Heritage Day. FLOATER As requested As requested As requested 13.01 (b) “Heritage Day Floater” It is understood that should Heritage Day become a recognized statutory holiday this floater will revert to the legislated date. Employees must provide the Company with as much notice as possible to ensure workforce requirements are met.
Heritage Day. Where scheduling precludes a Company from closing their entire operations on Heritage Day, the Employer may arrange with his Employees a schedule to float Heritage Day within a day period either before or after the make a three (3) day weekend within that specified period. The Employer has the right to limit the number of Employees taking any one given day off. Friday before Day: Where scheduling requirements preclude a Company from closing their entire operations on the Friday before Day, the Employer shall be permitted to substitute the Tuesday immediately following Day.
Heritage Day. (If not proclaimed, the paid holiday will be taken as a float holiday by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Provided that: He works as scheduled on his last scheduled day preceding the holiday and on his first scheduled day following the holiday unless excused in writing by the Administrator, and He works any time in the fifteen day period beginning seven days before the holiday and ending seven days after the holiday. The only exception to compliance with section shall be if the period an employee's vacation. An extra day's pay at regular rate, within thirty days of the said holiday or within the schedule cycle, whichever period is the longer. Where an employee is required to work overtime in excess . of his regular including hours on a subsequent regularly scheduled shift) such employee shall receive two and one-half times his regular straight time hourly rate for such additional overtime. Part-time employees working more than twenty-two and one half hours per week shall be treated on a pro rata basis equivalent to the paid holiday benefits granted to a regular full-time employee. If one of the above named paid holidays occurs on an employees regular day off, or during his vacation period, the employee will receive one additional day off in lieu thereof. Subject to maintaining any superior conditions concerning entitlement, vacation entitlement shall be as follows: An employee who has completed less than one year of continuous service as of June shall be entitled to two weeks' annual vacation. Payment for such vacation shall be prorated in accordance with his/her . service. An employee who has completed one year but less than three years of continuous service as of their anniversary enti. tled to two weeks . date shall be entitled to three weeks annual vacation with pay. Effective in the vacation year where the date for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Hospital falls on or after October the service requirement for three weeks vacation shall be two or more years of full-time continuous service. An employee who has completed eight years but less than fifteen years of continuous service as of their anniversary date shall be entitled to four weeks annual vacation with pay. . Effective in the vacation year where the date for determining vacation entitlement in the individual Hospital falls on or after October the service requirement for four weeks vacations shall be six or more years of full-time continuous service. Effective in t...
Heritage Day. If proclaimed by the Government of Canada, one of the three (3) existing "floater" holidays shall be observed on "Heritage Day". The last half of his/her regular shift immediately prior to each of Christmas Day and New Year's Day, up to a maximum of 4 hours.
Heritage Day. Fifteenth Holiday Employee’s Birthday Sixteenth Holiday Employee’s anniversary service date Where one of the above holidays falls on a Saturday or Sunday, they will be observed and paid on the Monday or preceding Friday, as determined by mutual agreement between the Company and Union. When a Paid Holiday falls during an employee’s annual vacation, the employee shall be entitled to an additional day of vacation paid at his/her regular hourly rate multiplied by eight hours. Employees who are eligible for holiday pay and who do not work on the holiday shall receive holiday pay on the basis of their regular hourly rate multiplied by eight hours. Should any employee be eligible for income from two sources for a paid holiday, the Company will make up the difference between the employee’s regular wage for the holiday and any amount receives for the day in question from any other source for which Timberjack pays premiums. An employee shall not be entitled to holiday pay when he: Is absent without permission from work on the day before or the day after such holiday when normally re- quired to work by his/her regular work schedule; or Is absent from work for any reason continuously for the twenty working days preceding such holiday and is absent his/her first regular day following such Is absent on a leave of absence as contemplated in Article of this Agreement.
Heritage Day. Should at any time during the period of this contract either the Government of Canada or B.C. declare Heritage Day as an official holiday, it is the intent of the Company to recognize this as an additional holiday on the said date referred to by the government.
Heritage Day. (bc) Good Friday (cd) Easter Sunday (HSN Pay Plan only) (de) Easter Monday (All Others)
Heritage Day. March Break (except for the first Saturday and for the six (6) March Break Access Schools);
Heritage Day. For the purpose of determining whether a shift falls on a holiday, the shift commencing at 11:00 p.m. prior to the holiday and ending at 7:00 a.m. on the designated holiday shall be considered to be the first shift of the holiday.
Heritage Day. This General Holiday will be taken as a floater by mutual agreement between the manager and employee.