Final Exams. All students enrolled are required to take final exams. Exams schedules may vary by program and high school. Students will be made aware of final exam dates and times by the instructor. WATC students take final exams on campus during a two-hour time frame. The parent/guardian gives permission for the student to leave the classroom after each final exam they take during their time as a WATC student.
Final Exams. Teaching faculty shall meet with students during the assigned finals time as indicated in the approved Final Exam schedule.
Final Exams. Final Exams will be scheduled at the end of the fourth marking period and will include the classes from the chart above. We encourage you to take this exam seriously and demonstrate your competencies in the above classes. The schedule for final exams will be released later in the school year. Dual Enrollment
Final Exams. Last Day of Classes – End of 2nd Semester 5 Teacher In-service Calendar Subject to Change
Final Exams. The dates for final exams vary but are generally scheduled for the last week of each semester. *An excusal from final exams will take a medical note in order to take them on a different day Pre-approved absences during finals week are not allowed.
Final Exams. Adjunct instructors shall be paid at the lecture rate for final exams.
Final Exams. All Gwinnett Online Campus students must take any required Interims, Post-Tests, Final Exams and GA Milestones End of Course (EOC) or End of Grade (EOG) assessments in a proctored setting at the Gwinnett Online Campus location. The specific dates for these assessments will be provided on the school website. Exceptions are not granted for honor graduates or seniors. GCPS follows state guidelines for requirements of Georgia Milestones EOC or EOG. Failure to attend a required test will result in a grade of 68 being issued (or the grade the student has earned if lower) until the test is taken. All parents and students should be aware that assessment dates are tentative at the beginning of a school year and are subject to change. For up-to-date test information, visit the assessment section of the GOC website prior to any testing window.
Final Exams. Teachers will be allowed to leave campus each day of final exams after all professional obligations for final exams have been completed (submission of all grade records to the main office and the assigned grade level principal per each building’s check-out procedure). If the the assigned grade level principal is unavailable, the teachers will turn in their records to the designated Administrator. To ensure there is equity regarding the order of finals, Administration will flip exam periods from one semester to the next so that the last periods to have their exams during the first semester will be the first to have their exams during the second semester. However, if it is determined that the flipping of exam periods cannot be done, the Administration will advise the Union in writing as to the specific reasons and the flipping requirement may be waived. Final exam schedules shall be finalized and distributed to teachers no later than the first day of each semester for the corresponding semester’s exams. Teachers may check out on the last contractual work day once pay checks are received from the District office and verified by the building’s main office. When teachers are ready to check out, there will be available staff to permit checkout procedures for teachers. On the last day of the second semester when teachers are to receive their checks, someone will be available to distribute the checks once the teachers have completed their obligations and are ready to leave. In the event of a school emergency to which the Administration must respond, checkout may be delayed. In addition, teachers will be remotely available for the remainder of the workday to address any issues regarding the check-out and/or other professional obligations.
Final Exams. Part-time faculty shall be paid at the lecture rate for final exams.
Final Exams. 4.8.1 Individual School sites in Secondary Education will develop final exam schedules that meet the minimum daily instructional minute requirements included in SB 98.