involve a single incident or a series of infractions. In this regard, acts which may be the basis for action up to and including termination of employment include, but are not limited to, the following: • Fraud in securing employment • Incompetence • Inefficiency • Inexcusable neglect of duty • Insubordination • Dishonesty • Unauthorized absence without leaveConviction of a felony or conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude • Continued or flagrantly discourteous treatment of the public or another employee • Improper political activity • Misuse or theft of City property • Violation of City rules, regulations, policies, procedures or ordinances • Other failure of good behavior either during or outside of duty hours which is of such a nature that it causes discredit to the City or an employee's employment or creates a conflict of interest • Falsifying and/or unauthorized removal or destruction of City records • Unauthorized possession of firearms or explosives • Harassment (sexual or otherwise) of another employee or member of the public • Gambling on duty or while on City property • Either (a) the sale, purchase, transfer, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or (b) the use of drugs which impair the senses or the ability to perform the job during normal working hours or on City premisesExcessive tardinessFailure to properly report absence Types of Corrective/Disciplinary Action Corrective/Disciplinary Action normally progresses from the least to the most severe action. However, some available actions may be bypassed depending upon the severity of the infraction. Nothing in this ...
Corrective Disciplinary ActionThe Department and the Association recognize the principle of progressive corrective action when discipline is needed. Discipline involves actions by supervisors in situations where employee conduct, or performance is unacceptable and there is clear intent to create a record of discipline. Discipline should be progressive in that it normally goes from a minor form of discipline to major disciplinary actions in predictable steps. Serious disciplinary offenses may result in the disciplinary procedure starting at some level other than written reprimand. The usual steps of discipline are:
Corrective Disciplinary Action. (1) It is the responsibility of the Program Director, or designee, to take informal or formal corrective disciplinary actions when a Physician in Training's conduct, performance, professional competence, ethical qualifications or character is below the level set by the program's standards or other applicable standards, such as professional ethics, Medical Staff or Hospital policies. (2) Under no circumstance will the parties terminate this Agreement without written notice and without providing the other party an opportunity to informally discuss, review, and adjudicate any dissatisfactions, differences or grievances that may exist as described in the grievance process. If a Physician in Training has a grievance during the term of this Agreement concerning the training program at CHLA, or an affiliating institution where training is received, the grievance shall be pursued only as against CHLA. (3) The following dispute resolution procedure shall apply when: a) a Physician in Training believes that there has been a misinterpretation of this Agreement, or the Hospital has failed to comply with this Agreement, or if a Physician in Training is dissatisfied with the operation of the training program as applied to the Physician in Training; or b) a correc- tive/disciplinary action has been recommended against the Physician in Training, but the recommendation does not constitute "grounds for hearing," as that term is defined in ARTICLE XI of this Agreement. STEP 1: The matter shall be informally discussed with the Program Director. If the Physician in Training's complaint is related to the Program Director’s behavior, he/she/they may skip Step 1 and start with Step 2. STEP 2: If the matter is not satisfactorily settled in Step 1, the Physician in Training may appeal in writing to the Division Head or Designated Institutional Official (DIO). The appeal shall include all pertinent facts and remedies requested by the Physician in Training. The Division Head or DIO shall request a response in writing from the Program Director and a recommendation for settlement. The Division Head, DIO, or designee will conduct whatever additional investigation he/she/they determine is necessary, if any, and then the Division Head or DIO shall render a decision regarding the appeal. In the event the same person is functioning as the Program Director as well as the Division Head, then the Department Head shall be substituted for the Division Head in Step 2. In the event the same person...
Corrective Disciplinary ActionDuring the term of this Agreement, Resident's/Fellow’s appointment is expressly conditioned upon satisfactory performance of all Program elements by Resident/Fellow. If the actions, conduct, or performance of Resident/Fellow are deemed by the Program Director to be inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, NCH’s or participating institutions’ standards of patient care, patient welfare, or the objectives of NCH, or if such actions, conduct, or performance reflects adversely on the Program or NCH or the participating institutions, or disrupts operations at the Program or NCH or the participating institutions, corrective action, including, but not limited to, suspension and termination, may be taken by the Program Director in accordance with the “Disciplinary Actions” Policy.

Related to Corrective Disciplinary Action

  • Right to Grieve Disciplinary Action Employees shall have the right to grieve written censures or warnings, and adverse employee appraisals. Employees shall have the right to rebut in writing any disciplinary notice and that rebuttal will be placed in the employee file, but will not be part of the formal disciplinary record. Should an employee dispute any such entry in his/her file, he/she shall be entitled to recourse through the Grievance Procedure and the eventual resolution thereof shall become part of his/her personal record.

