Administrative Leave The Superintendent has the authority to place an employee on administrative leave if the Superintendent believes that it is in the best interests of the students, staff, or community. 20.12-1 If an administrative leave extends beyond ten (10) workdays, the employee and the Association will be notified by the Director of Labor and Employee Relations, or his/her designee, the reasons for the extension. 20.12-2 The employee placed on administrative leave will continue to receive full pay. All rules for active employees will continue to apply.
Discretionary Leave 1. Full-time employees, including those on extended contract, will be entitled to three (3) days of discretionary leave per school year. Employees on a contract of at least 50% but less than 100% will be awarded discretionary leave on a pro-rated basis. Short-term (less than 50% or less than 90 days) contracted employees are not eligible for discretionary leave. (Revised 1995, 1999, 2004) 2. Discretionary leave may be utilized for circumstances that are significant to the employee. (Revised 1995) 3. Except for emergencies, the employee will provide five (5) days prior written notice to his/her immediate supervisor. In emergency situations, the employee will, within two (2) days upon his/her return from such leave, submit the discretionary leave form. 4. Not more than 10% of the employees in any building may be absent on the same day for discretionary leave reasons. If more than 10% submit discretionary leave forms for the same day, leave will be granted based on the order in which forms are received in the principal's office. This limitation will not apply to emergency matters. 5. Discretionary leave is cumulative to five (5) days. (Revised 1995) 6. Discretionary leave accrued in excess of five (5) days will be added to accrued sick leave. (Revised 1995, 1999) 7. No more than five (5) days of discretionary leave may be used in any school year. 8. Discretionary leave not used at the time of termination of employment will be added to accrued sick leave for compensation under the Sick Leave Reimbursement Plan. (Revised 1995) 9. In the event of an emergency, the employee having used all accrued discretionary leave, may request up to two (2) additional days of leave with stated reasons and be docked the cost of the substitute. Such request is subject to Superintendent approval. 10. Discretionary leave will be used for approved sick leave purposes once the accrued and projected sick leave has been exhausted. Employees may not access the Sick Leave Bank or Sick Leave Donation until accrued and projected sick leave days and discretionary days have been used. See Sick Leave. (Adopted 1984; Revised 1988, 1995, 1999)
Annual Leave Loading During a period of annual leave an employee will receive a loading of 17.5 per cent calculated on the employee’s normal hourly rate of pay and the daily fares allowance if applicable. The loading will also apply to proportionate leave on lawful termination.
Paid Administrative Leave After notifying the Association, an Appointing Authority may place a supervisor on administrative leave for a period not to exceed two (2) weeks. The Commissioner of Minnesota Management & Budget may authorize the leave to be extended for a period not greater than another thirty (30) calendar days.