Extra Teaching Assignments Sample Clauses
Extra Teaching Assignments. If a teacher shall teach more than the normal teaching assignment, the teacher shall receive additional compensation as follows:
Extra Teaching Assignments. Extra teaching assignments during the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms are not guaranteed and shall be granted at the discretion of the College. Extra teaching assignments are based upon need. An additional teaching assignment is beyond the Faculty member’s base contractual teaching load and is not granted until the teaching workload and workweek obligations, as defined in sections 2 and 5 of this Article, are met. All instructional contact hours taken on as an extra teaching assignment (overload hours) shall be in addition to and scheduled outside of the Faculty’s base contractual 40-hour work week during the Fall and Spring terms, or 36-hour work week during the Summer terms. Faculty will be compensated for extra teaching assignments according to Article 20 Wages of this Agreement. Faculty contracted for any extra teaching assignments during the Fall or Spring terms are required to complete a total of one (1) additional scheduled, advertised office hour per week for a total of eleven (11) office hours per week. Unlike the additional instructional hours that must be scheduled in addition to the base 40-hour work week, the one additional office hour can be scheduled as part of the Faculty member’s weekly College Service Hours. The Faculty member may choose to complete this additional office hour either on campus or remotely via Zoom. Extra teaching assignments in the Summer terms do not require completion of an additional office hour. Nine (9) month contracted Faculty are not obligated to teach or hold office hours in the Summer term, nor are they guaranteed an extra teaching assignment in the Summer term. Ten (10) month contracted Faculty are under contract to teach Summer term 2 or Summer term 3, as assigned by the institution; however, they are not guaranteed an extra teaching assignment in the Summer term. The requirements of section 5 of this Article, Faculty Work Hours and Responsibilities, apply to office hours during the Summer term for ten (10) month Faculty. The maximum extra teaching assignment during a Fall, Spring, or Summer term will be six hours more than the Faculty member’s normal load. Exceptions to this rule require advance approval by the appropriate Vice President and documented special extenuating circumstances. Extra teaching assignments within the Faculty member’s discipline shall be assigned by the Xxxx/Director. In making assignments, the Xxxx/Director shall consider the best qualified candidate based upon several factors including ...
Extra Teaching Assignments. The rate of pay for teaching assignments beyond the regular school day and/or beyond the regular school year (summer school, adult education, driver training, etc.) shall be set forth in Appendix “C” attached and made a part hereof.
Extra Teaching Assignments. A. Librarians and Senior Academic Advisors are eligible to teach outside of their contractual work hours if they are qualified for the teaching assignment, selected for employment by the appropriate department, and provided that the teaching assignment does not interfere with the Librarian’s or Senior Academic Advisor’s regular duties. Librarians and Senior Academic Advisors selected for extra teaching assignments will be compensated according to Article 20 Wages of this Agreement.
B. Extra teaching assignments during the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms are not guaranteed to Librarians and Senior Academic Advisors and shall be granted at the discretion of the College. Extra teaching assignments are based upon need. There is no guarantee of extra teaching assignments during any term, including the Summer term.
Extra Teaching Assignments. Extra teaching assignments are not guaranteed and shall be granted at the discretion of the College. This additional teaching assignment is beyond the Faculty member’s base contractual teaching load and is not granted until the teaching workload and workweek obligations, as defined in sections 1 and 3 of this Article, are met. Faculty will be compensated according to Article 23 Wages of this Agreement. An extra teaching assignment requires two (2) additional office hours per week. Extra teaching assignments within a discipline shall be assigned by the Xxxx. In making assignments, the Xxxx shall consider the best qualified candidate based upon several factors including credentials, academic experience, work experience, student success, retention and completion rates in determining whether to approve assignments. Any Faculty member who desires an extra teaching assignment should submit a written request (email shall suffice) to the Xxxx during the development of the course schedule or sixty (60) days in advance of class start. All extra teaching assignment requests are subject to approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Xxxxxxx. Librarians and Counselors are eligible to teach as an adjunct at the extra assignment rate if they are qualified for the teaching assignment and provided that the teaching assignment does not interfere with the Librarian’s or Counselor’s regular duties.
