LEA. A Local Educational Agency is a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control of or direction of, or to perform service functions for, public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State; or such combination of school districts or counties a State recognizes as an administrative agency for its public elementary and secondary schools; or any other public institution or agency that has administrative control and direction of a public elementary or secondary school.
LEA. To inform parents of their rights (Procedural Safeguards) when their child is referred to ECSE for evaluation. The IDEA provides families with certain rights for obtaining and continuing services for children with disabilities. Procedural Safeguards cover the following areas: Written Notice and Consent Independent Educational Evaluation Access to Records Parent Participation Confidentiality of Information Destruction of Records Disciplinary Actions Child Complaints Attorney Fees Due Process Procedures/Hearing Rights Limitation on Reimbursement for Private School Placement To make available information about these procedural safeguards to local Head Start Programs. Obtain the parent’s written consent of release of information and records for children enrolled in HS prior to initiation of the evaluation if Head Start’s referral form does not cover this. To review referral information from Head Start to determine if an evaluation is warranted. To provide the parent/guardian with a Notice of Action/Refused by District when the LEA determines and evaluation is not warranted.
LEA. With the input of the parent, to review existing information to determine if there is sufficient data to determine: o Whether the child has a particular category of disability. o Present levels of performance and educational needs of the child. o Whether the child needs special education and related services. To provide notice of intent to evaluate prior to determining eligibility if no additional assessment is needed and to obtain written consent of the parent prior to conducting and necessary tests or other assessment instruments. To conduct or obtain necessary assessments for all preschool children suspected of having a disability. To notify the parent of the eligibility staffing early enough to ensure an opportunity to participate. To involve the Urban League Head Start in the evaluation process including, but not limited to notifying Head Start of scheduled assessment dates, times and places, reviewing evaluation information and records provided by Head Start, sharing evaluation information with parent’s permission and observing in the Urban League Head Start classroom. Observation may be a part of the evaluation process for the LEA. The Urban League Head Start site provides and appropriate environment for observation and possibly other assessments. The LEA will include Urban League Head Start in the eligibility staffing with the parent’s permission.
LEA. To write an evaluation report, synthesizing information about the child. Information from Head Start, the parent, and other outside sources will be considered by the LEA evaluation team for possible inclusion in the evaluation report. This report will specify the child’s eligibility or ineligibility for early childhood special education services. Eligibility is based on criteria referenced in Missouri’s State Plan for Par B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. To include the parent, and with the parent’s consent, invite Urban League Head Start to participate in the meeting to determine eligibility. For those children enrolled in Head Start, with parent consent, to notify Head Start in writing of eligibility determination by providing them a copy of the child’s evaluation report. To schedule an IEP meeting and provide notification to the parent of this meeting when the child is determined eligible for early childhood special education. The parent shall be notified that they and the district may invite other people with knowledge or special expertise about their child to the meeting.
LEA. With parental consent, the LEA will invite Head Start staff to participate in IEP meetings for ECSE eligible children who are enrolled in Head Start. To develop with the IEP team, an IEP for each child who meets the eligibility criteria as established by Missouri State Regulations for Part B of IDEA. For children enrolled in Head Start, information received from Head Start shall be reviewed by the IEP team for possible inclusion on the child’s IEP and for all subsequent reviews. To provide a copy of the child’s IEP to the parent. To provide a copy of the IEP to Urban League Head Start with the parent’s consent. To document and share progress on goals and objectives/benchmarks with Head Start on children enrolled in Head Start and self-contained early childhood programs.
LEA. To provide special education and related services based on the IEP goals and objectives/benchmarks in the least restrictive environment (LRE) to children who meet the ECSE eligibility criteria for special education services. As part of the IEP team, parents participate in placement decisions.
LEA. To assess the needs of LEA staff in the planning and implementation of staff development activities for personnel working with children with disabilities.
LEA. The District is the Local Education Agency (“LEA”). Nothing in this Contract is intended to, or shall, delegate the District’s responsibilities as LEA to External Operator.
LEA. Date Signature of CEO of Charter LEA
LEA. Every employee who becomes pregnant shall notify the Employer of her pregnancy at least fifteen (15) weeks prior to the expected date of termination of her pregnancy and, subject to sub-section shall be granted leave of absence without pay for a total period not to exceed seven (37) weeks consisting of two periods as follows: A maximum of eleven (11) weeks prior to the expected termination date of her pregnancy; and A maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks following the termination date of her pregnancy; Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (a) above, a regular employee may elect to use earned vacation and/or compensatory leave credits prior to and subsequent to use of unpaid maternity leave but total leave shall not weeks prior to and weeks after the termination of pregnancy; A regular employee who has not commenced maternity leave without pay may elect to use her sick leave credits up to and beyond the date that her pregnancy terminates, subject to the provisions set out in the Sick Leave Article. For purposes of this Clause, illness or injury as defined in Article shall include medical disability related to pregnancy; Where the employee’s newborn child is born prematurely, or is born with or contracts a condition that requires its hospitalization within the twenty-six (26) week period defined in sub- paragraph above, the period of maternity leave without pay therein defined may be extended beyond the date falling twenty-six (26) weeks after the date of childbirth by a period equal to the period during which the child is hospitalized. This extension shall end no later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the termination date of pregnancy; At its discretion, the Employer may require an employee to submit a medical certificate certifying pregnancy; Where the employee commences maternity leave at a date later than eleven (11) weeks prior to the expected date of termination of her pregnancy, the Employer may request submission of a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating the health of the employee. Similarly, the Employer may, upon submission of a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating the health of the employee, permit the leave to commence at a date earlier than eleven (11) weeks prior to the expected date of termination of her pregnancy and/or provide the employee an extension to the maternity leave entitlement beyond the maximum thirty-seven (37)week period; An employee who has proceeded on maternity leave must notify the Employer in w...