INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. 11.4.1 Procedure for Salary Placement of Faculty (Excluding Technicians) Initial salary placement shall take place upon appointment. Upon reappointment of a temporary faculty member, salary placement shall not take place unless such reappointment occurs more than one academic year after the expiry of the last temporary appointment. A candidate who may be appointed to a position shall be asked to complete an "MFA Salary Placement Experience Credit Data Summary" form, as contained in Appendix B. Initial Salary Placement Forms" are used to place all candidates for regular and temporary positions, except those to be paid the rates given in Article Samples are provided in Appendix C and Appendix
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. ‌ 11.4.1 Procedure for Salary Placement of Faculty (Excluding Technicians) Initial salary placement shall take place upon appointment. Upon reappointment of a limited term contract or temporary non-instructional faculty member, salary placement shall not take place unless such reappointment occurs more than one academic year after the expiry of the last limited term contract or temporary non-instructional appointment. A candidate who may be appointed to a position shall be asked to complete a "VIUFA Salary Placement Experience Credit Data Summary" form, as contained in Appendix B. Initial Salary Placement Forms" are used to place all candidates for regular and non-regular positions, except those to be paid the rates given in Article 11.1.4.
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, the salary schedule(s) found in this agreement in Article B.1 provides remuneration for all persons covered by this agreement according to their qualifications established in years of preparation and certification and their years of experience. 1. At the time of appointment the District shall advise the Teacher of the documentation required to establish initial scale placement and of the requirement to advise the District if any delay is expected in acquiring such documentation. 2. The District will accept as proof of professional qualifications, preparation or training for placement within a salary category a statement acknowledging or verifying such professional qualifications, preparation or training issued by the Teachers' Qualification Service. 3. Until the proper documentation is received the Teacher shall be paid at the lowest point on the salary grid. Upon receipt of the documentation described above, the Teacher shall be assigned the appropriate place on the salary grid retroactive to a maximum of one calendar year. Where, upon appeal to the Liaison Committee, it is determined that the receipt of documentation has been delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the Teacher, the Teacher shall be assigned the appropriate place on the salary grid retroactive to their starting date with the District. The Teacher shall be so advised of their placement in writing.
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. Initial placement on the salary scale shall be determined, according to the above guidelines, by the Academic Head and verified through the Department of Human Resources. Where an error in the calculation of credits is discovered during the term of the appointment, the error shall be rectified by retro-actively adjusting the initial placement on the salary scale upwards or downwards, as the case may be. For the purposes of initial placement on the salary scale for all employees, the criteria shall be as follows: 5.2.1 Establishment of placement will start at Step 11. 5.2.2 One (1) Bachelor's Degree related to the employee’s duties — initial placement at Step 10. Two (2) Bachelor’s Degrees related to the employee’s duties — initial placement at Step 9. 5.2.3 One (1) Master's Degree or graduate diploma related to the employee's duties — initial placement at Step 9. Two (2) Master's Degrees or graduate diplomas related to the employee's duties — initial placement at Step 8. 5.2.4 One (1) Doctoral Degree related to the employee's duties — initial placement at Step 8. Two (2) Doctoral Degrees related to the employee's duties — initial placement at Step 7. 5.2.5 One (1) additional increment will be granted on initial placement to those who possess a Teaching Certificate or Provincial Instructor's Diploma. 5.2.6 One (1) increment for each full year of teaching, librarianship, counseling, coordinating, or related work experience in a college, technical institution, vocational school or university where the work is related to the duties to be performed for the College by the employee. Fifty percent (50%) or more of a year will be considered a full year in the rounding off of the total. A full year as defined by the institutions of previous employment shall be acknowledged. Part Time Employees A.) or “graduate assistant” work will be recognized as “related work experience” as outlined in Article 5.2.6 above and will be counted when establishing an employee’s initial placement on the salary scale provided the work was not required for, or used for credit for the completion of an educational degree. Practicums, clinicals, or any other work experience required within a degree completion will not be considered as “related work experience” and will not be counted when establishing the placement on scale. 5.2.7 One (1) increment for each two (2) years of related work experience in an educational institute other than a post-secondary educational institution, for ex...
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE a) Newly hired faculty will be placed on the salary schedule by one of the following methods: 1. Traditional degree method: Placed in highest degree column and in a row that reflects applicable previous work-related experience (to include teaching and non-teaching experience) but typically not further down than 10-year total experience. 2. For specialized CTE faculty that do not have advanced degree options, Administration and Association can agree to place faculty member in further column than would typically be possible based on education to allow for hiring. A guide will be maintained in Human Resources to help determine the appropriate column, and any changes to the guide will be discussed with the Association. 3. The President of the Bargaining Unit will be informed of the initial salary schedule placement of newly hired faculty. b) One-Time Change for Workforce Faculty: Current faculty who want to recalculate their placement on the salary schedule by statement 2 above may do so. Those who take advantage of this will be moved to a new degree column and lower experience row so that their new placement does not cause a raise above the raise they would have received by staying in their current column and moving down one year of experience. This may only be done for the Fall of 2022.
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. (a) Initial placement on the teacher salary scale is determined by the category assigned by the Teacher Qualification Service and years of previous teaching experience as per Appendix 4. (b) At the time of appointment, the Employer shall advise each teacher in writing of the documentation required to establish initial scale placement. (c) Pending receipt of the necessary documentation, the teacher shall be placed at entry level (experience) of the appropriate professional training scale. (d) Each teacher shall submit all documentation required by the Employer to establish salary placement within two months of commencement of employment. (e) In the event that the necessary documentation is provided within the specified period of time, salary adjustment shall be made retroactive to commencement of employment. (f) The teacher shall be responsible for advising the Employer in writing of delays which occur in obtaining the documentation necessitating an extension of the time limits. The Employer shall not refuse a reasonable written request for an extension of time limits. (g) In the event that an extension is not granted, salary adjustment shall occur the first of the month following receipt of the documentation. (h) The Employer shall notify the teacher in writing of the category and experience placement that has been assigned. (i) In the event that a teacher wishes to appeal her placement on the salary grid, the teacher must apply in writing to the Principal, or appropriate official, giving reasons for the application for review. In the event that the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the teacher may refer the matter immediately to Step 2 of the grievance procedure in Article 8.
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. Initial placement on the salary scale shall be determined, according to the above guide- lines, by the Academic Head and verified through the Department of Human Resources. Where an error in the calculation of credits is discovered during the term of the appoint- ment, the error shall be rectified by retro-actively adjusting the initial placement on the salary scale upwards or downwards, as the case may be. For the purposes of initial placement on the salary scale for all employees, the criteria shall be as follows:
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. 11.4.1 Procedure for Salary Placement of Faculty (Excluding Technicians) Initial salary placement shall take place upon appointment. Upon reappointment of a temporary faculty member, salary placement shall not take place unless such reappointment occurs more than one academic year after the expiry of the last temporary appointment. A candidate who may be appointed to a position shall be asked to complete a "VIUFA Salary Placement Experience Credit Data Summary" form, as contained in Appendix B.
INITIAL PLACEMENT ON SALARY SCALE. Effective April 1, 1996 existing regular faculty hired into positions starting with the Fall 1993 semester and before April 1, 1996 will receive scale adjustments, using the existing Xxxxxxx College scale, and determined as follows:


