EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. Group Insurance benefits will be administered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Group Insurance Policy. All employee group insurance changes (other than Life and A.D.&D.) will become effective January 1, 2010. The employee Group Insurance Plan shall consist of : April 1, 2008 $39,000 $39,000 The Weekly Indemnity Plan shall be 66-2/3% of the employee’s basic weekly earnings/pay. Medical reports or authorizations requested by the Company shall be paid for by the Company. NOTE: These changes will take place only for those employees who are actively at work as of the effective date and for all other employees as of the first full day of active employment thereafter. If during the life of this Collective Agreement, federal or provincial governments shall introduce legislation or amendments to existing legislation to provide benefits already covered by this plan, the Company shall have the right to full integration of both benefits and costs. Any savings arising out of such integration shall be allocated in accordance with the cost sharing agreements in force at the effective date thereof, and shall be used to reduce employee cost if applicable. The Company will contribute the amount needed to maintain the actual level of benefits but will not be required to contribute a greater amount than presently outlined in this Collective Agreement. - $25,000 Maximum per person per calendar year - $25.00 Deductible Individual per calendar year - $50.00 Deductible Family per calendar year - A prescription drug card will be issued. After deductible is satisfied, prescription drugs paid at 100%, 90% for all other covered expenses (chiropractor, psychological disorders, etc.) up to $1000 per individual or $2000 per family out-of-pocket limitation. Thereafter, covered expenses (subject to insurance company contract maximums) reimbursed at 100% up to a calendar year limit of $25,000 per person. The Company will pay 90% of the monthly premium rate of the Major Medical Plan. Employees will pay 10% of the monthly premium rate of the Major Medical Plan.
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. (a) All regular employees may join the medical plan (PPO) currently administered by Cigna (the Plan), subject to changes in State or Federal law amended as follows effective July 1, 2012. Premium Co-Pay is as follows:
(1) Employees hired before 1/1/05 - 15% Medical/Health and Dental
(2) Employees hired after 1/1/05 - 20% Medical/Health and Dental Office Visit Co-Pay: effective July 1, 2012 - $ 5.00 effective July 1, 2013 - $10.00 effective July 1, 2014 - $15.00 Prescription Co-Pay: effective July 1, 2012 - $ 3.00 / $ 6.00 effective July 1, 2013 - $ 5.00 / $10.00 effective July 1, 2014- $10.00 / $15.00 Prescription mail order: (90/100 day supply; 1.5 times prescription co-pay beginning July 1, 2013) effective July 1, 2012 - $ 0.00 effective July 1, 2013 - $ 7.50 / $15.00 effective July 1, 2014 - $15.00 / $22.50 Effective 1/1/05, employee medical/dental contributions shall be tax exempt as provided for in an IRS sanctioned 125 Plan. Effective July 1, 2016, as an additional option in lieu of selecting the Town’s PPO Plan currently administered by Cigna, the Town will offer a voluntary High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) health plan option with a $2,000 deductible for single coverage and a $4,000 deductible for family coverage (which includes two person coverage). The Town will contribute 50% of the respective deductible on July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2017 for each employee enrolled in the HDHP/HSA. Once the deductible is met, members are responsible to continue paying a prescription drug co-pay of $10.00 (generic) and $15.00 (brand) as well as 1½ times the prescription co-pay for mail order 90/100 day supply. Premium Co-pay for the HDHP/HSA is as follows: Employees hired before 1/1/05 – 13% of the allocation rate Employees hired after 1/1/05 – 18% of the allocation rate Employees may voluntarily elect to enroll in the HDHP/HSA Plan at the time of hire or annually during open enrollment.
(b) Retired employees, who are eligible for post retirement medical benefits as provided under paragraph (d) below, that were hired prior to 7/1/09 and their spouses when each reaches age 65 will be covered 100% by the Town under the Medicare Supplemental Plan provided in conjunction with the "Plan" outlined in Paragraph (a) above.
(c) Retired employees, who are eligible for post retirement medical benefits as provided under paragraph (d) below, that were hired after 7/1/2009 and their spouses when each reaches age 65 will be covered 50% by ...
