Sickness While on Annual Leave. If an employee is incapacitated for one or more days of annual leave such that, had the employee been at work, they would have been entitled to paid sick leave, Utilities Management will convert the annual leave days during which the employee was incapacitated to paid sick leave, provided the following occurs: • the employee provides an acceptable medical certificate to prove that the illness or injury would have rendered the employee unable to attend work; and • the leave sought is within the limits of employee’s sick leave entitlement.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. 41.2.1 An employee who suffers a personal illness or injury while on annual leave shall be entitled to additional paid leave for a period equal to the period of illness or injury during annual leave, subject to the following:
(a) Within 24 hours of the employee's return to work the employee shall produce to the employer a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner as to the illness or injury.
(b) The additional paid leave shall be subject to the availability of personal leave and shall be set off against accumulated personal leave credits.
(c) The additional paid leave shall be given and taken at a mutually convenient time.
(d) The additional paid leave shall be treated as accrued annual leave but will not attract leave loading where the leave loading has been paid previously.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. (a) Where an employee who is on annual leave suffers from a severe illness or injury for the equivalent of five (5) or more working days, annual leave for the period of illness or injury may be recredited and personal leave debited for the period indicated in an appropriate medical certificate.
(b) To action this an employee must apply to have their annual leave recredited and sick leave debited upon their return to work.
(c) The only employees eligible to access this clause are those with sick leave accruals at the time of their illness or injury. Where an employee has insufficient sick leave accruals to cover the period of illness or injury, only the portion of annual leave equivalent to the available sick leave accruals will be recredited. An employee cannot use unpaid sick leave or have a negative sick leave balance in order to recredit more annual leave than available sick leave accruals.
(d) The portion of annual leave loading applicable to the period of annual leave that is recredited is to be repaid to the RACQ Group via deduction from the employee’s next pay. The leave loading which has been repaid will be available when the annual leave is next scheduled to be taken.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. 25.1 If an Employee is sick during a period of annual leave, the Employee is entitled to apply to use accrued personal/carer’s leave for that period.
25.2 An Employee must provide the Employer with appropriate notice and evidence requirements, which in this circumstance is a medical certificate.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. If an Employee is incapacitated for one (1) or more days of annual leave such that, had the Employee been at work, they would have been entitled to paid sick leave, ElectraNet will convert the annual leave days during which the Employee was incapacitated to paid sick leave. ElectraNet will only consider exercising its discretion in these circumstances where: • the Employee provides an acceptable medical certificate to prove that the illness or injury would have rendered the Employee unable to attend work; and • the leave sought is within the limits of Employee’s sick leave entitlement. Employees may apply to cash out a portion of their annual leave accrual subject to the following:
Sickness While on Annual Leave. If an Employee or a member of their immediate family (as defined in clause 1.2 “Definitions”) is ill or injured while the Employee is on annual leave, SA Water will convert a period of annual leave to personal leave subject to: The Employee providing an acceptable medical certificate for the total period of personal leave taken to prove that the illness or injury would have rendered the Employee unable to attend work; or The Employee providing satisfactory evidence of the illness or injury relating to the member of the immediate family; and The limits of personal leave; and The need for the Employee to provide care and attention to the family member. Personal leave so taken does not count as annual leave. Where it is not reasonably practical for an Employee to provide a medical certificate, the Employee will provide SA Water with a statutory declaration confirming the reason for the absence and the reason a medical certificate could not be provided. The statutory declaration cannot be witnessed by an Employee of SA Water (unless they are a Justice of the Peace), or by the Employee’s immediate family.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. An employee may be granted sick leave for illness or injury that occurs during a period of annual leave or long service leave (except where the illness occurs following the last day of duty). A medical certificate may be required.
Sickness While on Annual Leave. Annual leave entitlement will be reinstated where an employee is sick during a period of annual leave. Any reinstated leave must be taken by the end of the leave year and may not be carried forward into the following year, therefore, leave cannot be reinstated where there are insufficient days in the leave year to take the reinstated leave. Confirmation of sickness by a medical practitioner will normally be required. Any reinstated leave must normally be taken by the end of the leave year and may not be carried forward into the following year. However, if there are insufficient days in the leave year to take the reinstated leave, and provided that the employee has not already exhausted their entitlement to statutory annual leave in that year, it may be carried forward into the next leave year. Full guidance on this can be found Managing Sickness Policy and How to Guide .
Sickness While on Annual Leave. If an Associate suffers a serious incapacitating illness of five or more workings days during annual leave and submits an acceptably completed medical certificate from a registered health practitioner for this serious incapacitating illness, the company will debit the Associate’s outstanding sick leave credit or in the absence of sufficient credit the period of illness may be deemed to be an approved absence without pay. The Associate may apply for and will be granted a further period of annual leave which was interrupted by the illness defined above.
Sickness While on Annual Leave a) An employee who suffers a personal illness or injury while on annual leave shall be entitled to additional paid leave for a period equal to the period of illness or injury during annual leave, subject to the employee, within 24 hours of their return to work, providing to the employer a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner as to the illness or injury.
b) The additional paid leave shall be subject to the availability of sick leave and shall be set off against accumulated sick leave credits.
c) The additional paid leave shall be given and taken at a mutually convenient time.
d) The additional paid leave shall be treated as accrued annual leave but will not attract leave loading where the leave loading has been paid previously.