Off-Hire. (a) On each and every occasion that there is loss of time (whether by way of interruption in the Vessel's service or, from reduction in the Vessel's performance, or in any other manner whatsoever):
(i) due to deficiency of personnel or stores; repairs; gas-freeing for repairs; time in and waiting to enter dry-dock for repairs; breakdown (whether partial or total) of machinery, boilers or other parts of the Vessel or her equipment (including without limitation tank coatings); overhaul, maintenance or survey; collision, stranding, accident or damage to the Vessel; or any other cause whatsoever preventing the efficient working of the Vessel; and such loss continues for more than three consecutive hours (if resulting from interruption in the Vessel's service) or cumulates to more than three hours (if resulting from partial loss of service); or
(ii) due to industrial action, refusal to sail, breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the master, officers or crew; or
(iii) for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured person (other than a Charterers' representative carried under Clause 18 hereof) or for the purpose of landing the body of any person (other than a Charterers' representative), and such loss continues for more than three consecutive hours; or
(iv) due to any delay in quarantine arising from the master, officers or crew having had communication with the shore at any infected area without the written consent or instructions of Charterers or their agents, or to any detention by customs or other authorities caused by smuggling or other infraction of local law on the part of the master, officers, or crew; or
(v) due detention of the Vessel by authorities at home or abroad attributable to legal action against or breach of regulations by the Vessel, the Vessel's owners, or Owners (unless brought about by the act or neglect of Charterers); or
(vi) due to pre-docking and repair procedure including warming, gas freeing and inerting; or
(vii) due to scheduled dry-docking and maintenance, maintaining, overhauling, repairing or dry-docking the Vessel and submitting her for survey; waiting for any of the aforesaid purposes; proceeding to or from, and whilst at, any port or place for any of the aforesaid purposes; or
(viii) due to post-docking or repair procedure including ine1ting, gassing and cooling in excess of that undertaken for normal loading; or
(ix) due to attack and/ or seizure by pirates, subject to ...
Off-Hire a. In the event of loss of time from breakdown of machinery, regulatory issues involving Vessel or Owners, collision, stranding, fire or other accident or damage to the Vessel, not caused by the fault of the Charterers, preventing the working of the Vessel for more than six (6) consecutive hours, provided that loss of time shall not be construed to include time spent performing voyage repairs, preventative maintenance or regulatory inspections during waiting periods where such work will not interfere with next arrival time specified in Charterers’ voyage orders, or in the event of loss of time from deficiency of men or stores, breach of orders or neglect of duty by the master, officers, or crew, or from deviation for the purpose of landing any injured or ill person on board other than any person who may be carried at Charterers’ request, payment of hire shall cease for all time lost until the Vessel is again ready and in an efficient state to resume her service and has regained a point of progress equivalent to that when the hire ceased hereunder: cost of fuel consumed while the Vessel is off hire hereunder, as well as all port charges, pilotages, and other expenses incurred during such period and consequent upon the putting in to any port or place other than to which the Vessel is bound, shall be borne by the Owners; but should the Vessel be driven into port or to anchorage by stress of weather or on account of accident to her cargo due to the negligence of the Charterers such loss of time , shall be for Charterers’ account. Vessel shall provide Charterers with written notice when the Vessel goes back on hire. If upon the voyage the speed of the Vessel be reduced or her fuel consumption increased by breakdown, casualty, or inefficiency of master, officers, or crew, so as to cause a delay of more than twenty-four hours in arriving at the Vessel’s next port or an excess consumption of more than one day’s fuel, hire for the time lost and cost of extra fuel consumed, if any, shall be borne by the Owner. Any delay by ice or time spent in quarantine shall be for Charterers’ account. Any loss of time through detention by authorities as a result of proven charges of smuggling or of other infractions of law by the master, officers, or any of the members of the crew shall be for Owners’ account.
b. If the Vessel fails to proceed at any guaranteed speed pursuant to Clause 24, unless Charterers direct Vessel to perform at reduced speed, the period for which the Vesse...