  • Placement on Salary Schedule The following rules shall be applicable in determining placement of a teacher on the appropriate salary schedule.

  • Salary Placement Entry-level placement on the salary schedule shall be at the lowest step of the schedule for the classification or at the hourly rate established for the classification, unless the District authorizes hiring at a higher rate.

  • Salary Schedule Placement 1. Credit hours for the purpose of placement on the salary schedule shall be defined as those semester hour credits earned for graduate courses that are within the teacher’s present certification or a planned program leading to additional areas of teacher certification, guidance or administration. Upon approval of the Superintendent, any other courses, graduate or undergraduate may be certified for proper placement on the salary schedule. 2. Credits must be earned in those institutions approved by the State Department of Education and the State Board of Regents in order to be considered for placement on the salary schedule. All steps indicated above the Bachelor’s Degree level signify that the teacher has earned that number of additional credits after receiving the bachelor’s or master’s degree. 3. Semester hours used for advanced salary schedule placement must be earned after completion of a bachelor’s or master’s degree. This applies to certified staff members asking for advanced placement after Jan 1, 1998. 4. Each teacher who has completed training which qualifies that teacher for a higher salary bracket pursuant to O.R.C. Section §3317.14 shall file, either by the fifteenth (15th) day of September or the fifteenth (15th) day of January of any given school year with the Treasurer of the Board of Education, satisfactory evidence of the completion of such additional training. If the teacher files satisfactory evidence by the fifteenth day of September, the Treasurer shall place that teacher at that salary level for the entire school year. If the teacher provides satisfactory evidence by the fifteenth (15th) day of January, the Treasurer shall place that teacher at the appropriate salary level from January 1 until the end of the school year. Adjustment shall be made on either date, not to exceed one (1) adjustment per school year.

  • Placement on the Salary Schedule Members of the bargaining unit shall be placed on the salary schedule at the step appropriate for training and creditable years of experience.

  • Salary Scale The salary scale applicable to Employees shall be set out hereinafter in the Wage Schedule.

  • Salary Scales ‌ 2.5.1 Effective from 1 January 2024, and subject to the Remuneration provisions in the Terms of Settlement, a 4% increase will apply to all paid and printed rates. The following Allied Divisions shall refer to the applicable schedules for their scales: MIT, UCOL and Otago. 2.5.2 Effective from 1 January 2025, kaimahi will be translated into the following salary scale, which includes the 4% salary increase: Band Step (N/A for UCOL and TOPNZ) Scale Scale 2025 (4%) 40 hours Band Step(N/A for UCOL and TOPNZ Scale 2025 (4%) Scale 2025 (4%)

  • Salary Deductions Salaried employees (E-level classifications) who are permanently assigned to full-time job classifications are paid on a bi-weekly salary basis. Salaried employees are paid a bi-weekly salary based on a minimum of two (2) forty (40) hour workweeks. The bi-weekly salary received by salaried employees will not be reduced regardless of the number of hours the salaried employee actually works in any week in which the salaried employee performs any work except for the following deductions: (A) Deductions from a salaried employee's salary may be made for any workweek in which the salaried employee performs no work. (B) Deductions from a salaried employee's salary may be made when the employee absents himself from work for a full day or days for personal reasons, other than sickness or accident. This provision shall not prevent appropriate deductions from being made from any employee's vacation leave balance pursuant to Article 11 of this Agreement for absences of less than a day for personal reasons, other than sickness or accident. (C) Deductions from an employee's salary may be made when a salaried employee absents himself from work for a day (or days) for sickness or accident disability in accordance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of this Agreement. (D) Deduction in a salaried employee's salary may be made for the initial or terminal week of the salaried employee if the salaried employee fails to work the entire workweek.