Meals and Rest Periods. The employer will provide meal and rest periods in accordance with state and federal laws except that the employer agrees to provide rest periods in 15-minute increments in accordance with the employers’ policy. A rest period may be allowed in conjunction with the meal period, as determined and approved by the Employer.
Meals and Rest Periods. 8.2.1 Lunch or supper period shall be a minimum of one-half (½) hour each.
8.2.2 The meal period provided under Clause 8.2.1 shall be scheduled so as to prevent an employee from working more than five (5) consecutive hours without a meal period.
8.2.3 An employee shall be entitled to two (2) rest periods of ten (10) minutes each to be taken during the normal working day.
Meals and Rest Periods.
13.1. An Employee shall be allowed a rest period of ten minutes within each four hours of duty without deduction from pay.
13.2. After three and a half hours and before five and a half hours an Employee shall be allowed a one half hour unpaid meal break, the timing to be in agreement with their supervisor. These meal breaks will be managed so as to ensure continuity of cover in each department. The Employer shall provide a light meal.
13.3. Where a manager deems that the workload is such that a meal break cannot be taken, a 30 minute unrelieved meal break at ordinary rate will be paid. A light meal will be provided for the employee to eat as and when it can be taken.
Meals and Rest Periods. 20.1 It is the District’s intent to provide employees meal and Rest Periods.
a. Employees working shifts of more than six (6) hours will be provided two (2) fifteen-minute paid breaks. One during the first half of the shift, and a second during the last half of the shift.
b. Employees working four (4) to six (6) hours are provided one fifteen-minute paid break.
c. An unpaid thirty (30) minute Meal Period shall be provided to all employees working shifts of more than six (6) hours.
20.2 If a pattern of missed meal or Rest Periods due to District or management occurs, the Union has the right to meet and confer.
20.3 Employees in certain positions and on certain shifts may be required to remain on the premises, but not at the work station, and carry a pager or cell phone while on a Meal Period. As long as an employee is not interrupted, this is considered unpaid time. If an employee is called back to work by the pager or cell phone, it is considered paid time. In that situation, the employee must punch back in to work or submit a completed Variance Log.
Meals and Rest Periods. For assignments where the employee is unable to leave for a thirty (30) minute meal period, the meal period shall be paid as time worked. For assignments where the employee is able to leave the client for a thirty (30) minute meal period (for example: hourly workers), the meal period shall be unpaid. Except for emergencies, employees will be completely relieved from duty during the unpaid meal period. The meal period should be taken between the second and fifth hour of work. Fifteen (15) minute paid rest periods will be provided approximately midway through each four
Meals and Rest Periods. Meal and rest periods will be administered in accordance with state law (WAC 296-126-092). Employees assigned to this work schedule will receive a one-half (1/2) hour unpaid meal period during each 12-hour work shift. Meal periods shall occur as near the middle of the shift as is practical. Employees required by their supervisors to remain in their working areas during their meal period shall be compensated for such time at the appropriate rate of pay. Employees will be allowed three (3) rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes each during each 12-hour shift.
Meals and Rest Periods. The employer will provide meal and rest periods pursuant to the Oregon Secretary of State Bureau of Labor and Industry, 839-020-0050, and federal laws. Except that the employer agrees to provide rest periods in 15-minute increments in accordance with the employers’ policy. A rest period may be allowed in conjunction with the meal period, as determined and approved by the employer.
Meals and Rest Periods. The standard meal period for all Association members shall be forty-five (45) minutes for each full shift worked which shall be counted as hours worked. The standard rest periods for all Association members shall be two fifteen (15) minute periods for each full shift worked.
Meals and Rest Periods. 13.1 Except when required for urgent or emergency work and except as provided in (13.2) below, no employee shall be required to work for more than five hours continuously without being allowed a meal break of not less than half an hour.
13.2 An employee unable to be relieved from work for a meal break shall be allowed to have a meal on duty and this period shall be regarded as working time.
13.3 Except as provided in (13.2) above an employee unable to take a meal after five hours' duty shall be paid at half time rate in addition to normal salary (T1.5) from the expiry of five hours until the time when a meal break or a meal on duty can be taken
13.4 Rest breaks of 10 minutes each for morning tea, afternoon tea or supper, where these occur during duty, shall be allowed as time worked around the mid-point of the work periods either side of a meal break. Tea, coffee, sugar, milk and facilities for boiling water will be provided free by the Employer.
Meals and Rest Periods. An Employee shall benefit from a break period of thirty (30) minutes, without pay, for meals, between examination shifts when working two (2) consecutive shifts, totalling at least eight (8) hours. In addition, unless not feasible as a result of particular circumstances, an Employee shall benefit from a rest period of fifteen (15) minutes, with pay, for a period of four (4) consecutive hours of work.