PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that the essential excellence of the universities is dependent upon maintaining an atmosphere of academic freedom and professional responsibility. To that end, there shall continue in the universities during the term of this Agreement a system of academic tenure, as described below, applicable to all full-time members of the bargaining unit. It is recognized that tenure is granted for the purpose of protecting and nurturing academic freedom and is not a shield for incompetence or failure to perform duties properly assigned. Although no specific tenure quotas are mandated in the universities, the parties recognize that to maintain an effective tenure system and institutional flexibility, tenure is awarded with great care, and is predicated upon departmental goals consistent with long-range institutional needs and plans.
4.1.1 It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that membership in the academic profession carries with it special responsibilities. The Statement on Professional Ethics1 that follows, necessarily presented in terms of the ideal, sets forth those general standards that serve as a reminder of the variety of obligations assumed by all members of the profession. Faculty, both full- and part-time, guided by deep conviction of the worth and dignity of the advancement of knowledge, recognize the special responsibilities placed upon them. Their primary responsibility to their subject is to seek and to state the truth as they see it. To this end they devote their energies to developing and improving scholarly competence. They accept the obligation to exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending, and transmitting knowledge. They practice intellectual honesty. Although they may follow subsidiary interests, these interests must never seriously hamper or compromise their freedom of inquiry. As teachers, faculty encourage the free pursuit of learning in their students. They hold before them the best scholarly standards of their disciplines. They demonstrate respect for the student as an individual, and adhere to their proper role as intellectual guides and counselors. They make every reasonable effort to xxxxxx honest academic conduct and to assure that their evaluation of students reflects true merit. They respect the confidential nature of the relationship between faculty and students. They avoid any exploitation of students for their private advantage and ackno...
PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 19:01 The Company shall endeavor to acknowledge the technical contribution of its employees in the preparation of technical documentation. Where practical, technical documents will bear the name of the principal author(s) and acknowledgment will be made to the major technical contributors. However, Management reserves the right to use and distribute, at its discretion, such documents with or without acknowledgment of the authors.
19:02 For reasons of professional ethics, employees shall be required to sign only those technical documents produced under their direction or created with their participation, and of which they approve.
PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 1. Within the bounds of prescribed and authorized provincial and local curriculum, teachers shall have the professional rights and responsibilities to determine the methods of instruction, and the planning, presentation and evaluation of course material in their general work assignments.
2. Article
F.21.1 does not limit the Board's right to evaluate a teacher's effectiveness pursuant to Article E.22 (Evaluation of Teachers).
PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 1. The parties agree to uphold the tenets contained within "The West Vancouver Code of Professional Relationships (1992)".
2. The Board agrees that revisions of this document shall be undertaken in collaboration with the Association and that the document shall be altered only with the mutual agreement of the parties.
3. The Board agrees that Administrative Officers will rely on the supervision and evaluation processes contained in Articles E.26 and E.27 of this Agreement when monitoring teaching practices.
PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Such informal meeting shall take place within five (5) days after the teacher is notified of the pending charges. This informal conference is solely intended to afford the teacher in question advance knowledge of the proposed charges or recommendation and the basis thereof, and an opportunity to fully express him/herself with respect to such charges prior to initiation of formal procedures under the Teachers’ Tenure Act or before the Board of Education. It is to be understood, however, that situations may arise where immediate suspension of a teacher with pay may be deemed necessary because such a preliminary conference cannot be scheduled.
5.01 Employees have a right and responsibility to participate in the affairs of the University; to help shape the environment of the University, and to support the University’s objectives through the contribution of professional and managerial expertise.
5.02 Employees have the right to be informed and consulted on matters that affect their job responsibilities, to address matters affecting the quality of the work environment, and to engage in scholarly activity deemed appropriate to their working unit.
5.03 The University aims to create an environment of trust and respect and believes that the right of individuals to advance their independent views openly, in the appropriate forum, must be upheld throughout the University.
5.04 The University and the Association agree that the realization of these aims as stated in Article 5.03 requires respect for and adherence to the following fundamental principles:
(a) Employees who have knowledge of a specific matter that is contrary to:
i) the fundamental principle of the University; or
ii) legislative laws or regulations, University established or recognized policies, procedures or practices; or iii) their professional rules of conduct; or
PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A. The Board agrees that enforcement of certified employee discipline should be reasonable. Discipline shall mean verbal warnings, written reprimands, loss of pay, notice to remedy, suspension with pay, and suspension without pay. Unless non-remedial, discipline shall be progressive in nature. Based upon the severity of the incident, disciplinary action may be initiated at any level of the process. The BEA President will receive a copy of this disciplinary action.
B. Documentation of a verbal warning will be removed two (2) years after the date issued if no subsequent disciplinary action is taken on the offense.
C. Whenever any disciplinary action reaches the level of a written reprimand or is initiated at that level, the administration shall hold a meeting with the certified employee for the purpose of discussing the action and the reasons for the action. The certified employee shall be notified, in writing, of the meeting twenty- four (24) hours in advance with reasons for the meeting. The certified employee shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise and to represent him/her during the meeting, or any subsequent meetings relative to the matter that might result in further disciplinary action.
D. The Association and Board agree that matters relating to supervisor-certified employee or board-certified employee relationships shall not be discussed in the presence of students or other certified employees. This would not prohibit, in any way, the supervisor or Board or its designee from taking whatever action deemed necessary for the operation of the school.
E. The Association and the Board agree to the following with regard to verbal disciplinary warnings:
1. The documentation of verbal warnings will reside with the supervisor who issued such warning and the superintendent.
2. Documentation of that verbal warning will also reside with the Association President. This copy of the warning will serve as the first step in progressive discipline should future action be warranted.
3. All other documentation of employee discipline, other than verbal warnings, will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
F. The certified employee shall have the right to write a rebuttal to verbal warnings and written warnings within fifteen (15) calendar days. This rebuttal shall be attached to the discipline and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
G. Each certified employee shall have the right, upon written request twenty-four (24) hour...