7.01 A work day will be a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at midnight. All time worked in any tour of duty, including overtime and recall, will be considered as work performed on the work day on which the shift or recall began.
7.02 No overtime shall be worked except by direction of the proper supervisory personnel of the Company, except in cases of emergency and when prior authority cannot be obtained and the duties were essential to the continued operation and/or service to the customer.
7.02.01 It is recognized that occasionally employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift in the event a flight would otherwise be delayed or cancelled or due to operational requirements. Additionally, employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift for flights which become delayed for arrival or departure into periods when no other employee is scheduled to work or when there is an unplanned workload which cannot be deferred. In no event, however, will an employee be required to work the equivalent of a double shift.
7.02.02 Overtime and recall shall be distributed among the employees qualified to perform the work necessitating overtime as equitably as practicable and according to a system developed by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.
OVERTIME AND RECALL. 7.01 Overtime will be all hours worked in excess of employee’s regular scheduled shift. Overtime shall be voluntary except in situations of Emergency as defined in the Agreement. Where the Company must draft an Employee to work it will be in inverse order of Classification Seniority of those on Shift who are qualified to do the work.
7.02 Overtime and recall shall be distributed among the employees qualified to perform the work necessitating overtime, as equitably as practicable. Overtime is to be proffered using the most cost efficient manner based on Article 7.
OVERTIME AND RECALL. In cases where Full-Time employees do not wish, or are not reasonably available to provide necessary overtime and recall requirements, Part-time employees may be used if the overtime is required for a period which is not in conjunction with a Full-Time employee’s shift and, in any case, may be used prior to recalling a Full- Time employee.
L1.08.01 A Part-Time employee may be used up to a maximum of four (4) hours in excess of their scheduled hours. Overtime credits shall be at straight time.
L1.08.02 Recall of Part-Time employees will be limited to eight (8) consecutive hours. Recall credits shall be in accordance with Article 7.04.
OVERTIME AND RECALL. A work day will be a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at midnight. All time worked in any tour of duty, including overtime and recall, will be considered as work performed on the work day on which the shift or recall began. No overtime shall be worked except by direction of the proper supervisory personnel of the Company, except in cases of emergency and when prior authority can not be obtained and the duties were essential to the continued operation and/or service to the customer. It is recognized that occasionally employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift in the event a flight would otherwise be delayed or cancelled. Additionally, employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift for flights which become delayed for arrival or departure into periods when no other employee is scheduled to work or when there is an unplanned workload which cannot be deferred. In no event, however, will an employee be required to work the equivalent of a double shift. Overtime and recall shall be distributed among the employees qualified to perform the work necessitating overtime as equitably as practicable and according to a system developed by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union. Overtime All time worked by an employee outside the scheduled shifts and consecutive with the shift will be considered as overtime and will be paid for at the rate of one and one-half the employee's regular wage rate. Overtime prior to the start of a shift will be paid for at the rate of one and one-half In such instances an employee shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at regular hourly rate or one and one-half times regular hourly rate for those hours actually worked, whichever is the greater. Recall If an employee is requested to work on a regular work day not consecutive with shift, or to work on a day off, the employee will be paid for such recall hours at the rate of time and one-half The minimum recall credit will be four (4) hours at time and one-half Time Bank Time off (Time Card Leave All hours credited in accordance with Article and all overtime credits received in accordance with Article will be accumulated in a time bank established for each employee. This time bank will provide for a maximum accumulation of one hundred and twenty (120) hours. Time bank hours may be carried over from year to year. Employees may make withdrawals from their time bank for the following purposes and in the following manne...
OVERTIME AND RECALL. 7.01 A work day will be a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at midnight. All time worked in any tour of duty, including overtime and recall, will be considered as work performed on the work day on which the shift or recall began.
7.02 No overtime shall be worked except by direction of the proper supervisory personnel of the Company, except in cases of emergency and when prior authority cannot be obtained and the duties were essential to the continued operation and/or service to the customer.
7.02.01 It is recognized that occasionally employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift in the event a flight would otherwise be delayed or cancelled or due to operational requirements. Additionally, employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift for flights which become delayed for arrival or departure into periods when no other employee is scheduled to work or when there is an unplanned workload which cannot be deferred. In no event, however, will an employee be required to work the equivalent of a double shift.
7.02.02 Overtime and recall shall be distributed among the employees qualified to perform the work necessitating overtime as equitably as practicable and according to a system developed by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.
7.03 Overtime - All time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week will be paid at one and a half (1 ½) times the regular rate of pay unless working on an approved modified work week.
7.04 Recall - If an employee is requested to work on a regular work day not consecutive with his/her shift, or to work on a day off, the employee will be credited with a minimum of four (4) hours at the rate (1-1/2) her regular rate.
7.05 Time-Records - Accurate records will be maintained for each employee which will be made available on request to the employee and to the Union Representative
OVERTIME AND RECALL. 7.01 Overtime shall be voluntary except in situations of emergency as defined in the agreement. Where the Company must draft an Employee to work it will be in inverse order of classification seniority of those on shift who are qualified to do the work.
7.02 Prior to the assignment of overtime, the other options available to the Company shall be exercised. These options include offering extra hours to part-time Employees and then full time Employees
OVERTIME AND RECALL. 8.01 All time worked in any tour of duty, including overtime and recall, will be considered as work performed on the work day. The work day is considered to be the day in which the majority of the shift falls.
8.02 No overtime shall be worked except by direction of the proper supervisory personnel of the Company, except in cases of emergency and when prior authority cannot be obtained and the duties were essential to the continued operation and/or service to the customer.
8.02.01 It is recognized that occasionally employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift in the event a flight would otherwise be delayed or cancelled or due to operational requirements. Additionally, employees will be required to remain beyond the termination of their shift for flights which become delayed for arrival or departure into periods when no other
8.02.02 Overtime and recall shall be distributed among the employees qualified to perform the work necessitating overtime as equitably as practicable and according to a system developed by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union.
8.03 Overtime - All time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week will be paid at one and a half (1 1/2) times the employees regular rate of pay unless working on an approved modified work week.
8.04 Recall - If an employee works on a regular work day not consecutive with his/her shift, or to work on a day off, the employee will receive a minimum of four (4) hours at the appropriate rate.
8.05 Time Records - Accurate records will be maintained for each employee, which will be made available on request to the employee and to the Union Representative if the employee so wishes.
OVERTIME AND RECALL. In cases where Full-Time employees do not wish, or are not reasonably available to provide necessary overtime and recall requirements, Part-time employees may be used if the overtime is required for a period which is not in conjunction with a Full-Time employee’s shift and, in any case, may be used prior to recalling a Full- Time employee.
9.06.02 Pay - an employee may make withdrawals from their time bank in the form of hours converted to pay. Requests for such a withdrawal must be submitted by the employee no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the pay date on which they wish the payment to be made. The applicable time will be deducted from the time bank at the time the request is processed by payrolls.
OVERTIME AND RECALL. 1. Overtime shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of an employee’s shift at time and one- half (1½) their regular hourly rate of pay.
2. A shift is defined as a fourteen (14), an eight and one half (8.5) or eight (8) hour work day.
3. Employees recalled to duty shall be paid time and one half (1½) his/her regular hourly rate of pay for a minimum of two (2 hours).
4. Employees held over from his/her shift shall be paid overtime in one-half (½) hour increments.
5. Shift swaps shall be allowed, with the approval of the Fire Chief so long as they do not result in overtime to the Town.
6. The work schedule of members shall not be altered for the purpose of avoiding overtime.