Recall After Layoff Sample Clauses
Recall After Layoff. Employees who have been laid off will be considered to have been continuously employed if they accept the first available position, provided that any absence of twelve (12) consecutive months will not be counted toward years of service for vacation entitlement.
Recall After Layoff. Any individual who has a continuing appointment and has been laid off for any reason except for cause shall, upon request, have his/her name placed on a recall list for a period of three years from the date of layoff Qualified individuals whose names are on the recall list shall be given an opportunity, in inverse order of layoff within the department or program, to be reinstated to available positions in their department or program for which, in the view of the Department Chair/Head, they are qualified. Any individual who refuses such an employment opportunity shall be removed from the list. Any offer of employment pursuant to this section must be accepted within fourteen (14) days after the date of receipt of the offer. All individuals on the recall list shall be regularly sent bargaining unit position vacancy announcements. For this purpose, it shall be the responsibility of non-tenure track faculty members to use the University’s online self-service administration to record their currentaddresses.
Recall After Layoff. When there is a pending increase in the working force after a layoff, the employees who were laid off and who have retained their seniority will be notified to report for work in the reverse order of seniority providing such employees have the qualifications to perform the work required and are willing to accept the work available.
Recall After Layoff. Any individual who has a continuing appointment and has been laid off for any reason except for cause shall, upon request, have their name placed on a recall list for a period of three years from the date of layoff. Qualified individuals whose names are on the recall list shall be given an opportunity, in inverse order of layoff within the department or program, to be reinstated to available positions in their department or program for which, in the view of the Department Chair, they are qualified. Anyindividual who refuses such an employment opportunity shall be removed from the list. Any offer of employment pursuant to this section must be accepted within fourteen (14) days after the date of receipt of the offer.
Recall After Layoff. 29.4.1 Employees who are laid off will be rehired, whenever practicable and consistent in order to maintain service and proper operations. When employees are recalled to jobs not previously held the recall shall be based on the employee's immediate ability and qualifications to do the recall job and the employee's accredited service date. "Ability and qualifications" shall have the meaning in Article
29.4.2 Laid off employees shall be offered reinstatement before new employees are engaged in the same job title classification and exchange.
29.4.3 The Company is not obligated to recall former employees who have been laid off continually for more than six (6) calendar months. During the recall period, employees interested in recall must use the hourly self-nomination process.
29.4.4 The employee must be prepared to report to work within fifteen (15) days from the date of acceptance of a position, or from the date specified in any recall from layoff notice mailed at least seven (7) calendar days in advance to the last address listed in the employee’s personnel file unless the employee has earlier received Human Resources’ written approval for an adjusted return date.
29.4.5 Refusal to accept recall to a job not similar in nature to the normal occupation or work of the person shall not terminate recall rights; however, recall rights can be lost upon refusal to accept an offer in a comparable job assignment.
29.4.6 When a laid off employee is recalled following a force adjustment, the employee shall be placed on the appropriate wage progression schedule in accordance with the following: If the same job is available, the employee shall be placed in the same progression step of the wage progression schedule they were on at the time of the force adjustment. If the employee returns to a lower rated job or to a higher rated job, the employee shall be considered as reclassified from the former job with wage treatment outlined in Article 12.4.
Recall After Layoff. When staffs are augmented after lay-off, members shall be recalled to work on the basis of seniority, provided they are willing and able to do the work available, the member with the greatest plant seniority being recalled first, and so on in that order.
Recall After Layoff. (a) Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of twelve (12) months. If within the twelve (12) months period the Employer hires for a classification from which layoff occurred, the Employer shall recall employees who meet the minimum qualifications for the classification in inverse order of layoff in that classification or a substantially similar classification. In the event an employee who possesses special bilingual skills or licensure vacates a position in a classification from which layoff occurred, the Employer may recall a less senior employee, before a more senior employee, if the less senior employee possesses special bilingual skills or licensure relevant to the duties of the classification. A laid off employee may not be recalled into a classification with a higher rate of pay than the classification from which the employee was laid off.
(b) If a laid off employee is recalled within twelve (12) months, the employee shall return with the same seniority, service credit and benefit accrual rate the employee had at the time of layoffs excluding the period of layoff. An employee returning to the same classification shall be paid at the step required by the employee’s seniority and an employee recalled to a lower classification shall be paid at the step of the lower classification required by the employee’s seniority. Accrued but unused vacation and compensatory time shall be paid in full at the time of layoff. An employee who has sick leave accrued but unused prior to the time of layoff shall have the option of either (a) having the sick leave paid out in cash at 25% of its total value at the time of the layoff, or
Recall After Layoff. New available openings shall be posted as per the posting procedure in the Collective Agreement. Employees shall be recalled from layoff to available openings in order of seniority providing they have the ability to the work. In determining the ability of an employee to perform the work for the purposes of the paragraphs above, the employer shall no act in an arbitrary or unfair manner. No new employees will be hired until those laid off have been given an opportunity of re- employment.
Recall After Layoff. (a) An employee shall have the opportunity of recall from a layoff to an available opening in their classification in order of seniority, provided the employee has the skill, ability, and qualifications to perform the work. Permanent full-time employees who decline a temporary recalled position will continue to retain their recall rights.
(b) An employee who is laid off shall retain recall rights for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of layoff.
Recall After Layoff. (a) When recalling an employee from lay off the Company shall notify her by registered letter sent to her last known address, and a copy of the letter will be sent to the office of the Union. The employee shall notify the Company of her intention to return to the service of the Company within seven (7) calendar days of date of registration of such letter and shall return within the next within five (5) calendar days.
(b) It shall be the responsibility of each employee to notify the Company of all temporary or permanent changes in address and telephone number.