Professional Improvement Plan. A recommendation for granting a fourth year of probationary status shall include an additional document in the Tenure Notebook: a Professional Improvement Plan. The Plan shall be assembled by the Probationer with the assistance of the Probationary Review Committee. The Plan shall identify specific areas of deficiency and delineate effective strategies for addressing them. All Committee members, including the Probationer, shall sign to indicate their concurrence about areas of deficiency as well as effective strategies for improvement. Year Four Recommendation: The document submitted in the fourth year to support the Committee’s recommendation for the award or denial of Tenure, unlike the third-year document, shall not be a fresh attempt to summarize the case; rather, for the sake of clarity, the fourth-year document shall review the information in the third-year document as a base and additional information and materials should focus on the candidate’s success in addressing the areas designated for improvement. Timeline: At the completion of the Probationer’s fourth year, the recommendation from the Probationary Review Committee for the award or denial of Tenure shall be submitted by January 15th of the eleventh quarter of service, unless the extension of the probationary period has been specifically designated as one (1) term or two (2); in those instances, the deadline for submission of the year four (4) recommendation shall be declared by the Board of Trustees with their decision to grant the extension.
Professional Improvement Plan. The Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) is designed to provide support through communication, discussion and collaboration in the areas of significant concern. The administrator and employee will jointly determine the strategies to be taken to overcome the deficiencies, but it is agreed that the primary responsibility for correction of the deficiencies remains with the employee. The administrator and employee will agree on a mutual timeline to improve any noted deficiencies. • improve employee performance • provide targeted, intensive assistance process • provide additional support • provide due process for possible disciplinary action • provide information to determine continuing contract recommendations
1. The administrator may recommend an employee for the PIP component when the concerns are such that an intensive intervention process is necessary.
2. The administrator, via written report to the superintendent or designee, will initiate the recommendation. A copy of the report will also be provided to the employee. The recommendation will include: • A description of the concerns as they relate to the employee’s proficiency in demonstrating the target strands. • An explanation of how the employee is expected to benefit from the PIP • Documentation of previous efforts made by administrator and/or employee to improve performance.
3. If the employee recognizes that there are deficiencies in performance and exhibits a willingness to address the concerns, the PIP component will commence.
4. Timelines for completion will be revisited by the employee and the principal as directed by the PIP worksheet. The PIP worksheet may be revised multiple times during the PIP process. Once the PIP expectations have been satisfied, the Professional Improvement Plan will be considered complete. The employee will move to the full rubric of the Professional Growth Cycle.
5. If the employee refuses to recognize deficiencies and/or rejects the recommendation for a PIP, the District will take appropriate action with regard to due process. Name Building Grade/Subject
Professional Improvement Plan. 1. If the District anticipates nonrenewing or terminating a teacher/school counselor based on performance, the teacher/school counselor will normally first be placed on an Improvement Plan so s/he has an opportunity to remedy the performance deficiencies. Nothing herein, however, shall prevent the Board from terminating a teacher / school counselor who is not on an improvement plan.
2. Teachers//School Counselors receiving a final rating of Ineffective and/or receiving an Ineffective performance rating in any standard, will be placed on an Improvement Plan developed by the assigned credentialed evaluator. Likewise, a staff member may be placed on an Improvement Plan after a second observation if the employee is not making adequate growth progress on the employee’s professional growth plan; if this occurs, the employee may be subject to a third observation to allow the evaluator to monitor the employee’s progress on the Improvement Plan. A staff member will have input on the development of an Improvement Plan.
3. The Improvement Plan will identify: • The specific area(s) for improvement, aligned to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession; • The level of performance the teacher is expected to reach; • Reasonable timeframe to correct deficiencies; and • Available resources and assistance that is available to the teacher to help the teacher improve in the identified area(s).
4. The teacher will be given at least six (6) weeks to implement a performance improvement plan. During the six (6) week period, the evaluator will meet with the teacher at least once to review progress under the plan.
5. A copy of the improvement plan will be sent to the Association President within ten (10) workdays of the employee signing the plan.
