Implementation Obligations. The Sponsor shall:
(a) produce and provide to TTL, at its own cost, all designs and artwork necessary for the Sponsorship Rights within such print deadlines as are reasonably specified by TTL to enable the delivery of the Sponsorship Rights in accordance with this Contract;
(b) be responsible for all costs for additional obligations of implementing the Sponsorship Rights, other than those obligations set out in this Contract.
Implementation Obligations. The Recipient shall:
Implementation Obligations. The Borrower shall:
(a) adopt and, thereafter ensure that the Project is implemented in accordance with, the Project Operations Manual, acceptable to the Bank, which shall include the description of: (i) implementation arrangements set forth in Section I of this Schedule 2; (ii) the procurement procedures set forth in Section III of this Schedule 2 and standard procurement documentation; (iii) reporting requirements, financial management procedures and audit procedures as set forth in Section II of this Schedule 2; (iv) disclosure standards and procedures, including procedures required for the publication of procurement opportunities, bidding documents and requests for proposals, short lists, contracts awarded and summaries of evaluation of bids and proposals; (v) the GAAP; (vi) the terms of reference for the Owner’s Agent consultants; and (vii) the Project Performance Indicators;
(b) not amend, suspend, abrogate, repeal or waive any provisions of the Project Operations Manual except with prior agreement between the Borrower and the Bank; and
(c) ensure that the Project Operations Manual is made available, at all times until completion of the Project, to the Bank and to each person or entity which receives, is responsible for deposit or transfer of, or takes or influences decisions regarding the use of proceeds of the Loan, including each member of the PIU and each contractor and consultant. The Borrower shall at all times during Project implementation and thereafter ensure that provision is made in its annual budget for sufficient funds for the operation and maintenance costs of the equipment funded by the proceeds of the Loan.
(a) The Borrower shall, prior to the issuance of any bidding document for the Project other than bidding documents for the Owner’s Agent contract, engage the Owner’s Agent in accordance with the Procurement Plan and the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, under terms of reference acceptable to the Borrower and the Bank, to assist the Borrower with project implementation support, validation and verification services, procurement and complaints handling, including: (i) a project management specialist; (ii) a human resources management specialist; and (iii) a procurement specialist.
(b) Except as the Borrower and the Bank shall otherwise agree, the Borrower shall: (i) retain the services of the Owner’s Agent until completion of the Project; and (ii) take all such steps as are necessary to ensure that the Owner’s...
Implementation Obligations. 1. The Recipient shall:
(a) adopt a Project Operational Manual, which updates to the Original Rekompak Project operations manual acceptable to the Recipient and the World Bank, giving details of: (i) implementation arrangements, (ii) procurement procedures as set forth in Section III of this Schedule and standard procurement documentation, (iii) reporting requirements, financial management procedures and audit procedures, (iv) project performance indicators as set forth in Section II.A of this Schedule, (v) the Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework, (vi) criteria for the selection of Eligible Households and approval of Sub-projects, (vii) terms and conditions of Sub-grants as set forth in Part C of this Section, and (viii) the Anti-Corruption Action Plan; and
(b) implement the Project in accordance with the Project Operational Manual and shall not amend, suspend, abrogate, repeal or waive any provision thereof without the prior written agreement of the World Bank and the Recipient.
2. For purposes of Parts A and B of the Project, the Recipient shall apply the proceeds of the Grant allocated to provide Sub-grants to finance Sub-projects in accordance with the guidelines and procedures set forth in the Project Operational Manual, as well as the additional terms and conditions set forth in Part C of this Section.
3. Not later than November 30 of each year of Project implementation, and until completion of the Project, the Recipient shall furnish to the World Bank, for its review and comments, a proposed annual work plan, giving details of its proposed work plan and related budget for the following year, and proceed thereafter to carry out such work plan taking into account any comments which may have been provided thereon by the World Bank.
Implementation Obligations. TTL shall or shall procure that a member of the TfL Group shall procure (at its cost) the production of the materials containing the Cycle Hire Roundel, Composite Logo and/or Sponsor Artwork (as applicable) to be affixed to Bicycles, Maintenance Vehicles, Maintenance Staff High Visibility Vests, Keys and Street Furniture. TTL shall use reasonable endeavours to comply with the Launch Plan but, in any event, shall or shall procure that a member of the TfL Group shall procure the initial implementation of such materials in accordance with the following process:
(a) TTL or the relevant member of the TfL Group shall procure that the Scheme Operator ensures that all materials including the branding of the previous sponsor of the London Cycle Hire Scheme are removed, and all applicable materials containing the Cycle Hire Roundel, Composite Logo and/or Sponsor Artwork are affixed, to Bicycles, Maintenance Vehicles, Maintenance Staff High Visibility Vests and Street Furniture where applicable by no later than the expiry of the period of six (6) months from the Effective Date (or such later date as may be agreed in writing between TTL and the Sponsor, acting reasonably) ("Transition Period");
(b) the Sponsor acknowledges and agrees that, during the Transition Period:
(i) some or all applicable Street Furniture may continue to display the London Cycle Hire Scheme roundel in the colour which applied prior to the Effective Date;
(ii) some or all Bicycles, Maintenance Vehicles, Maintenance Staff High Visibility Vests and terminal screens forming part of the Street Furniture may continue to display the branding and/or artwork in place on such Bicycles, Maintenance Vehicles, Maintenance Staff High Visibility Vests and terminal screens prior to the Effective Date (which may include the branding of the previous sponsor of the London Cycle Hire Scheme), while some or all Bicycles, Maintenance Vehicles, Maintenance Staff High Visibility Vests and terminal screens forming part of the Street Furniture may display the Composite Logo and/or Sponsor Artwork; and TTL gives no guarantees as to the proportions of each in place in the London Cycle Hire Scheme at any particular time during such Transition Period;
(c) TTL or the relevant member of the TfL Group shall procure that Keys bearing the Composite Logo are sent to any new members registering for the London Cycle Hire Scheme following the Launch Date;
(d) TTL or the relevant member of the TfL Group shall procure that new Keys ar...