Off-Hire. The Managers agree to indemnify the Owners for any days of off-hire (pursuant to Clause 21 of the Time Charter) or reduced hire (pursuant to Clause 24 of the Time Charter) with respect to the Vessel under the Time Charter such that in any given twelve-month period commencing on the Delivery Date (as defined in the Time Charter) the Owners shall have received from the Time Charterers and the Managers, on a combined basis, a total of 360 days of Basic Hire (as defined in the Time Charter); provided, that nothing in this Clause 24 shall be construed so as to impose an obligation on the Managers to indemnify the Owners for the payment of Basic Hire (as defined in the Time Charter) by the Time Charterers under the Time Charter other than for days of off-hire (pursuant to Clause 21 of the Time Charter) or reduced hire (pursuant to Clause 24 of the Time Charter). The Managers' obligation to indemnify Owners for off-hire pursuant to this Clause 24 shall be reduced by any amount received by Owners for such off-hire under the off-hire insurance procured by the Managers pursuant to Clause 6 of this Agreement.
Off-Hire. Should the vessel put back whilst on voyage by reason of an accident or breakdown or in the event of loss of time either in port or at sea or deviation upon the course of the voyage caused by sickness of or accident to the crew or any person on board the vessel (other than passengers or supercargo travelling by request of the Charterers), or by reason of the refusal of the Master or crew to perform their duties, or by reason of salvage or oil pollution, even if alleged, or capture/seizure or detention by any authority/legal process except if caused by Charterers, the hire shall be suspended from the time of inefficiency until the vessel is again efficient in the same or equidistant position in Charterers’ option and voyage resumed therefrom. All extra directly related expenses incurred including bunkers consumed during period of suspended hire shall be for Owners’ account. The Charterers may, in their option, partly or wholly add any off hire period(s) to the timecharter period. During any off-hire period estimated to exceed 8 days, the Owners to give the Charterers not less than 5 days definite notice of resumption of the service. If the vessel has been off-hire for a period of more than 30 days, the Charterers are at liberty to cancel the balance of this Charter Party, in which case redelivery shall take place upon vessel being free of cargo, irrespective of redelivery ranges.
Off-Hire. Irrespective of the actual number of days off-hire for any one Vessel under its respective Charter, the Charterer agrees to continue to pay the agreed charter hire payments under the Charter to the Owner of such Vessel, and will not deduct for any off-hire, as long as the aggregate Accumulated Off Hire Amount for all Vessels then in the fleet is less than or equal to the aggregate Accumulated Off Hire Allowance for all such Vessels.
Off-Hire. The Managers agree to indemnify the Owners for any days of off-hire (pursuant to Clause 21 of the Time Charter) or reduced hire (pursuant to Clause 24 of the Time Charter) with respect to the Vessel under the Time Charter such that in any given twelve-month period commencing on the Delivery Date (as defined in the Time Charter) the Owners shall have received from the Time Charterers and the Managers, on a combined basis, a total of 360 days of Basic Hire (as defined in the Time Charter); provided, that nothing in this Clause 24 shall be construed so as to impose an obligation on the Managers to indemnify the Owners for the payment of Basic Hire (as defined in the Time Charter) by the Time Charterers under the Time Charter other than for days of off-hire (pursuant to Clause 21 of the Time Charter) or reduced hire (pursuant to Clause 24 of the Time Charter). The Managers’ obligation to indemnify Owners for off-hire pursuant to this Clause 24 shall be reduced by any amount received by Owners for such off-hire under the off-hire insurance procured by the Managers pursuant to Clause 6 of this Agreement. Any amounts payable pursuant to this Clause 24 for days of off-hire or reduced hire during any calendar quarter shall be paid by the Managers to the Owners on the Date that is no later than 25 days after the completion of the applicable calendar quarter. In the event of payment by the Managers to the Owners of any amounts under this Clause 24, the Managers shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to any rights of recovery of the Owners under the off-hire insurance procured by the Managers pursuant to Clause 6 of this Agreement, and the Owners shall, upon the request of the Managers, execute all papers reasonably required and shall do everything that may be reasonably necessary to secure such rights, including the execution of such documents necessary to enable the Managers effectively to bring suit to enforce such rights.