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. (a) Effective 1/1/05, employee medical/dental contributions shall be tax exempt as provided for in an IRS sanctioned 125 Plan. Effective July 1, 2018, the Town will offer a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) health plan with a $2,000 deductible for Single Coverage and a $4,000 deductible for Family and Two Person Coverage. The Town will contribute 70% of the respective deductible on July 1, 2018 and will contribute 50% on both July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2020 toward each employee enrolled in the HDHP/HSA. Once the deductible is met, members are responsible to continue paying a prescription drug co-pay of $10.00 (generic) and $15.00 (brand) as well as 1½ times the prescription co-pay for mail order 90/100 day supply. Premium Co-Pay for the HDHP/HSA is as follows: Employees shall contribute 13% of the insurance annual premium for the first year of this agreement. Effective July 1, 2019, employees shall contribute 15% of the premium.
(b) Retired employees, who are eligible for post retirement medical benefits as provided under paragraph (d) below, that were hired prior to 7/1/09 and their spouses when each reaches age 65 will be covered 100% by the Town under the Town’s Medicare Supplemental Plan.
(c) Retired employees, who are eligible for post retirement medical benefits as provided under paragraph (d) below, that were hired after 7/1/2009 and their spouses when each reaches age 65 will be covered 50% by the Town under the Town’s Medicare Supplemental Plan.
(d) Effective 1/1/97, the Town shall provide post-retirement medical benefits to the retiree and family under the following formula: This coverage shall be provided from the day of retirement until the date upon which said retiree shall become eligible for the Medicare Supplement Plan under the Contract except that coverage will not be extended to retirees who are eligible to receive health insurance benefits from or through another employer as long as the benefits are substantially equivalent or better than those currently in effect. To be eligible for benefits hereunder, each retiree shall declare annually and in writing that he/she does not have such comparable coverage available and provide the Town with suitable information including but not limited to copies of relevant coverages available to the retiree/survivor. If no such information and written declaration are received, the Town shall be permitted to drop the coverage on said retiree/survivor after due notice of...
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. The extension to Retek's and RIS' employees of those HNC employee group insurance benefits specifically listed in Part 1 of Attachment II to this Exhibit A that are currently provided to HNC employees; provided that HNC shall not be obligated to provide such group insurance to Retek and RIS employees if (i) HNC ceases to provide such group insurance to HNC employees; (ii) HNC is not permitted to extend such employee group insurance to Retek or RIS employees by the providers of such group insurance; or (iii) the extension of such group insurance to Retek employees is not permitted under the agreements and documents governing such group insurance or is not permitted under applicable law. No other employee group insurance shall be provided by HNC to employees of Retek or RIS unless otherwise explicitly agreed to in writing by HNC.
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. The Town shall provide, for active employees and their dependents, the following insurance plans or their equivalent: All Union employees will participate in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Savings Account (HSA) or Health Retirement Account (HRA), with the following premium cost shares: Year 1 - Town contributes eighty-five percent (85%) of the premium cost and each employee contributes fifteen percent (15%) of the premium cost for his/her coverage. Year 2 - Town contributes eighty-five percent (85%) of the premium cost and each employee contributes fifteen percent (15%) of the premium cost for his/her coverage. Year 3 - Town contributes eighty-five percent (85%) of the premium cost and each employee contributes fifteen percent (15%) of the premium cost for his/her coverage. The HDHP shall have an Annual Deductible of $2000 for single/$4000 for family. The HSA will be funded by the Town as follows: January 1, 2024 – $800 Single / $1600 2-person or family January 1, 2025 – $500 Single / $1000 2-person or family January 1, 2026 – $0 Single / $0 2-person or family For those employees who are eligible for insurance through the Town but are ineligible to participate in the HSA or commence employment with the Town after February 1 and before December 1, the Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Century Preferred - PPO plan shall be provided until the employee is eligible to participate in the HSA the following January 1 with the Town contributing eighty percent (80%) of the cost and each employee contributing twenty percent (20%) of the cost for his/her coverage. The Town shall offer eligible employees Anthem Dental Benefits with the Town contributing eighty-five percent (85%) of the cost and each employee contributing fifteen percent (15%) of the cost for his/her coverage. For the HDHP & PPO: The Town will implement Prescription Management provisions modeled on the Managed Prescription 2 Program. Current employees hired prior to January 1, 2023 that are currently taking medication affected by this program will be grandfathered in. For the HDHP & PPO: The Town will implement Prior Authorization for selected High Cost Diagnostic Imaging services (elective, non-emergency, non-inpatient). For the HDHP & PPO: The Town will implement Prior Authorization for PT/OT/ST benefits.
