Difference. Any difference arising between the Parties as to the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the Agreement, including any difference arising over the suspension or dismissal of an employee, and including the question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, shall be finally and conclusively resolved without stoppage of work in the following manner:
Difference. This is calculated by deducting the ‘Closing Inventory – Calculated’ total from the ‘Closing Inventory – Physical’ total reported on the Packaged Product Movement Summary.
Difference. This is calculated by deducting the ‘Closing Inventory – Calculated’ total from the ‘Closing Inventory – Physical’ total reported on the Packaged Product Movement Summary. The shrinkage allowance takes into account an acceptable volume of Product that may be consumed or written-off in BC due to normal manufacturing and warehousing activities. By allowing this, a manufacturer does not have to fully document each instance of breakage/destruction which may occur. The rate depends on the annual production volume of the manufacturer. The current rate of the LDB shrinkage allowance is 1.75% of ‘Total Calculated Packaged Product Moved in BC’ for the annual production of packaged wine-other products, and 0.50% for packaged cider and refreshment beverage products' annual production. This portion of the Packaged Product Movement Summary calculates the Total Deductions Subject to LDB Xxxx-up. If the amount is positive, you owe the LDB xxxx-up because your non- sale inventory deductions exceed the LDB shrinkage allowance. The LDB will invoice you to recover the xxxx-up value based on the LDB Established Retail Price of the excess volume of the unaccounted movement of inventory. With the submission of your Packaged Product Movement Summary report, you must provide the LDB a listing of all the Warehouses located in British Columbia where you stored any of your Product as at March 31.
Difference. All matters, questions, disputes, differences or claims arising between the Parties as to the effect, interpretation or application of this Agreement or as to their rights, duties or liabilities hereunder, or as to any act, matter or thing arising out of consequent to, or in connection with this Agreement (hereinafter called the Difference’) will be resolved amicably through negotiations. Such negotiations will commence within a period of seven (7) working days of the issue of notice in writing by either party calling for the same (hereinafter called ‘the Notice’).
Difference. This declaration shall be reviewed by an independent auditing firm and attached to the auditor’s report prepared by the said firm. The declaration shall only focus on recyclable containers that have a deposit or should have a deposit according to the Agreement relating to the Deposit, Recovery and Recycling of Non-Refillable Soft Drink Containers effective at the date of the Declaration Agreement of January 1, 2016 entered into and concluded pursuant to the Act respecting the sale and distribution of beer and soft drinks in non-returnable containers Name or Corporate Name of Applicant: Legal Status: ❒ Legal person or Partnership1 ❒ Sole Ownership Quebec Business Number2: Date of Incorporation: Shareholders or Partners: Directors: Executive Officers: 1 If the Applicant is a legal person or a partnership, the Registrant must annex a certified resolution of the directors or of the partners, as the case may be, authorizing the signatory to sign this registration form. 2 Or a copy of the Company’s Incorporation Deed. Mailing Address (if different): List of principal activities of the Applicant (as a percentage of total business volume): The Applicant has a Soft Drink distribution and recovery network for Softs Drink using vehicles principally dedicated for this purpose (check): No ❒ Yes ❒ If Yes, in the following areas: Environment and the Fight against climate change an application to obtain a permit pursuant to the Act respecting the sale and distribution of beer and soft drinks in non-returnable containers.
Difference. All matters of differences arising between the Licensor and the Licensee in any matter connected with or arising out of this licence whether as to interpretation or otherwise, shall be determined by the Licensor but without prejudice to any recourse available under law.
Difference. Any difference arising between the Parties as to the interpretation, application, operation or violation of the Agreement, including any difference arising over the suspension or dismissal of an employee, and including the question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, shall be finally and conclusively resolved without stoppage of work in the following manner: The Shop Xxxxxxx, with the employee, shall first discuss the incidentwith the Supervisorwithin thirty (30)days of the occurrence of the incident. The Unionshall be entitled to the useof a tape recorder at this discussion. If the matter is not resolvedwithin five (5) working days, then; The matter will be submitted within (3)working days in writing to and discussed with the Secretary-Treasurer, or in absencetheAssistant Secretary-Treasurer. Shouldthe matter not be resolved at this stage within five (5) working days, then; The matter will be discussed within five (5) working days between the GrievanceCommitteeof the Board of School Trustees of School District No. consisting of at least three (3) representatives of the Board of School Trustees of DistrictNo. at least one Trustee, and a Grievance Committee of the Union consisting of at least three (3) representatives of the Union. Should the grievance not beresolvedwithin ten (10)working days, then the matter shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration appointed in the Within five (5)workingdays, each Partyshall appoint one(1) member to the Boardof Arbitration. The third member, who shall be Chairpersonof the Arbitration board, shall be appointed by the Parties' appointees. Shouldthe Parties' appointees be unable to agree on a Chairpersonwithin five (5) days of the appointment of the member last appointed, then the Chairperson shall be appointed by the Ministerof Provinceof BritishColumbia. The Partiesmay, as an alternative, chooseto havea singlearbitrator to the issue; ineither casethe appointment shall be madewithin (30)days of referral. The majority decisionof the Boardof or singlearbitratorshall befinal and bindinguponthe Board of SchoolTrusteesof School District No. the Unionand the concerned. Each Partyshall pay the of its appointee and one-half of the cost of the Chairperson, or one-half of the cost of the single arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be mutually agreed upon. Should the Board of Arbitration find that an employee has been suspended or dismissed for other thanjust cause, the Boardof Arbitration may direct the BoardofSchoolTrustees of Sch...
Difference. Any difference arising between the parties as to the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of this agreement, including any differences over the suspension or dismissal of an employee, and including the question as to whether the matter is arbitrable, shall be finally and conclusively resolved without stoppage of work in the following manner: designate and shall try and resolve the matter within five (5) working days. Where the matter is not resolved in Stage 1, then:
Difference. As a Catholic School, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx makes a difference in the education of young people. Xxxxx Xxxxxx is the center of our school where emphasis is on religious education and moral development. Consistent, solid discipline, a structured teaching environment, and high standards characterize our school. Our achievement levels are consistently higher than the national average. National public research shows it is the faith community partnership which directly contributes to this achievement. The following sets forth the nature, dynamics and character of the relationship between the School and its students and their parents. This summary will allow both students and parents to clearly understand their rights and obligations while attending Xxxxxx Xxxxxx and it will minimize any potential misunderstandings in this regard. It is understood that by seeking enrollment in and attending Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, the applicants, students and their parents understand and agree to this statement of rights and obligations. It is part of your agreement with the School. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx warmly welcomes all of the students accepted for the coming school year and will work hard to provide them with a Catholic and academic education in a supportive learning environment. It is understood and agreed by the Xxxxxx Ludden’s students, and their parents, that students shall obey our Code of Conduct, observe the rules and regulations and perform the academic work required so as to result in sufficient academic success while attending Xxxxxx Xxxxxx. It is also understood and agreed that our students attend Xxxxxx Xxxxxx at Xxxxxx Ludden’s invitation, and not pursuant to any right that a student or parent may possess. The admission to, and continued attendance at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx require students to behave consistent with the Code of Conduct, all other rules and regulations, and in a manner befitting a student of a Catholic institution. These responsibilities exist both inside and outside of the classroom and during all school functions, whether on campus or located elsewhere. In order to protect its standards of academics, discipline and character, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student at any time, for any reason deemed sufficient in the sole discretion of the School and its administrators. Through their application enrollment into Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, all students and their parents and/or legal guardians, concede and acknowledge that the School has this right. By a stu...
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