Implementation Obligations. The Sponsor shall, save to the extent that such matters are expressly stated to be the responsibility of DLR in clause 6.1, 6.2(c) or schedule 1:
(a) produce and provide to DLR, at its own cost, all designs and artwork necessary for the Sponsorship Rights within such print deadlines as are reasonably specified by DLR to enable the delivery of the Sponsorship Rights in accordance with this Contract;
(b) be responsible for all costs incurred in activating the Sponsorship Rights, initially and throughout the Term.
Implementation Obligations. 1. The Borrower shall:
(a) carry out the Project in accordance with the BOS Operations Manual;
(b) ensure that the BOS Operations Manual is made available, at all times until completion of the Project, to all BOS Schools;
(c) by no later than July 1, 2009, with the prior agreement of the Bank, adopt, make publicly available, and thereafter implement the Revised BOS Operations Manual for the BOS 2009 and Later Program, including, inter alia:
(i) the requirement that each BOS School posts a record of purchasing information and results, and use of funds;
(ii) clarification of monitoring responsibilities of BOS Central Management Team, BOS Provincial Management Teams and BOS District Management Teams, including review of BOS School reports;
(iii) clarification of composition and role of the purchasing committee at each BOS School which must consist of at least three (3) persons, at least one of whom is a parent representative from the local community;
(iv) revised guidelines for procurement through community participation and shopping;
(v) guidelines that strengthen the role of the school committee at each BOS School, including sign-off on budget plan and expenditure report; and
(vi) the Anticorruption Guidelines;
(d) undertake, during Fiscal Year 2009, a training program agreed between the Borrower and the Bank, on the use of the Revised BOS Operations Manual;
(e) only amend, suspend, abrogate, repeal or waive any provision of the BOS Operations Manual or the Revised BOS Operations Manual with consultation and agreement between the Borrower and the Bank; and
(f) references to the BOS Operations Manual include the Revised BOS Operations Manual, commencing on the date on which such revised manual is adopted by the Borrower.
2. The Borrower shall, at all times during the implementation of the Project, ensure that each BOS Grant is made to, and thereafter utilized by, the recipient BOS School on terms and conditions in accordance with BOS Operations Manual in effect at the time that such BOS Grant is made to, and thereafter utilized by, the recipient BOS School, including that:
(a) each BOS Grant is made: (i) to a BOS School meeting the requirements set out in the BOS Operations Manual; (ii) for an amount determined based on enrollment data for such BOS School collected in accordance with the BOS Operations Manual; and (iii) by deposit from the Province into the account established, operated and maintained by such BOS School, in accordance with the BOS Operations...
Implementation Obligations. 1. The Recipient shall ensure that the Project shall be implemented under the umbrella of PNPM.
2. The Recipient shall:
(a) adopt and, thereafter ensure that the Project is implemented in accordance with, a Project Manual, acceptable to the Association, which shall include the description of: (i) implementation arrangements; (ii) the procurement procedures set forth in Section III of this Schedule 2 and standard procurement documentation; (iii) reporting requirements, financial management procedures and audit procedures as set forth in Section II of this Schedule 2; (iv) the Project Performance Indicators;
(v) the Environmental Guidelines; (vi) the Isolated Vulnerable Peoples Framework; (vii) the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework; (viii) the Better Governance Action Plan; (ix) the environmental criteria applicable to Sub-project design including environmental impact mitigation; (x) maintenance provisions for works to be carried out under a Sub-project; (xi) the criteria for the selection of Sub-projects, as well as the terms and conditions governing the Kelurahan Grants, Kelurahan Sub-loans and Local Government Participation; and (xii) the Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation of PNPM;
Implementation Obligations. Within the thirty (30) day period immediately following the Licensing Start Date, Licensee shall be responsible for (i) promptly supplying to Fluency, Inc. a digital logo file in the appropriate file format and pixel count requested by Fluency, Inc. and
Implementation Obligations. 3. The Project Implementing Entity shall at all times carry out its operations in accordance with the provisions of the Operations Manual and Finance and Administration Manual, as both said manuals may be amended by the Project Implementing Entity, from time to time with the prior approval of the Association, which, except as the Association shall otherwise agree, shall:
(a) in the case of the Operations Manual, include: (i) Project implementation arrangements; (ii) procurement procedures consistent with Section III of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement; (iii) reporting requirements; (iv) monitoring and evaluation arrangements; (v) criteria for the selection of Sub-projects;