Xxxxx Activity. The Project catchment area is [Catchment area], with around [No. eligible children] children aged 0–5 that will be positively impacted by the Project. [Insert details of proposed project outlying how the organisation will: • Achieve the integration of existing early childhood, maternal and child health and family support services with a school or schools in their proposed catchment area. • Increase access and participation of First Nations children birth to school age, pregnant women and families. • Better prepare First Nations children to transition to school].
Xxxxx Activity. In addition to the documents referenced under Scope of the Agreement, this Agreement must be read and interpreted in conjunction with: The Disability Services Xxx 0000 (Cth) (the Act) and all subordinate legislation made under it; and The Disability Employment Assistance – Operational Guidelines (the Guidelines). A term defined in the Act or any subordinate legislation made under it, in the Supplementary Terms, Standard Grant Conditions or the Guidelines has the same meaning in this Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears. Funding provided under this Agreement is in the form of a grant of financial assistance made under section 12AD of the Act. You must comply with the Act at all times during the term of this Activity. You must achieve the following goals/objectives: Further the Principles and Objectives of the Act made under section 5 of the Act; and Further the Objects of the Act made under section 3 of the Act. You agree to provide Employment Assistance Services to people in the Target Group as defined by section 8(1) of the Act. A person is eligible to be a Supported Employee under the DEA program extension if: At 30 June 2020, they were a Supported Employee under the original Department of Social Services (DSS) Disability Employment Assistance Program (which ceased on 30 June 2020), with a case status of ‘Started’, ‘Returned from Suspension’ or ‘Suspended’. Existing Supported Employees and when a person can no longer be a Supported Employee: You agree that, once a person is a Supported Employee, the person is able to remain a Supported Employee until one of the following circumstances applies to them: when we tell you, or you become aware, that the person has a plan in effect under section 37 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Xxx 0000, subject to exceptions stated in the Guidelines; where the person no longer has a disability or is no longer in the “Target Group” as set out in section 8 of the Act; where it is clear that the person will not be able to Work the minimum hours as set out in the Guidelines; where we direct you that the person is no longer a Supported Employee; where the Supported Employee (or their Advocate) asks you for the Supported Employee to no longer be a Supported Employee; where any another circumstance applies, as set out in the Guidelines, about ‘Exiting’ a Supported Employee. Where one of the circumstances in Item B.6.a applies to a Supported Employee, that person is taken to have ‘Exited’ and you agree to fo...
Xxxxx Activity. Objective
Xxxxx Activity. Medical Physicists are an essential workforce for safe and effective medical treatments and diagnoses which involve radiation. Diagnosing and treating cancers relies on this workforce. The Grantee is funded to: • develop the curricula and coordinate training through ACPSEM’s Training, Education and Assessment Program (TEAP) for radiation oncology medical physicists (ROMPs), diagnostic imaging medical physicists (DIMPs) and radiopharmaceutical scientists (RPSs); and • manage the certification of professional standards in radiology medical physics, nuclear medicine medical physics, radiation oncology medical physics; and radiopharmaceutical science. While funding is not based on the quantum of training, there are minimum targets set under this contract for evaluation and monitoring purposes. These targets have been developed in consultation with ACPSEM, while failure to meet minimum targets will be cause for monitoring and will be considered in review of the contract it will not be assumed to be a failure on behalf of ACPSEM. Table 1: Activity Performance indicators: Performance Indicator Description Target 1 Minimum enrolments 2018 (as at 1 December) 115 2 Minimum enrolments 2019 (as at 1 December) 120 3 Minimum enrolments 2020 (as at 1 December) 120 4 New ROMP enrolments per year 12 5 New DIMP enrolments per year 9 6 New RPS participants per year 3 7 Average (3 year) total number of new TEAP certification/registrations in ROMP, DIMP and RPS 20
Xxxxx Activity. Medical Physicists are an essential workforce for safe and effective medical treatments and diagnoses which involve radiation. Diagnosing and treating cancers relies on this workforce. The Grantee is funded to: • develop the curricula and coordinate training through ACPSEM’s Training, Education and Assessment Program (TEAP) for radiation oncology medical physicists (ROMPs), diagnostic imaging medical physicists (DIMPs) and radiopharmaceutical scientists (RPSs); and • manage the certification of professional standards in radiology medical physics, nuclear medicine medical physics, radiation oncology medical physics; and radiopharmaceutical science. While funding is not based on the quantum of training, there are minimum targets set under this contract for evaluation and monitoring purposes. These targets have been developed in consultation with ACPSEM, while failure to meet minimum targets will be cause for monitoring and will be considered in review of the contract it will not be assumed to be a failure on behalf of ACPSEM. Table 1: Activity Performance indicators: Performance Indicator Description Target 1 Minimum enrolments 2021 (as at 1 December) 120 2 Average total number of new TEAP certification/registrations in ROMP, DIMP and RPS 20
Xxxxx Activity. Medical Physicists are an essential workforce for safe and effective medical treatments and diagnoses which involve radiation. Diagnosing and treating cancers relies on this workforce. There is evidence to suggest Commonwealth funding is required to help meet the need for qualified medical physicists. The Grantee is funded to: • select and administer grant funding to facilities employing medical physicist trainees enrolled in ACPSEMs TEAP initiative; and • assess and monitor the most appropriate way to allocate the above funding. ACPSEM will select funding recipients on a competitive basis according to health workforce and community requirements. Grants of up to $60,000 per annum will be provided per trainee approved for the program. ACPSEM will ensure that grant recipients understand that the Commonwealth is not party to the funding agreements. Where a trainee completes at least 50% of their training within Modified Monash Model 2-7 facilities, a regional loading payment of up to $20,000 per year may be made to recipients. Where a trainee obtains registration as a medical physicist in less than 3 years, a one off payment of up to $6,000 may be paid to the recipient. ACPSEM is expected to allocate 22 new trainee grants in each 2018 and2019(calendar years). For the 2020 and 2021 calendar years, ACPSEM is expected to allocate up to 22 new training grants across the two year period. Note that 2021 activities are in Activity ID 4-FOLB1UC Medical Physicist Trainee Support [Extension]. ACPSEM is expected to allocate up to 22 new trainee grants in each 2018 and 2019, and up to 22 new training grants over the 2020 and 2021 (calendar years). ACPSEM will undertake research to assess and monitor the most appropriate way to allocate funding. Formal recommendations will be made to the department. Where these recommendations differ from the approach, amounts and targets outlined above; any decision to alter the way grants are allocated will only be adopted upon agreement from the department.