  • Disciplinary Action (A) An employee who has attained permanent status in his current position may be disciplined only for cause. (B) An employee who has not attained permanent status in his current position shall not have access to the grievance procedure in Article 6 when disciplined. (C) Each employee shall be furnished a copy of all disciplinary actions placed in his official personnel file and shall be permitted to respond thereto. (D) An employee may request that a PBA Staff Representative be present during any disciplinary investigation meeting in which the employee is being questioned relative to alleged misconduct of the employee, or during a predetermination conference in which suspension or dismissal of the employee is being considered. (E) Letters of counseling or counseling notices are documentation of minor work deficiencies or conduct concerns that are not discipline and are not grievable; however, such documentation may be used by the parties at an administrative hearing involving an employee’s discipline to demonstrate the employee was on notice of the performance deficiencies or conduct concerns. (F) If filed within 21 calendar days following the date of receipt of notice from the DHSMV, by personal delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested, an employee with permanent status in his current position may appeal a reduction in base pay, involuntary transfer of over 50 miles by highway, suspension, demotion, or dismissal to the Public Employees Relations Commission under the provisions of section 110.227(5) and (6), F.S. In the alternative, such actions may be grieved at Step 2 and processed through the Arbitration Step without review at Step 3, in accordance with the grievance procedure in Article 6 of this Agreement. The DHSMV may have special compensatory leave equal to the length of a disciplinary suspension deducted from an employee’s leave balance in lieu of serving the suspension. An employee may indicate his preference as to whether to serve the suspension or to have special compensatory leave deducted, which preference shall be taken into consideration by the DHSMV in making its decision. If the employee does not have sufficient special compensatory leave, annual leave may be deducted. If there is not sufficient special compensatory or annual leave, the remainder of the period will be leave without pay. Employees from whom leave is deducted will continue to report for duty. The employee’s personnel file will reflect a disciplinary suspension regardless of whether the employee serves the suspension or has leave deducted. (G) Oral reprimands are not grievable. A written reprimand shall be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 6 if the employee has attained permanent status in his current position; the decision is final and binding at Step 2.

  • Disciplinary Actions Disciplinary Actions and Appeals shall be governed by SP&P, TSHRS regulations and TSHRS Disciplinary Action Policy 7G.l.

  • Causes for Disciplinary Action For purposes of this article, disciplinary action shall mean an unpaid suspension not to exceed thirty

  • No Disciplinary Action No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to work on a job or to operate any equipment which is not safe.

  • Notice of Disciplinary Action The Employer shall advise an Employee in writing of any disciplinary action taken including, but not limited to warning, reprimand, suspension, discharge or termination and the reasons in full for such action, at the time of taking any such action. The Employer shall also promptly provide the Union with a copy of each such disciplinary notice. If the matter is grieved by the Union, or otherwise litigated in any manner, the Employer shall be limited to those grounds (reasons) specified in the disciplinary notice for the action(s) taken.

  • Disciplinary Matters 2.6.1 Prior to the imposition of any disciplinary penalty, the Company shall hold a Disciplinary Interview, which shall replace Step 1 of the grievance process. 2.6.2 The Company shall provide the Union and any employees who may be disciplined three (3) days’ notice of the Interview. 2.6.3 The Interview shall take place between the Company, the Union and the accused individual. 2.6.4 The Company shall set out its allegations and except where the allegations could constitute a criminal offence, the Union or the individual(s) shall set out their version of the events. Minutes, but not a transcript, of the Interview setting out the substance of the discussion shall be taken. 2.6.5 The minutes of the meeting shall be provided to the Union and the accused individual(s) within seven (7) days of the Interview. 2.6.6 The Union and the accused individual(s) shall forward a written reply to the minutes, if any, within seven (7) days of receipt of the minutes. 2.6.7 Should the Company choose to impose discipline, the Union has ten (10) days to file a grievance commencing at Step 2. 2.6.8 Nothing in the disciplinary interview process is intended to interfere with the Company’s right to investigate matters.

  • Corrective Action Despite its right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Article, the LHIN may choose not to terminate this Agreement and may take whatever corrective action it considers necessary and appropriate, including suspending Funding for such period as the LHIN determines, to ensure the successful completion of the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Corrective Action Plan Within fifteen (15) Business Days following the establishment of the Joint Remediation Committee, the Purchasers, in consultation with the Sellers, shall prepare and submit to the Joint Remediation Committee an initial draft of the Corrective Action Plan. The parties shall work in good faith through the Joint Remediation Committee to finalize the Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days of the Purchasers’ submission of the initial draft of the Correct Action Plan. At the end of such period, if the Sellers reasonably determine that the Corrective Action Plan proposed by the Purchasers (as may be modified over the course of such period) would not reasonably be expected to satisfactorily address the Major Default, then the Sellers may escalate the issue to the Head of Commercial Capital (or equivalent leader of any successor business unit) of the Seller Group and the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank Assets Purchaser (the “Senior Executives”) and the Senior Executives shall work collaboratively (including with the Joint Remediation Committee) to develop a mutually agreeable Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days.

  • Disciplinary Appeals All forms of disciplinary action which are not appealable to the Civil Service Commission or the courts, except written or oral reprimands and Forms 475, shall be subject to review through Steps 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the grievance procedure.