Rate Retention Sample Clauses
Rate Retention. During a shift when an employee is transferred to or from a job carrying a higher rate for sixty (60) minutes or more, the higher rate is to apply for the entire shift.
Rate Retention. If an employee is transferred from his permanent function to a lower rated function for more than one complete shift due to a reduction in work or the work force, he shall continue to receive his regular rate until he returns to a function which pays his regular rate or a higher rate. Under no circumstances will rate retention be paid to an employee for more than twelve (12) working days.
Rate Retention. 5 The base rate of an employee who, under Article 16, accepts 6 downgrade rather than electing layoff shall be, for the ninety (90) 7 calendar-day-period after the downgrade, at a rate that is not less 8 than the rate he held immediately preceding the downgrade. 9 However, this provision shall not apply to any period of employment 10 within a bargaining unit covered by this Agreement after 11 termination, layoff, employee-requested downgrade or transfer to a 12 unit or group to which this Agreement does not apply within the 13 ninety (90)-day period with the following exception: if such an 14 individual is recalled from layoff to a job title classification to which 15 he had been downgraded, and the recall occurs less than ninety 16 (90)-calendar-days after such downgrade, he will receive rate 17 retention prospectively for the portion of the ninety (90)-calendar- 18 day period that remained at the time of layoff. If an employee 19 receives a Temporary Promotion to the job classification from which 20 he was most recently surplused and the employee is receiving rate 21 retention pay as a result of such downgrade, the 90-calendar-day 22 period will be extended one (1) day for each day of such Temporary 23 Promotion.
Rate Retention. The base rate of an employee who, under Article 22, accepts downgrade rather than electing layoff shall be, for the ninety (90) calendar-day-period after the downgrade, a rate that is not less than the rate he/she held immediately preceding the downgrade. However, this provision shall not apply to any period of employment within a bargaining unit covered by this Agreement after termination, layoff, employee-requested downgrade or transfer to a unit or group to which this Agreement does not apply within the ninety (90)-day period with the following exception: if such an individual is recalled from layoff to a job title to which he/she had been downgraded, and the recall occurs less than ninety (90)-calendar-days after such downgrade, he/she will receive rate retention prospectively for the portion of the ninety (90)-calendar-day period that remained at the time of layoff. If an employee receives a Temporary Promotion (as provided in Section 22.1(q)) to the job title from which he/she was most recently surplused and the employee is receiving rate retention pay as a result of such downgrade, the 90-calendar-day period will be extended one (1) day for each day of such Temporary Promotion.
Rate Retention. Subject to the transfer pay provisions of Article C (Principles) of the Manual, it is agreed that practices as to rates of pay presently in effect in each location covered by this Agreement, with respect to transfers of employees from higher to lower rated jobs, or from lower to higher rated jobs, will be continued in effect unless and until changed by mutual agreement.
Rate Retention. 13.01 Each employee shall be classified and no reduction shall be made to his classified rate should he be employed at any time on a classification having a lower rate.
13.02 Where an employee works in a classification having a higher rate for six (6) months, he will be classified at the higher rate. While employed in a classification having a higher rate, he shall be paid at the rate of the higher classification, while so employed, until classified at the higher rate.
13.03 In cases where an employee is permanently transferred to a lower rated equipment, the provisions of this Article may be altered by a decision of the Joint Standing Committee.
Rate Retention. All Employees with seniority who have received a classification rate for ten (10) shifts or more will, if reduced to a lower rated classification, continue to retain and receive the higher rate for thirty (30) calendar days. If the Employee reverts to a higher rated job during the aforementioned thirty (30) day period of rate retention and is subsequently moved to a lower rated job, the Employee will continue to re-qualify himself/herself for a thirty (30) day retention period each time the Employee reverts to the Employee’s higher rated job.
Rate Retention. If an employee is transferred to a higher classification job for a period in excess of twenty working days, upon return to his regular job he will retain the rate for the higher classified job for thirty calendar days. An employee bumped down from their regular job to a lower job class shall retain the rate of their regular job for a period of seven calendar days. Temporary Rates for New Hires All employees hired at Job Class or below shall be paid for the first year of their employment at a rate of twenty percent less than the job rate applicable to the job being performed. For the second year of their employment such employees shall be paid at a rate of ten percent less than the job rate applicable to the job being performed. During the term of this Agreement, it is agreed to by the parties that employees who double back from days or work through Afternoon Shift will be paid a minimum of eight hours at time and one half their regular rate of pay. The above will only apply to the Friday Midnight shift, and only to those employees who work the full shift.
Rate Retention. It is agreed that in temporary transfers due to a shift in the work load, reduction in forces or other reasons, an employee’s personal rate shall not be subject to change, either up or down, for the first three (3) weeks that he/she is temporarily transferred. Where there is a permanent increase in the work load in a Classification, the Company shall not use successive temporary transfers to avoid the creation of another job in that Classification.
Rate Retention. When a lower classified employee is temporarily transferred to a higher paying classification for any period of time, they will be paid the higher rate when working in the higher classification. When they are moved back to their posted classification, rate retention does not apply and they are paid the lower rate immediately. The Company puts the Union on notice that any employee paid rate retention under this condition was paid thus in error and the above procedure will be applied.