Definitions and Procedures. The District and the Association recognize the importance of the role of the Discipline Committee in reviewing issues involving student discipline on an ongoing basis. Committee membership will include special education and representation of teachers and school administrators from all three (3) school levels. The Committee will have the further responsibility and authority to review District policies and procedures and to make recommendations regarding the modification or enhancement of such policies and procedures. Furthermore, it is understood that discipline policy recommendations may be brought directly to the District Policy Subcommittee. If the Association believes that policies, procedures, or regulations regarding student discipline are not being properly followed, it may grieve such matters under Article VII.
Definitions and Procedures. None of the following shall be imposed unless the corrective disciplinary step has been imposed except in cases of serious misconduct.
Definitions and Procedures. This Grievance Procedure assures all employees of a prompt, impartial and fair hearing on their grievances.
Definitions and Procedures. 1. A grievance is a timely written and properly submitted complaint by a bargaining unit member or Association that the Board or Administration has violated an express provision of this contract. No grievance can be amended by a grievant after Step 2. The time lines on the grievant are to be strictly construed. The grievant’s failure to meet a timeline will result in a grievance being waived, unless such failure to meet a timeline is affected by the terms of this grievance procedure.
Definitions and Procedures. The formal evaluation is a process for improving the education of pupils through teacher professional growth and as a criteria for teacher contract renewal. Evaluation is an ongoing process encompassing the entire educational experience. The formal evaluation in compliance with the state-adopted Tulsa Model framework. Only certified administrators who have completed the Evaluation Certification training may conduct observations and evaluations. The building principal or the assistant principal(s) will have the sole responsibility for the evaluation. All observations will be a minimum of twenty (20) consecutive minutes. Electronic signatures for observations will be accepted while a hard copy signature is required for all evaluations and kept in the teacher’s site personnel file. A teacher can request a hard copy of either observations or evaluation. The signature of the teacher does not indicate agreement with the evaluation. The teacher may, within ten (10) working days of the evaluation respond to the evaluation in writing and said response will be attached to the formal evaluation. The response/rebuttal will be attached to the written evaluation. Any adverse evaluation of a teacher’s performance placed in the teacher’s site or official personnel file may be subject to the grievance procedure in accordance with Article 3.05: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES, of the Contract.
Definitions and Procedures. An approved leave is defined as scheduled leave time prearranged, approved, and authorized. An approved leave must be documented by a Request for Leave of Absence Form submitted prior to commencement of the leave and signed by the employee and appropriate appointing authority.
Definitions and Procedures. Unless defined in this Agreement or the context shall otherwise require, terms used and not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in Schedule A hereto, and unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all rules as to usage and procedural conventions set forth in Schedule A hereto shall govern this Agreement.
Definitions and Procedures. The formal evaluation is a process for improving the education of pupils through teacher professional growth and as a criteria for teacher contract renewal. Evaluation is an ongoing process encompassing the entire educational experience. The formal evaluation in compliance with the state-adopted Tulsa Model framework. Only certified administrators who have completed the Evaluation Certification training may conduct observations and evaluations. The building principal or the assistant principal(s) will have the sole responsibility for the evaluation. All observations will be a minimum of twenty
Definitions and Procedures. Agency and the Union agree it is vital that the supervisor/employee relationship encourages early recognition and resolve potential performance or conduct situations that could lead to disciplinary action.
A. For purposes of this Agreement, disciplinary action is defined as a written Letter of Reprimand or a Suspension from duty for fourteen (14) days or less. An adverse action is defined as a Suspension greater than fourteen (14) days, furlough without pay for thirty (30) days or less, removal, or involuntary reduction in grade or pay.
B. Admonishment and counseling are not formal disciplinary actions and are not subject to procedures in this Article. Non-Disciplinary actions may include written or verbal admonishments, Letters of Caution, Warning, Expectation, or Counseling. If a Letter of Admonishment or Counseling is issued, it will specify the reasons that give rise to the letter.
C. Disciplinary and adverse actions require just cause, are consistent with applicable laws and regulations, and are fair and equitable.
Article 6.1 of this Agreement states that eligible bargaining unit members are entitled to Union representation.
Definitions and Procedures. A. A formal observation (long or short) is a process in which a pre-conference, observation and post-conference occurs with a certified administrator/supervisor (hereafter referred to as the “observer”) and a certified staff member, followed by a written Observation Report. A formal observation shall be conducted for a minimum duration of one class period in a secondary school and for one complete subject lesson in an elementary school*. The observer and certified staff member will schedule a pre-conference prior to the day of the observation for a minimum of one short for tenured and one long for non-tenured employees. A post-conference will be scheduled within ten (10) working days of the observation. The observer will provide a written report to the certified staff member within fifteen (15) working days of the post-conference. The certified staff member shall sign the report indicating having seen and read the final report, but not necessarily his/her agreement. If the certified staff member wishes to submit additional comments to the observation report, he/she may do so within ten (10) working days. All comments will be attached to the observation report in the certified staff member’s personnel file. A formal short observation shall be subject to the same provisions above, with the exception that it shall be a minimum of 20 minutes in duration.
B. An informal observation (long or short) is an observation which will be no less than 20 minutes in duration and does not require prior notification of the visit by the observer. A post- conference will be scheduled within ten (10) working days of the observation. The observer will provide a written report to the certified staff member within fifteen (15) working days of the post- conference. The certified staff member shall sign the report indicating having seen and read the final report, but not necessarily his/her agreement. If the certified staff member wishes to submit additional comments to the observation report, he/she may do so within ten (10) working days. All comments will be attached to the observation report in the certified staff member’s personnel file.