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. Effective January 1, 2013 the Town shall provide, for active employees and their dependents, the following insurance plans or their equivalent with the Town contributing eighty-seven and a half [87.5%] percent of the cost and each employee contributing twelve and a half [12.5%] percent of the cost for his/her coverage. All UPSEU Union employees will participate in the Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield – High Deductible Health Savings Account (HSA). The HSA shall have the following deductibles: $1,250 for individual/$2,500 for family The HSA will be funded as follows: Individual employees will receive $1,250 deposited annually into their HSA account. Family employees will receive $2,500 deposited annually into their HSA account. For those employees who are eligible for insurance through the Town but are ineligible to participate in the HSA or commence employment with the Town after February 1 and before December 1, the following plans shall be provided until the employee is eligible to participate in the HSA the following January 1: Effective January 1, 2014 the Town shall provide, for active employees and their dependents, the following insurance plans or their equivalent with the Town contributing eighty-seven and a half [87.5%] percent of the cost and each employee contributing twelve and a half [12.5%] percent of the cost for his/her coverage. All UPSEU Union employees will participate in the Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield – High Deductible Health Savings Account (HSA). The HSA shall have the following deductibles: $2,000 for individual/$4,000 for family The HSA will be funded as follows: Individual employees will receive $1,250 deposited annually into their HSA account. Family employees will receive $2,500 deposited annually into their HSA account. For those employees who are eligible for insurance through the Town but are ineligible to participate in the HSA or commence employment with the Town after February 1 and before December 1, the following plans shall be provided until the employee is eligible to participate in the HSA the following January 1:
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. Group Insurance programs for which Retek or its subsidiaries participate as a member of the HNC organization are as follows: Medical Basic Life Optional Life Vision Short-Term Disability Long-Term Disability Employee Assistance Program Business Travel Accident Background Investigation Service
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE. 701. Police Officers shall be eligible for the benefits and subject to the provision of the Group Insurance Contract in effect between the PRPC and the Commission’s group insurance carrier. A description of the benefits and amounts provided, identified as Appendix ‘A’ shall be attached hereto, but shall not be considered a part of this Agreement. Police Officers shall be notified of any changes made to said group insurance programs thirty (30) days prior to effective date of said changes. There will be no changes in the benefits package which would result in a lapse of benefits for the Officers. Any changes made must provide the same or similar benefits to the degree that such coverage’s are reasonably available.
EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE of: The employee Group Insurance Plan shall Weekly Indemnity: The Weekly plan shall be of basic with a maximum to that which is Section of the Act, or April of per week, whichever is greater, with compulsory pationinorder full Medical reports or authorizations requested by shall be paid for by up to a maximum of per calendar year per employee. For those earning less than the maximum, the ! benefit will be applied to gross earnings (average of the last weeks insurable or hours X re rate of pay, which- ever is but in no case will the bene it exceed the maximum. Note: These changeswill actively at work of the effectivedate and for all other employees of the full day of active employment thereafter. If during the life of this Collective Agreement, federal or governments shall introduce legislation or amendments to existing legislation to provide benefits by this plan, the Company shall have the right to full integration of both and costs. The will contribute the amount to maintain actual level but will not be to contributea amount than outlined in this Collective Agreement. Any savings of such integration shall allocated accordance with the sharing in force at the effective date thereof,and shall be used to cost if applicable. Group Benefits be in accordance and conditions of the Group Insurance Major Medical Prescription paid at after deductible is satisfied. Major Medical Plan. A Long Plan, hereinafter to as shall be instituted by the Company. The Company shall pay of the monthly Pian. The Plan shall be in accordance with the of the insurancepolicy and without the terms, shall contain the following governing The L Plan shallbe compulsory for all full-time who are participants and who covered for Indemnity Benefits under the existing group insurance plan. EFFECTIVE DATE OF COVERAGE An eligible employee is entitled to benefits he is actively If an employee is not actively at work on the effectivedateof or any coverage will commence