Temporary Job Posting. (a) When a temporary vacancy occurs in the classifications covered by this Agreement, such vacancy shall be posted on the Bulletin Boards not later than three (3) weeks from the start of said vacancy, except where said vacancy is predetermined to be longer than three (3) weeks in which case, it shall be posted immediately, and the Area Representative of the Union shall be notified in writing provided it is necessary to have a replacement for the absent person. The vacancy will be filled within four (4) weeks of the posting until the absent employee resumes their duties or until it becomes apparent that they will not be able to resume them. Management may refuse to consider the application (for a vacancy in a temporary position) from anyone who is currently filling a vacancy on a temporary basis.
(b) It is understood that temporary vacancies that are not known to exceed thirty (30) working days shall not be subject to a posting above and the company may transfer a qualified employee using a temporary transfer. Temporary transfers shall not exceed thirty
Temporary Job Posting a) Temporary job openings in the bargaining unit which are not subject to the Job Posting Procedure shall mean: Those job openings resulting from absences allowed under the terms of this Agreement up to a maximum of thirty (30) days.
b) All job openings (temporary) shall be filled in accordance with the principle established in 8.01 of the collective agreement.
Temporary Job Posting. (a) In the event an employee is absent due to an illness, accident, leave of absence, grand jury duty, vacations, or other agreed upon reasons for an extended period, the Company may elect to fill such vacancy by posting as provided for in Section 8. An employee who bids and is accepted to fill such vacancy will do so for the duration of the extended absence of the permanent employee only. Upon the return of the permanent employee, the temporary employee will return to the department, job classification, and shift from which he bid. Temporary bidders are also subject to the following:
Temporary Job Posting. (a) The job posting notice will have the estimated duration of the job and will be clearly defined as ''temporary".
(b) All temporary postings shall be posted and comply with Article V - Seniority in the agreement.
(c) The meaning of "temporary'' will be no job longer than four (4) months in duration or return of incumbent, whichever occurs first. With the exception of position openings resulting from maternity, parental or adoption leaves.
(d) Any job which has been estimated before the job has started to go longer than four (4) months, with the exceptions as in (c) above, may still be classified as ''temporary" only by mutual agreement between the Board and the Union Committee.
(e) Any job which has been estimated to go longer than four (4) months but is near completion after starting the temporary posting may continue only by mutual agreement between the Board and the Union Committee before the four (4) months have expired.
(f) Any successful applicant of the temporary job posting will return to the former position at the end of the period stated with no loss of seniority or salary in such former position.
(g) Persons applying for a temporary job posting agree to remain in that position for the posted duration of the vacancy, unless a regular position is posted involving equal or greater hours of work, or wage rate, than their regular position.
(h) Casual on-call employees with seniority will be called for positions as required to cover the absence of regular employees. It is agreed that they will remain in the accepted position until the return of the regular employee, or they are successful in a permanent posting, or the position is claimed by an unassigned senior casual employee. The reassignment of casual employees will be reviewed on a weekly basis, i.e., the commencement of the regular work week.
Temporary Job Posting. If the Company wishes to fill a vacant position temporarily, the following procedure shall apply: A position temporarily vacant may be filled by transfer when it will be for less than thirty (30) working days, pursuant to the procedure stipulated in article 8.01 of this agreement. However, when it can be foreseen that the absence will be for more than thirty (30) working days or that it exceeds thirty (30) working days, the employer must post the vacant post in accordance with article 8.01 of this agreement. Within three (3) working days after the end of posting, the employer shall give the union a copy of the posting indicating the name of the employees who wish to get the job and the name of the employee who has the most seniority, to whom the job shall be given in accordance with the provisions of article 8. The selected candidate must be able to immediately perform the job without training and for the foreseeable duration of the employee's absence; he shall then be transferred directly and temporarily to that job for the shift specified in the posting.
1. If there is no qualified candidate, the employer may then recall to work the qualified employee who has the most seniority.
2. The employer must then call back to work the employee on furlough who has the most seniority to take over for the qualified employee within two (2) months after the start of the assignment of the qualified employee to the temporary job. The employee thus temporarily recalled must be able to meet the normal requirements of the job, in accordance with articles 8.02 and 8.05 c). He shall then be trained to perform the required work.
3. The qualified employee shall resume his place on the recall list when the employee with the most seniority is able to perform the work satisfactorily.