Off-Hire. (a) Except when the FSRU is expressed to be On-Hire under Clauses 3.5(e), 5.5, 6.9(c), 18.1(b), 18.2(b), 25.2(a), 25.7, 26.3(c), 26.10(a)(iii), 28.1, 28.2, 29, for each minute after Acceptance during which the FSRU or Mooring fails to satisfy or is incapable of satisfying any of the Operational Minimum Requirements, the FSRU shall be “Off-Hire” for the purposes of this agreement and no Hire shall be payable by Company for time that the FSRU is Off-Hire.
(b) The FSRU shall be On-Hire at any time that the FSRU or Mooring fails to satisfy or is incapable of satisfying any of the Operational Minimum Requirements as a result of any Company Risk Event or Force Majeure.
(c) The cost of all fuels, LNG or vapour lost from or consumed by the FSRU while the FSRU is Off-Hire hereunder, as well as all charges and other expenses of Owner which are incurred by the FSRU during such period, including all costs
Off-Hire. The Borrower shall promptly notify the Agent if the Ship is off-hire under the Charter (including under clause 11.3 of the Charter) for more than two days in any calendar year.
Off-Hire. If the Vessel(s) should go off-hire during the period of this Charter, the Owner shall present to the Contracting Officer a statement certified by it or its authorized agent showing the amount of fuel on board at the time the off-hire period commenced and the amount of fuel on board when the off-hire period ended. The Charterer shall be credited for the cost of the fuel consumed during the off-hire period and also reasonable expenses incurred in loading such fuel, with such costs based upon costs at the previous refueling point. (See Attachment C for Off-Hire Percentages.)
Off-Hire. 14.1 Off-Hire
(a) On each and every occasion where the Vessel ceases to be at Customer’s disposition:
(i) due to any damage, defect, breakdown, deficiency (whether partial or total) of, or accident to, the Vessel’s hull, boilers, machinery, equipment or cargo containment and handling facilities (including the Regasification Equipment, tank coatings and insulation); or
(ii) due to deficiency of personnel or stores; repairs; gas-freeing or inerting for repairs; time in and waiting to enter dry dock for repairs; overhaul, maintenance or survey; collision, stranding, accident or damage to the Vessel; or any other similar cause preventing the efficient working of the Vessel; or
(iii) due to industrial action, any default and/or deficiency of Owner, Contractor, the Master, officers or crew, including the failure or refusal or inability of the Master, officers and/or crew to perform the services required under this Agreement or breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the Master, officers or crew, whether as a result of a breach of orders or neglect of duty by, or as a consequence of illness or injury to, or labour disputes or strikes by, or refusal to sail on the part of, the Master, officers or crew, or any other dispute relating to Contractor’s wages or crew employment policy; or
(iv) due to deviation for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured Person (other than a Super-numerary or a Customer’s Personnel) or for the purpose of landing the body of any Person (other than a Customer’s Personnel); or
(v) due to any delay in quarantine arising from the Master, officers or crew having had communication or interaction with the shore at any infected area without the written consent or instructions of Customer or its agents, or to any detention by customs or other authorities caused by smuggling or other infraction of local law on the part of the Master, officers, or crew; or due to detention, delay or other interference with the Vessel attributable to the Vessel carrying or having carried stowaways; or
(vi) due to detention of or interference with the Vessel by authorities at home or abroad attributable to legal action against, or alleged or actual breach of regulations by the Vessel, Owner, Contractor, the Master, officers or crew (unless brought about by the act or neglect of Customer); or
(vii) due to the inability of the Vessel to proceed to or enter, load, discharge, regasify LNG and leave without delay a...