Xxxxx Activity. Medical Physicists are an essential workforce for safe and effective medical treatments and diagnoses which involve radiation. Diagnosing and treating cancers relies on this workforce. There is evidence to suggest Commonwealth funding is required to help meet the need for qualified medical physicists. The Grantee is funded to: • select and administer grant funding to facilities employing medical physicist trainees enrolled in ACPSEMs TEAP initiative; and • assess and monitor the most appropriate way to allocate the above funding. ACPSEM will select funding recipients on a competitive basis according to health workforce and community requirements. Grants of up to $60,000 per annum will be provided per trainee approved for the program. ACPSEM will ensure that grant recipients understand that the Commonwealth is not party to the funding agreements. Where a trainee completes at least 50% of their training within Modified Monash Model 2-7 facilities, a regional loading payment of up to $20,000 per year may be made to recipients. Where a trainee obtains registration as a medical physicist in less than 3 years, a one off payment of up to $6,000 may be paid to the recipient. For the 2020 and 2021 calendar years, ACPSEM is expected to allocate up to 22 new training grants across the two year period. Note that 2020 activities are in Activity ID 4-80S5LZI - Medical Physicist Trainee Support. ACPSEM will undertake research to assess and monitor the most appropriate way to allocate funding. Formal recommendations will be made to the department. Where these recommendations differ from the approach, amounts and targets outlined above; any decision to alter the way grants are allocated will only be adopted upon agreement from the department.
Xxxxx Activity. The Lease is both a hard copy and electronic lease that becomes legally active and binding as soon as it is received by the LESSOR and the Damage Security Deposit check clears. If the check does not clear, then the Lease is null and void even if signed by both the LESSOR and the LESSEE.
Xxxxx Activity. B.1. In addition to the documents referenced under Scope of the Agreement, this Agreement must be read and interpreted in conjunction with:
a. The Disability Services Xxx 0000 (Cth) (the Act) and all subordinate legislation made under it; and
b. The Disability Employment Assistance – Operational Guidelines (the Guidelines). A term defined in the Act or any subordinate legislation made under it, in the Supplementary Terms, Standard Grant Conditions or the Guidelines has the same meaning in this Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears.
B.2. Funding provided under this Agreement is in the form of a grant of financial assistance made under section 12AD of the Act. You must comply with the Act at all times during the term of this Activity.
B.3. You must achieve the following goals/objectives:
a. Further the Principles and Objectives of the Act made under section 5 of the Act; and
b. Further the Objects of the Act made under section 3 of the Act.
B.4. You agree to provide Employment Assistance Services to people in the Target Group as defined by section 8(1) of the Act.
B.5. A person is eligible to be a Supported Employee under the DEA program extension if:
a. At 30 June 2020, they were a Supported Employee under the original Department of Social Services (DSS) Disability Employment Assistance Program (which ceased on 30 June 2020), with a case status of ‘Started’, ‘Returned from Suspension’ or ‘Suspended’.
Xxxxx Activity. The Project catchment area is [Catchment area], with around [No. eligible children] children aged 0–5 that will be positively impacted by the Project. The Connected Beginnings Project will be delivered through a governance framework which will leverage the knowledge and engagement of the [Name of relevant groups that will be involved in the scoping and delivery of the Project] who will co-design the Project with community. The Connected Beginnings project team will build upon current collaborative efforts to improve access to early childhood, primary health and family support services and develop a collective impact initiative capable of bringing about community led systemic change and improved outcomes for children and their families. To achieve this, outreach will be provided to vulnerable families in [Location of vulnerable families] through [Grant activity details]. Service providers and community organisations will be supported to develop an engagement strategy that furthers the relationships with families and provides opportunities to deliver and receive services in informal spaces. They will also be supported to develop a more streamlined referral processes, develop policies, practices and resource flows that address systemic issues as they are identified and develop downward accountability mechanisms to ensure families are involved in assessing the success of the initiative. A shared metrics for demonstrating impact, data collection, storage, analysis and reporting will also be developed, along with a shared understanding of, and commitment to, the collective impact approach.