Union-Employer Relations Sample Clauses
Union-Employer Relations. The Union and Employer recognize the mutual value of ongoing joint discussions and negotiations in matters pertaining to working conditions, employment, services and labour management relations. To this end, the Union Bargaining Committee and Employer representatives agree that in the event either Party wishes to call a meeting under this clause the meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by mutual agreement. However, such meeting must be held not later than fourteen (14) days after the request has been given.
Union-Employer Relations. 6.01 The Board acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint and train one (1) Employee in the bargaining unit as a Worksite Xxxxxxx and recognizes the Worksite Xxxxxxx as an official Representative of the Union.
6.02 Time off, without loss of regular earnings, will be allowed as follows, providing the time off does not interfere with the Library’s operations, for:
(a) Worksite Xxxxxxx attending disciplinary interviews, investigating complaints and meeting with grievors;
(b) Employees, who are the subject of discipline and/or who have initiated a complaint or grievance, attending disciplinary interviews and meeting with the Union Representative.
(a) A Union Bargaining Committee shall be appointed and consist of not less than three (3) members of the Union, one of which will be the President of the Union or designate.
(b) The Union shall have the right at any time to the assistance of the Canadian Union of Public Employees National Representative when negotiating with the Board.
(c) Any representative of the Union on the Bargaining Committee, employed by the Board, shall have the right to attend negotiating meetings held within working hours without loss of pay.
6.04 The Board will provide the Union with approved copies of minutes and agendas of all Board meetings and all attachments at the time of distribution to the Board.
Union-Employer Relations. All collective bargaining regarding wages, hours, and working conditions of employment shall be conducted by authorized representatives of the Union and Employer. The Union and Employer agree that if any new classifications are established within the departments recognized in Article I, Section A (Recognition), both parties will meet to negotiate whether the position is in the bargaining unit, and, if so, to then negotiate the wages, hours and working conditions. Reasonable notice will be given to the Union when existing job descriptions are substantially changed.
Union-Employer Relations. 33.01 (a) The Union and the Employer desire every Employee and Supervisor to be familiar with the provisions of this Agreement. For this reason the Employer and Union shall co-operate in printing sufficient copies of the Agreement for distribution to Employees, and shall share equally the printing costs. The printing of the collective agreement will be at the Edmonton Catholic School District’s unionized print shop.
Union-Employer Relations. The Employer shall not enter into any agreement with an employee concerning terms or conditions of employment which conflicts with provisions of the Agreement.
Union-Employer Relations. 9.1. A Union representative shall be permitted to visit the Employer to ascertain that the provisions of this Agreement are being observed and to confer with bargaining unit Employees as follows: The Union shall notify the Employer as to which Internal Organizer/Designee is assigned to the Employer.
9.2. Non-employee representatives of the Union may enter the premises in accordance with this provision to conduct proper union business. Union representatives must provide the Administrator or his/her designee at least 24-hours' advance notice of the desire to enter the premises. Under extenuating circumstances, the Administrator may deny, limit, or restrict a visit depending on operational needs and circumstances. For safety and security reasons, Union representatives must enter the facility through the main doors; check-in and check-out with the Receptionist; and sign any required "Visitors" log. Union representatives may confer with bargaining unit employees during the employees' non working time only and only in non-working areas not open to residents and families, such as employee cafeterias, employee break areas or employee lounge areas. Any conferences or meetings between Union representatives and employees shall not interfere with facility operations and shall not interrupt the work of employees on working time for any reason. Union representatives will not enter enclosed work areas or other areas designated for 2/1/19 residents and families that are not open to visitors other than employee cafeterias, employee break rooms, or employee lounge areas. Upon request and based on availability, the Employer will provide the Union with a designated room or non-working area to meet with the employees.
