Emergency Cash Sample Clauses

Emergency Cash. In the event of the Insured Person having a loss of essential travel documents abroad that prevents the Insured Person from completing the commenced Covered Trip, the Company will pay HK$500 each calendar day, up to the maximum Amount of Benefit stated in the Schedule until the earliest of the following: a) the document is replaced or recovered; or b) the Insured Person can continue the Covered Trip; or c) the Insured Person can leave the place where loss occurred. Such loss must be reported to the police having jurisdiction over the place of loss. The police report should be filed within 24 hours of the loss. This section does not cover any a) fine or penalty incurred due to non-replacement or late replacement of the documents by the Insured Person. b) loss or damage arising from or due to confiscation, detention or destruction by customs, other authorities or government officials. c) loss not reported to the local police or public authority within twenty-four (24) hours of after the incident and a police report obtained. d) unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance. e) loss or damage more specifically insured by any other insurance policies. (applicable to 5c only)
Emergency Cash. Advance of emergency funds following loss or theft of cash overseas will be provided when there is a loss of Money and will result in a claim under the Policy. Any amount advanced will be deducted from any subsequent valid claim or otherwise reimbursed to the Insurer. Any fees that occur as a result of using the Business Class Assistance will be repayable. This service does not extend to cover credit cards or debit cards lost or stolen, but advice on cancellation of lost or stolen financial cards or travellers’ cheques overseas. Refer to Section B3 for the insurance details.
Emergency Cash. 28.1 If a debit or ATM card issued by us on an Account is lost, stolen or ceases to function properly and all other means of gaining access to cash in emergency circumstances have been exhausted you may request emergency cash using the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service. Emergency Cash by contacting the Bank by telephone. 28.2 When you request emergency cash from the Bank, we will only use the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service if no other option is available. When we process a Western Union® Quick Cash® request, we will do so immediately, subject to there being sufficient funds in your Account, as per your instruction, using the information provided by you. We will advise you of your unique transaction code and we will debit your Account immediately for the value of cash requested by you for collection at a Western Union® Agent location. 28.3 Before we process your request you must agree to us debiting your account for the value requested. You must keep a record of the unique transaction code which we will provide to you following your request and you must present at a Western Union® Agent location where you can collect your cash upon validation of your unique transaction code and government issued photographic ID by the Western Union® Agent and by following the instructions applicable at the Western Union® Agents which are in place at the time of your transaction. 28.4 Times for collection of cash at Western Union® Agent locations is subject to each Western Union® Agent's individual hours of business. The transaction remains valid for 30 days. After that point, if the cash has not been collected from a Western Union® Agent the value will be credited back to your Account. 28.5 The Western Union® Quick Cash® Service .is available for Euro cash only. 28.6 The Western Union® Quick Cash® Service can be used up to a maximum of two times a day. The bank will impose a maximum limit on the amount of cash as notified by us from time to time that can be provided using the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service. 28.7 While We will make reasonable efforts to provide the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service., we will not be liable for any failure to provide the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service., in part or full, for any cause that is beyond our reasonable control. This includes, in particular, any suspension of the Western Union® Quick Cash® Service. resulting from maintenance and upgrades to our systems or those of any party used to provide the Western Union® Quick Cash®...
Emergency Cash. In the event of the Insured having a loss of essential travel documents abroad that prevents the Insured from completing the commenced Covered Trip, the Company will pay MOP500 for Prestige Plan and MOP200 for Express Plan in respect of each calendar day, up to MOP3,000 for Prestige Plan and MOP1,000 for Express Plan, until the earliest of the following: a) the document is replaced or recovered; or b) the Insured can continue the Covered Trip; or c) the Insured can leave the place where loss occurred. Such loss must be reported to the police having jurisdiction over the place of loss. The police report should be filed within 24 hours of the loss. Exclusions (applicable to 5c and 5d) This section does not cover any a) Fine or penalty incurred due to non-replacement or late replacement of the documents by the Insured. b) Loss or damage arising from or due to confiscation, detention or destruction by customs, other authorities or government officials. c) Loss not reported to the local police or public authority within twenty-four
Emergency Cash. If, while the Insured Person is on a Trip, a mechanical breakdown to a Private Passenger Automobile or Recreational Vehicle occurs and continued travel is not possible, We will reimburse up to the daily benefit amount for Emergency Cash shown in Section IV-C of the Schedule of Benefits for the cost of food and temporary lodging until travel continuation by the Insured Person becomes possible. In no event will We reimburse for more than the maximum number of days per Trip shown in Section IV- C of the Schedule of Benefits. We will not pay more than the Maximum Benefit Amount for Emergency Cash, as shown in Section IV- C of the Schedule of Benefits, in any 12-month period regardless of the number of Emergency Cash claims incurred in that 12-month period. Limitation on Emergency Cash: Coverage is limited to one (1) Emergency Cash claim per Trip for all If, while the Insured Person is on a Trip, an Accident causes an Insured Person to obtain treatment in an emergency room of a Hospital, We will pay the Benefit Amount for Emergency Room Cash shown in Section IV-C of the Schedule of Benefits. We will not pay more than the Maximum Benefit Amount for Emergency Room Cash, as shown in Section IV-C of the Schedule of Benefits, in any 12-month period regardless of the number of Emergency Room Cash claims incurred in that 12-month period. Limitation on Emergency Room Cash: Coverage is limited to one (1) Emergency Room Cash claim per Insured Person during any one Trip. If the Insured Person's Accidental Bodily Injury, disease or illness occurs while on a Trip and requires the Medical Evacuation or Repatriation of the Insured Person while the Insured Person is on a Trip, then We will pay the Covered Expenses for such Medical Evacuation or Repatriation up to the Benefit Amount for Medical Evacuation and Repatriation, shown in Section IV-C of the Schedule of Benefits. The Benefit Amount for Medical Evacuation or Repatriation is payable in addition to any other applicable Benefit Amounts under this policy. The Medical Evacuation or Repatriation must be ordered by a Physician, who certifies that the Medical Evacuation or Repatriation is necessary to prevent death or serious deterioration of the Insured Person's medical condition. The Medical Evacuation or Repatriation must be approved and arranged by Our Assistance Services Administrator.
