Out of Town Assignments. 12.01 Where an employee is required to carry out an assignment outside the employee’s regularly scheduled patrol zone, the employee shall be paid:
(a) In accordance with the provisions of this Agreement contained in Article 5 - Salaries and Wages; Article 6 –
Out of Town Assignments. 205 The Company will inform the Shop Chairman when members of the bargaining unit have been sent on repair assignments outside La Crosse. Compensation while on such assignments will be based on the applicable provisions of the Fair Labor Standard Act and Chart Heat Exchangers travel policy. The Chart Heat Exchangers policy presently provides that an employee traveling on Company business outside la Crosse will receive an additional 20% (or more for certain international trips) added to their earnings applicable to paid travel time and work performed on the trip with the exception of authorized time off before and/or after a trip, travel for purposes of the employee's own training, and any trip completed within one day. Employees are considered first shift employees for purposes of determining normal working and sleeping hours while traveling. Travel, including time outside normal working hours, will be compensated according to the Chart Heat Exchangers travel policy.
Out of Town Assignments. An employee may be temporarily assigned to perform work outside their normal reporting area. When such an assignment involves an overnight stay, by mutual agreement the employee will be paid either a per diem of $35 for each day assigned or company designated lodging and $21 for each day assigned.
Out of Town Assignments a) When employees of the Local are on assignment remote from their normal community of residence, or where requested by the President, i.e. servicing, organizing, conferences or conventions, etc., and where possible, employees shall be allowed separate and individual hotel rooms. The Employer may on occasion require staff to work on assignments outside British Columbia for periods of up to 3 weeks in duration. Such assignments shall be rotated equally amongst all members of the bargaining unit. Further, any stays longer can be approved by the President by mutual consent. If an employee is required on an out of province assignment for more than three (3) weeks, such employee(s) shall be allowed to return home every two (2) weeks. Employees shall be allowed to travel executive or business class, where these services are available, on flights over 2 1/2 hours' duration. It is also understood that out of province assignments for educational purposes may be for longer duration and not subject to the above language.
Out of Town Assignments. All out-of-town itineraries, upon being developed by the Staff Representative concerned, shall be subject to clearance from the appropriate officer of the Employer, and shall be arranged so that the actual flying, or driving, or train transportation time as the case may be, along with the actual time spent in meetings each day will be accommodated as far as possible into an average of eight (8) hours worked per day spread on the number of days or part thereof spent on the itinerary. Overtime pay will not be applicable for work on such out-of-town assignments. However, if such authorized itinerary involves out-of-town traveling or otherwise working on a Saturday or Sunday or a Statutory Holiday or a day of vacation, the Staff Representative concerned shall be allowed to bank two (2) days (16 hours) in lieu of each such day or portion thereof so worked. She/he shall then take the day(s) so banked within ninety (90) calendar days thereafter, at a time mutually arranged with the Secretary-Business Manager of the Employer or her/his designate. It is understood that the requirement for out-of-town work on such days aforementioned shall be the exception rather than the rule and itineraries shall be designed accordingly.
Out of Town Assignments. 8:01 When a police member is required to carry out an assignment outside the City of Barrie he/she shall be paid:
(a) in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for the time he/she is actually performing the duties of such assignments;
(b) at his/her regular rate of pay for the travelling time, to and from the place of the assignment;
(c) actual reasonable costs for accommodations, supported by receipts, and
(d) per diem meal costs in accordance with City of Barrie rates and Service policy. Rates will be posted annually. In special cases a police member may apply for an advance of meal expenses to his/her divisional Inspector. Such an advance must be reconciled and supported by receipts upon completion of the assignment.
Out of Town Assignments. 8:01 When a civilian member is required to carry out an assignment outside the City of Barrie he/she shall be paid:
(a) in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for the time he/she is actually performing the duties of such assignments;
(b) at his/her regular rate of pay for the travelling time, to and from the place of the assignment;
(c) actual reasonable costs for accommodations, supported by receipts, and
(d) per diem meal costs in accordance with City of Barrie rates and Service policy. Rates will be posted annually. In special cases a civilian member may apply for an advance of meal expenses to his/her divisional Inspector. Such an advance must be reconciled and supported by receipts upon completion of the assignment.
Out of Town Assignments. All out-of-town itineraries, upon being developed by the Employee concerned, shall be subject to clearance from the appropriate officer of the Employer, and shall be arranged so that the actual flying, or driving, or train transportation time as the case may be, along with the actual time spent in meetings each day will be accommodated as far as possible into an average of 7.8 hours worked per day spread on the number of days or part thereof spent on the itinerary. Overtime pay will not be applicable for work on such out-of-town assignments. However, if such authorized itinerary involves out-of-town traveling or otherwise working on a Saturday or Sunday or a Statutory Holiday or a day of vacation, the employee concerned shall be allowed to bank two (2) days in lieu of each such day or portion thereof so worked. She/he shall then take the day(s) so banked at a time mutually arranged with the Employer’s designate. It is understood that the requirement for out-of-town work on such days aforementioned shall be the exception rather than the rule and itineraries shall be designed accordingly.
Out of Town Assignments. Employees assigned to out-of-town assignments (except fixed transmitter locations) of more than twenty-four (24) hours elapsed time shall be guaranteed at least eight (8) hours pay in each twenty-four (24) hour period.
Out of Town Assignments. (a) Employees to be paid at straight-time rates for their regularly scheduled shift; at overtime rates per Article 16.5 for up to twelve (12) hours; and receive four (4) hours lieu time for every twelve (12) hour period.
(b) There shall be no out-of-pocket expenses for employees.