4. If there is no qualified employee on furlough, the employer shall recall the employee who has the most seniority, in accordance with Articles 8.02 and 8.05 c). If there is no employee who is on furlough or who is fit, pursuant to article 8.01, the company may hire temporarily from the outside but those employees shall be covered by the provisions of the collective agreement. Moreover, if an employee has obtained a job that became vacant temporarily and a furlough is planned and the employee who obtained the job temporarily is affected by the furlough, he shall return to his regular job and he shall invoke his seniority right. Similarly, when the job obtained temporarily is again filled by the retu...
Temporary Job Posting. When a temporary vacancy or temporary job opening occurs for any reason other than casual absence (herein defined as any absence up to seven (7) calendar days), it shall be posted forthwith in that department for a period of twenty-four (24) hours unless the posting takes place on a Friday when it will be posted for thirty-two (32) hours. The successful applicant shall be the highest seniority qualified appli- cant. Hereafter, where the terms “temporary vacancy” or “temporary job opening” are used in Article 5, they are deemed to be the same. Provided the Company has the necessary infor- mation regarding the estimated period that an employee will be absent, the Company will es- timate the length of time it expects a temporary vacancy to last. This is for informational pur- poses only and will not form part of the job posting documentation. The successful applicant for a temporary job posting will assume the shift schedule of the temporary vacancy being filled in accordance with Letter of Understanding # 37 – Weekly Scheduling Procedure.
Temporary Job Posting. (a) A temporary job posting is defined as a need by the Company to train an additional employee to fill in for extended absences caused by sickness, accident, leaves of absences or training for other jobs. The job posting shall contain the department, job title, rate and shift. A copy of the posting will be given to the Union Committee Members.
(b) In filling such vacancies, 11(c) and (g) will apply, 11 (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) and (h) will not apply.
(c) The selected candidate will be assigned a period of (7) seven worked days to demonstrate his/her ability to learn the job in a reasonable period of time: if unsatisfactory he/she will return to the former job classification, shift and former rate. The above paragraph will not apply to a selected candidate who is qualified and has previously worked in the posted position.
(d) The successful applicant will be paid the top rate of the posted job.
(e) Upon completion of the training period and/or the completion of the need for assignment to the posted job, the employee will be returned to his regular classification and shift.
(f) Employees employed in the Maintenance department will not be recognized as candidates for temporary job postings.
(g) The assignment of an employee for purposes of training will not be the cause of a transfer of a regular employee from the department in which the training is taking place.
(h) Employees cannot bump into a temporary job posting.
Temporary Job Posting. (a) The job posting notice will have the estimated duration of the job and will be clearly defined as "temporary".
(b) All temporary postings shall be posted and comply with Article V - Seniority in the agreement.
(c) The meaning of "temporary" will be no job longer than four (4) months in duration.
(d) Any job which has been estimated before the job has started to go longer than four (4) months may still be classified as "temporary" only by mutual agreement between the Board and the Union Committee.
(e) Any job which has been estimated to go longer than four (4) months but is near completion after starting the temporary posting may continue only by mutual agreement between the Board and the Union Committee before the four (4) months have expired.
(f) Any successful applicant of the temporary job posting will return to the former position at the end of the period stated with no loss of seniority or salary in such former position.
(g) Persons applying for a temporary job posting agree to remain in that position for the posted duration of the vacancy, unless a regular position is posted involving equal or greater hours of work, or wage rate, than their regular position.
Temporary Job Posting. A full-time employee absent from his/her full-time position longer than thirty (30) days will have his/her job posted temporarily. On the thirty first (31) day, the company and the union agree to apply a temporary job posting for all full-time employees to bid upon. This job will be posted on the Monday following the thirty first (31) day and will be removed on the Friday. An applicant will be selected based solely on seniority and their ability to perform said requirement of the job.
Temporary Job Posting. A temporary job posting shall be for the duration of not less than ten daysand not more than thirty (30) days and it shall be posted as a permanent job except in cases of injury, sickness, pregnancy, leave of absence or vacation. Temporary job posting covering the above will not be posted more than two (2) times. The successful applicant for a temporary job posting must re-apply for the job when it is posted as a permanent job. Experience gained on a temporary job posting shall not qualify an employee for the position when it becomes a permanent posting. Except in cases where training is required or specific capabilities are required on a shift, temporary transfers from day jobs to shift jobs will be filled, whenever practicable, by the qualified employee with the least seniority. This practice would only apply in Machine Repair, Cold End Maintenance and Mould Maintenance. In the event of an employeesufferinga major disability exceptions may be made, by mutual consent, to the job posting and seniorityprovisions of this CollectiveAgreement.