Extra Teaching Assignments. The compensation paid to a certificated staff member for teaching an additional period shall be 20% of the individual’s salary to a maximum of 20% of BA Step 8 for a full year course. Payment for any additional assignment less than one (1) full year shall be prorated accordingly and shall not be deemed pensionable. The availability of extra teaching assignments may vary from year to year. The absence or unavailability of an extra teaching assignment resulting in the loss of the extra compensation for teaching an extra teaching assignment in any given year shall not be deemed a reduction of salary of a certificated staff member.
Extra Teaching Assignments. For semester (or longer) teaching assignments in excess of the regular school calendar or the assigned teaching load, teachers will be compensated using their individual teaching loads and salary rates determined in the following manner: Number of Overload Minutes taught per week Maximum Teaching load per week = Actual Teaching Ratio Actual Teaching Ratio Current Salary = Annual Overload Salary HS Teacher overload minutes = 339 minutes HS Teacher maximum teaching hours = 26 hours/50 minutes = 1610 minutes 339/1610 = .211 .211 x Salary - $42,175 (MA step 4) = $8,898.93 Annual Overload Pay MS Teacher overload minutes = 240 minutes MS Teacher maximum teaching hours = 27 hours/2 minutes = 1622 minutes 240/1622 = .148 .148 x Salary - $42,175 (MA step 4) = $6,241.90
Extra Teaching Assignments. If ratification of this agreement occurs prior to January 8, 2021 , and if eligible for an additional credit course teaching assignment pursuant to Article 12, Work Responsibilities, bargaining unit employees shall be compensated for spring term 2021 only at the rate of $675 per hour as defined in the FY 20-21 College Catalog regardless of academic credential level. Subsequent term’s overloads will be compensated at the fall term 2020 rate in place for bargaining unit members as shown in the 2020-21 Salary Schedule adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 17, 2020. Due to the timing of overload contracts and the January 2021 payroll process, the additional overload compensation may be delayed until the February 2021 payroll. If delayed, the increase will be paid over a three (3) month payroll period (February through April 2021). CTE, Clinicals, Continuing Education, Florida School of the Arts Applied Instruction, and Adult Education extra teaching assignments will be paid at the appropriate hourly rate up to $175 per hour based on market conditions and tuition generated, as recommended by the appropriate Vice President.
Extra Teaching Assignments. The District may add additional sections of a particular course of study in order to improve student/teacher ratios as student enrollment varies and priorities change. These additional sections shall be referred to as an “extra assignment.” This “extra assignment” shall be mutually arranged by the Superintendent or his/her designee, the teacher, and the Excusive Representative. Teachers assuming the extra responsibility of an extra assignment rather than a preparation period in addition to the regular teaching load shall be compensated for the additional section(s) using the following formula: CLOCK HOURS WORKED ÷ 7.5 (hours per day) x STUDENT CONTACT DAYS (of the assignment) x DAILY RATE OF PAY (per the master agreement).
a) The total number of extra assignments shall not exceed a total of four (4) teachers per semester in the District.
b) An additional (1) “extra assignment” may temporarily be added per semester upon agreement between the Exclusive Representative, the teacher, and the School District.
c) A probationary teacher, new to the teaching field, may not be assigned an “extra assignment” during their initial year of employment with the District.
d) A probationary teacher, with prior teaching experience, may be given an “extra assignment” only with the agreement of the District, the teacher, and the Exclusive Representative.
e) Elementary Specialists are eligible for “extra assignment” status.
Extra Teaching Assignments. If eligible for an additional credit course teaching assignment pursuant to Article 12, Work Responsibilities, bargaining unit employees shall be compensated at the rate of $675 per hour as defined in the College Catalog regardless of academic credential level. CTE, Clinicals, Continuing Education, Florida School of the Arts Applied Instruction, and Adult Education extra teaching assignments will be paid at the appropriate hourly rate up to $175 per hour based on market conditions and tuition generated, as recommended by the appropriate Vice President.