Non-Shift Employees. Employees who are not assigned to divisions operating on a 24-hour basis or schedule shall observe December 24 as follows:
Non-Shift Employees. Holidays which fall on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays which fall on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.
Non-Shift Employees. Normal field hours for Transmission Technologists, and Transmission Crews shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with one (1) hour off for lunch. The regular workweek shall be any four (4) consecutive days, Monday through Saturday. In the week that there is a Company-recognized holiday; the other four (4) days shall be worked from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on an eight (8) hour day, with one (1) hour off for lunch. It is agreed that on forty-eight (48) hours’ notice, the Company may change the normal hours shown by one (1) hour or less.
Non-Shift Employees. The normal work schedule for non-shift employees will be 5-days on, 2-days off. Non-shift employees will receive approximately the same number of days off per year as the shift employees. This will be accomplished by allowing non-shift employees to select their days off on a monthly basis. These days off shall be known as flex days. Non-shift employees are expected to select Saturdays and Sundays first as flex days. Selection of any additional flex days will be governed by staffing needs of the division the employees work in and will be authorized only if the division’s workload allows. The normal work day for non-shift employees will be 8½-hours per day.
Non-Shift Employees. Non-shift Employees, when required to work on a holiday, will receive one and a half times their straight time rate for all hours worked on the holiday, in addition to their eight hours Holiday Pay.
Non-Shift Employees. The parties hereto recognize that the business of the Company requires safe, efficient and continuous operations for twenty-four hours of each day and that in such operation, it is inherent that the Company will establish working schedules, and it is recognized that from time to time the Company will need to and has the authority to make changes in non-shift employees’ working schedules except as provided in this section. If time and conditions warrant, consideration should be given to volunteers for these schedule changes.
Non-Shift Employees. Each employee, covered by this MOU, shall receive overtime compensation, at the rate of one and ½ times the employee’s base compensation, in cash, for all time worked in excess of the employee’s scheduled 40 hours per week. This shall be included in the paycheck for the pay period in which it is earned.
Non-Shift Employees. Bargaining unit employees, designated by classification or work assignment, identified as "non-shift employees" in the Department, shall be compensated for "official City holidays" with holiday pay or leave in accordance with applicable City of Longmont Policy, Procedure, Regulation, Ordinance, or Rule governing paid holidays or holiday leave for such employees.
Non-Shift Employees. Each non-shift employee shall accrue holiday hours at a rate of approximately 4.15 hours per (80) regularly scheduled hours worked to a maximum of 108 hours each fiscal year. Accrued Holiday hours shall be recorded on the employees paycheck stub. When a designated holiday is taken off, the employee’s holiday accrual balance shall be debited in the amount of holiday hours taken off. Vacation and/or compensatory time off, shall not be utilized to fund a used holiday off, unless the employee’s holiday bank has a balance of hours less than the hours in a work day. In such case the existing holiday bank may be supplemented with vacation and/or compensatory time off earned hours to the extent necessary to equal the holiday hours taken off. All holidays taken off, shall be accounted for by using Holiday Bank hours to the extent that Holiday Bank hours are available in the employee’s Holiday Bank. Vacation and or compensatory bank time may only be used for holidays taken off after the employee’s Holiday Bank is exhausted. Newly hired (i.e. less than one year) employees who have not accrued vacation or other paid leave, may “borrow” from the holiday bank against future holiday accruals. Employees leaving City employment with a negative holiday bank balance shall have the balance deducted from accrued vacation as of the date of employee’s separation. Holidays balances in excess of 12 hours shall be paid to the employee in May at the employee’s basic rate of pay as of the date of the payoff. Any employee with a balance of less than 12 hours who desires a full payoff of his or her holiday balance should e-mail this request to Payroll no later than April 10th of each year. Payoff of accumulated holiday hours shall be processed with the employee's regular payroll check. This check may also contain a payoff of accumulated compensatory time.
Non-Shift Employees a) For non-shift employees, a normal day’s work shall be eight (8) hours between 06:00 and 20:00 hours as determined by the Corporation. A maximum lunch period of one
(1) hour shall be observed taken approximately midway through each work day, unless otherwise agreed to by an employee and their immediate supervisor. The normal work week shall consist of forty (40) hours worked in any five (5) consecutive days Monday through Saturday inclusive, with the exception of a flexible work arrangement under Letter of Understanding #5 in which case the normal work week can be Monday through Sunday by mutual agreement.
b) By mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor, the hours of work per day for a specific job assignment may be extended to a maximum of ten (10) hours per day so as to average forty (40) hours per week over a pre-determined period of time and, consequently, overtime payment for the hours worked over eight (8) per day would not apply.