9.3. Up to five (5) Union Stewards/leaders shall be elected by the employees or appointed by the Union. The Union shall without delay give written notice to the Employer of the names of the Union Stewards/leaders and any subsequent changes, and the Employer shall recognize any such Union Xxxxxxx/leader. Such Stewards/leaders shall have the right to receive and investigate grievances outside their scheduled working hours, but may do so during their scheduled working hours after receiving permission from their supervisor.
9.4. The Employer will allow the Union up to a maximum of twenty (20) minutes with new Employees during the Employee orientation process to provide a "Union Orientation" to familiarize the new employees with the Union's role within the facility a...
Union-Employer Relations. All collective bargaining with respect to working conditions under this Agreement shall be conducted by authorized representatives of the Court and authorized representatives of the Union. Any Court decisions which will substantially affect working conditions not addressed in this Agreement shall be discussed with affected employees and the Union prior to implementation of the change. The Union and affected employees shall inform the Court of any concerns regarding the proposed changes and the Court shall consider these concerns in making their final decisions. Agreements reached between the parties to this Agreement shall become effective only when signed by authorized representatives of the Court and authorized representatives of the Union.
Union-Employer Relations. Subsection A. The purpose of this section is to establish an orderly procedure for the review of matters involving hours and working conditions affecting employees covered by the Agreement.
Subsection B. There is hereby established a Labor-Management Committee. This Committee shall be composed of representatives of the Employer and employee representatives along with the field representative of Montana State Council #9, AFSCME, and/or their designee(s). The number or representatives for both sides will be defined in the Committee’s bylaws.
Subsection C. The Union-Employer Committee will meet on a date and time mutually agreed upon and defined in the Committee’s bylaws.
Subsection D. Disposition of matters covered in the Union-Employer meeting shall not contradict, add to, or otherwise modify the terms and conditions of the "Master Agreement."
Subsection E. Minutes will be taken by the Administrative Services Director or their designee. The minutes shall consist of the topics discussed and the disposition of each. Copies of the minutes shall be reviewed and signed jointly by the Chairperson and the President of the Local Union before said minutes become official and are distributed. A copy of the approved minutes will be furnished to each party within three working days after being signed.
Union-Employer Relations.
1. All collective bargaining regarding wages, hours, and working conditions of employment shall be conducted by authorized representatives of the Union and Employer.
2. The Union and Employer agree that if any new classifications are established within the departments recognized in Article I, Section A (Recognition), both parties will meet to discuss whether the position is in the bargaining unit, and, if the County voluntarily recognizes the Union, to then negotiate the wages, hours and working conditions. Reasonable notice will be given to the Union when existing classification specifications are substantively changed.
3. The Union shall be allowed use of bulletin board space to post Union notices that have been authorized by a Union official.
Union-Employer Relations. 6.01 The Employer shall not enter into any agreement with a Part-time Employee concerning terms or conditions of employment which conflicts with provisions of the Agreement.
6.02 Representatives of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (C.A.U.T.) or the Federation of New Brunswick Faculty Associations (F.N.B.F.A.) or any other counsel shall have normal access to the Employer's premises to consult with Part-time Employees.
6.03 There shall be a Joint Liaison Committee, hereinafter in this article called the Committee, composed of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer. The Committee shall be chaired alternatively by one (1) of the representatives of the Union and one (1) of the representatives of the Employer who shall together be responsible for preparing and distributing agendas for and minutes of meetings.
6.04 The Committee shall review matters of concern excluding any dispute which is at that time being resolved under the grievance and arbitration procedures set out in Article 36. The Committee shall attempt to xxxxxx good communication and effective working relationships between the parties and shall attempt to maintain a spirit of cooperation and respect between the parties.
6.05 The Committee shall meet a minimum of once every three (3) months, but may meet more often if the members of the Committee so agree.
6.06 The Committee shall determine its own procedures subject to the provision that a quorum shall be three (3) members.
6.07 The Committee shall have no power to bind either party nor to alter or amend the Agreement.
6.08 If a new decanal position is created or decanal responsibilities are reorganized, the Employer will inform the Union of the duties assigned to each Xxxx with respect to provisions of this Agreement.