EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. An extra help employee works in a limited and temporary capacity for non-emergency situations. An extra help employee may not exceed six hundred and ninety-three (693) accumulated hours worked in a fiscal year. Former Sheriff Office employees who are not on the Eligibility List, Recall List or Lateral Entry List are eligible to work as extra help employees. In emergency situations (threat to life, property or general welfare to the County) extra help appointments may be made which are not from employment lists, but such appointments may not continue longer than thirty (30) calendar days. Extra help employees do not hold bargaining unit positions and are not eligible for the benefits package.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. An extra help employee works in a limited, but on-going capacity. An extra help employee typically works an intermittent, seasonal or varying schedule per week on an as needed basis and must work fewer than four-hundred and eighty (480) hours over a six (6) consecutive month period. To be consecutive, a month must include at least eight (8) hours of employment. Extra help employees are not eligible for the benefits package. 2.1. Benefits shall be prorated to match the employee’s FTE percentage as determined by service to that point.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. An extra help employee works in a limited and temporary capacity for non-emergency situations. An extra help employee may not exceed six hundred and ninety-three (693) accumulated hours worked in a fiscal year. Extra help employees shall not be used to eliminate or delay filling regular positions. Former Sheriff Office employees who are not on the Eligibility List, Recall List or Lateral Entry List are eligible to work as extra help employees. In emergency situations (threat to life, property or general welfare to the County) extra help appointments may be made which are not from employment lists, but such appointments may not continue longer than thirty (30) calendar days. The Employer shall meet immediately upon request to negotiate with the Union if extra help (emergency) employees are appointed or if the number of extra help employees will cause the 15% limit described in 4.3(4), below, to be exceeded. Hiring in excess of the 15% limit will only be by mutual agreement. Extra help employees do not hold bargaining unit positions and are not eligible for the benefits package.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. An extra help employee works in a limited, but on-going capacity. An extra help employee typically works an intermittent, seasonal or varying schedule per week on an as needed basis and must work fewer than four-hundred and eighty (480) hours over a six (6) consecutive month period. To be consecutive, a month must include at least eight (8) hours of employment. Extra help employees in this bargaining unit are subject to the membership provisions of Article 2.1, if they work an average of at least 1/6th of the hours of a full-time equivalent (approximately 29 hours per month, on average). Extra help employees are not eligible for the benefits package. 1). Benefits shall be prorated to match the employee’s FTE percentage as determined by service to that point. Extra help employees shall not be used to unreasonably delay the filling of a regular position. Extra help employees shall not have a right to a permanent schedule of hours.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. May be regularly assigned less than twenty (20) hours per week; on an irregular “on call” basis; or to fill in behind a regular full-time or part-time employee on leave. Extra Help employees are not covered by the Memorandum of Understanding.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. The Chief Administrative Officer may authorize the temporary employment of a person as extra help upon a determination that sufficient funds are budgeted within the department concerned. Unless otherwise specified, Extra Help employees shall only be paid the flat rate salary step for their classification or the first step hourly rate in the salary range listed for the classification to which he/she is appointed, unless specifically authorized by the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Resources or designee. Extra Help employees shall not be entitled to accrue sick leave, vacation, management leave, or be paid for absence for temporary military duty or holiday pay and shall not be eligible to participate in the retirement system, cafeteria plan and health and dental benefits plans unless specified by law. Extra Help employees cannot achieve Civil Service Status regardless of the number of hours worked or services performed.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. Except as otherwise provided by law, extra help employees shall not be paid for holidays not worked, nor shall they accrue paid vacation leave, sick leave, or any other type of leave with pay, nor shall they be entitled to group health insurance, retirement, or any other fringe benefit accorded regular employees. The rates of pay for such employees constitute complete compensation for services rendered.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. Employees shall not attain permanent status for extra-help service, nor shall any period of extra-help service be considered part of the probationary period required of any employee.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. Extra-help employees scheduled to work on a day when required to serve as jurors in a court of law shall be granted leave with pay for jury duty only.
EXTRA HELP EMPLOYEES. ‌ An extra-help employee shall be any employee working less than one thousand-forty (1040) hours in a calendar year. The hours may be extended up to an additional 520 hours in a calendar year upon agreement by the Association. Extra-help employees who work one thousand-forty (1040) or more hours without an extension, or one thousand five hundred and sixty (1560) hours with an extension, in a calendar year shall be terminated unless appointed as a regular employee. If the employee is appointed to a regular position as a result of exceeding the above limits, the appointment will be effective at the beginning of the next payroll period.