6. Nothing herein shall prevent the administration from placing an employee on an assistance plan or corrective action plan at any time for conduct that has been the subject to discipline. (See Article 4.C.14 - Disciplinary Actions)
Professional Improvement Plan. Any performance concerns should be addressed at the earliest possible time. When the PRC is made aware of areas needing improvement in the performance of a probationer, the PRC should meet without the probationer to determine whether there is a need for a professional improvement plan (PIP). If a majority of the PRC determines a PIP is needed, the PRC and the probationer will develop the PIP to improve the area(s) of concern. The PRC will review the PIP with the appropriate vice president to ensure it contains specific goals, indices, and timelines. The PDP should be adjusted to ensure that it aligns with the PIP. After consideration of input from the probationer and the appropriate vice president, the PRC will complete and submit the PIP and the PDP, if it was adjusted, to the TROC for final review to ensure alignment with the PDP before the next quarter of the probationer’s assignment. The PIP will be implemented after final authorization by the TROC.
Professional Improvement Plan. 1. If a teacher receives a rating of “Ineffective” on the Teacher Performance component of the Summative or Formative Recommendation Forms (Forms #5a and #5b), the evaluator may initiate a Professional Improvement Plan for the teacher. The teacher will then be assigned a PAR Consulting Teacher. The teacher, evaluator, and PAR Consulting Teacher will work together to develop a Professional Improvement Plan (Form 6) and all provisions in the PAR Article will apply. Said improvement plan should contain, but is not limited to, the following information:
a. Identification of the deficiency(ies)
b. Expectations of the teacher and evaluator
c. Resources provided by the evaluator/district to help teacher overcome deficiency(ies) The teacher will be informed that he/she has the right to have a BEA representative present.
2. A copy of the Professional Improvement Plan will go to the BEA President and the Superintendent prior to implementation.
3. The teacher will be in intervention phase until the next completed evaluation cycle unless released after consultation between the evaluator, participating teacher and consulting teacher.
Professional Improvement Plan. 1. The professional improvement plan is a clearly articulated assistance program, which includes completion timelines.
Professional Improvement Plan. A detailed, written plan collaboratively developed(Rated Developing) or evaluator directed (Rated Ineffective) between the licensed staff member and evaluator.
Professional Improvement Plan. When a deficiency (related to established performance criteria/standards) is noted and the problem persists, a professional improvement plan may be initiated. This plan may build on the evaluation document, and/or further the professional growth of the employee. The plan will focus on the area(s) most in need of improvement. Professional employees in the first two consecutive school years of employment shall be evaluated at least one time per semester, not later than the 60th school day of the semester, except that any employee who is not employed for the entire semester shall not be required to be evaluated; and that every employee during the third and fourth years of employment shall be evaluated at least one time each school year, not later than February 15; and that after the fourth year of employment every employee shall be evaluated at least once in every three years, not later than February 15 of the school year in which the employee is evaluated. (K.S.A.72-2409 Evaluation of Certified Personnel)
Professional Improvement Plan. 1. Following the completion of the annual Summary evaluation, the building principal or designee shall meet with each teacher for the purpose of establishing a mutually acceptable professional improvement plan.
2. The plan should focus on an area of individual professional growth and should be used to provide general guidance for professional development.
Professional Improvement Plan. 8.6.1 An Administrator may place a Unit Member on a “Professional Improvement Plan” anytime during the evaluation year or at the end of the year for the following year based on observations.
8.6.2 The District shall compensate a Unit Member, who is directed to correct deficiencies, for those mutually agreed upon expenses.
8.6.3 If the Evaluator, under Education Code Section 44664(b), directs the Unit Member, in writing, to participate in remediation activities, any credits so earned may be recognized for purposes of salary schedule movement upon eligibility. The Unit Member and the Evaluator shall, prior to participation, mutually agree on both the activity and such attendance costs, which each party shall incur.
8.6.4 No negative and/or unsatisfactory evaluation shall be predicated upon information or material of a derogatory or critical nature which has been received by the Evaluator from students, parents and/or citizens unless such allegations or materials are verified through the Public/Parental Complaint Procedure of the District contained in this Agreement.