Emergency Cash. In the event of the Insured Person having a loss of essential travel documents abroad that prevents the Insured Person from completing the commenced Covered Trip, the Company will pay HK$500 for each calendar day, up to the maximum Limit of Indemnity stated in the Schedule until: 1) the document is replaced or recovered; or 2) the Insured Person can continue the Covered Trip; or 3) the Insured Person can leave the place where loss occurred, whichever is the earliest. Such loss must be reported to the police having jurisdiction over the place of loss within 24 hours of discovery and obtain a report. This section does not cover any 1) loss arising from or due to confiscation, detention or destruction by customs, other authorities or government officials; 2) unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance.
Emergency Cash. If the Insured Person experiences a loss of essential travel documents outside Hong Kong that prevents the Insured Person from completing the commenced Covered Trip, the Company will pay the daily Amount of Benefit per calendar day up to the maximum Amount of Benefit stated in the Schedule, until the earliest of the following: a) the document is replaced/recovered; or b) the Insured Person can continue the Covered Trip; or c) the Insured Person can leave the place of loss. Proof of such loss must be obtained by a report to the police having jurisdiction over the place of loss. The police report should be filed within 24 hours of the loss.
Emergency Cash. 9.1 The Cardmember can use the Card to access cash in an emergency from Automated Teller Machines (“ATMs”) located at branches of Citibank and from other locations as decided periodically subject to the additional terms applicable to usage of ATMs. The Card can be used to withdraw cash from all ATMs overseas which carry the Visa or MasterCard logos if the Cardmember holds a Visa or a MasterCard, or the Diners Club or Cirrus logo if the Cardmember holds a Diners Club Card. 9.2 The minimum and maximum amount that can be accessed in a single charge on the Card will be specified or fixed by Citibank periodically. The total amount that can be outstanding at any point in time would be governed by limits set up periodically. The Cardmember is advised to retain the record of the charge transaction generated by the ATM with him. A transaction fee would be levied on all such charges and would be billed to the Cardmember in the next Statement. A transaction fee of 2.0% in case of MasterCards or Visa Cards (subject to a minimum of Rs. 300 at Citibank ATMs and a minimum of US $ 7.5 at international ATMs) and 3% in case of Diners Club Cards (subject to a minimum of Rs. 250 at Citibank ATMs and a minimum of US $ 5 at international ATMs) will be levied. The transaction fee is subject to change at the discretion of Citibank from time to time with prior notice to the Cardmember. All cash advances also carry an interest charge from the date of withdrawal until the date of settlement by the Cardmember. The interest charge ,as applicable is subject to change at the discretion of Citibank from time to time with notice to the Cardmember. 9.3 The Cardmember has the facility of accessing cash through the use of the Card in the ATMs that accept the Card. To enable such use, an ATM-Personal Identification Number (“A-PIN”) will be issued to the Cardmember and for the convenience of the Cardmember, the A-PIN will, at the risk of the Cardmember, be encoded on the Card prior to its delivery to the Cardmember. The Cardmember agrees that: (a) The A-PIN may be subsequently communicated to the Cardmember by post and entirely at risk of the Cardmember; (b) The Cardmember shall not disclose the A-PIN to any person and shall take all possible care to prevent its discovery by any person; (c) The Cardmember shall be fully liable to Citibank for all transactions made with the A-PIN and / or the Card whether with or without the knowledge of the Cardmember. However, in case of loss or theft of the ...
Emergency Cash. In the event of the Insured Person having a loss of essential travel documents abroad that prevents the Insured Person from completing the commenced Covered Trip, the Company will pay HK$500 each calendar day, up to the maximum Amount of Benefit stated in the Schedule until the earliest of the following: a) the document is replaced or recovered; or b) the Insured Person can continue the Covered Trip; or c) the Insured Person can leave the place where loss occurred. Such loss must be reported to the police having jurisdiction over the place of loss. The police report should be filed within 24 hours of the loss. This section does not cover any a) fine or penalty incurred due to non-replacement or late replacement of the documents by the Insured Person. b) loss or damage arising from or due to confiscation, detention or destruction by customs, other authorities or government officials. card(s) for purchases during the Covered Trip and service charges, if the Insured Person suffers loss of life during the Covered Trip, where 1) Benefit under Coverage 2a Accident on Public Common Carrier or caused by armed Robbery or 2b Other Accident is payable and 2) the Insured Person is legally liable to the outstanding balance and services charges.
Emergency Cash out An employee may request that all or a portion of their vacation time balance be converted to cash. Such request shall be limited to unexpected and immediate financial hardship or the onset of a debilitating physical condition, where the employee is no longer able to perform duties of their position and must be approved by the City Manager.