ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. A. Employees assigned to work years of 240 days shall be credited with nine (9) days at the start of each year.
B. Employees assigned to work years of at least 215 days but no more than 239 days shall be credited with eight (8) days at the start of each year.
C. Employees assigned to work years of at least 195 days but no more than 214 days shall be credited with seven (7) days at the start of each year.
D. Employees assigned to work years of fewer than 195 days shall be credited with five
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. Employees assigned to work years of 240 days shall be credited with nine (9) days at the start of each year.
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. All Certified Staff will have 11 days of annual leave (association members will donate one day to sick leave bank unless they have formally opted out of the leave bank). Annual leave days can be used for illness and/or personal business. The Association and the District understand the unique requirements of staff attendance related to days immediately before and after breaks (fall, winter, spring) and full professional development days. Teachers shall not use not use annual leave on these days. Teachers absent on those days will be charged 1.5 annual leave days for these days. Teachers who have an emergency on one of these days may appeal to the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee If a supervisor notices a pattern of absences that could have a negative effect on instruction, he may confer with a teacher to express their concerns, get feedback from the teacher, and if deemed necessary, inform the teacher it could adversely impact their evaluation regarding professional responsibilities. Each year between May 1 and May 15 certified staff will have the opportunity to elect in writing if they want unused annual leave days to be added to their accrued leave. If not specified in writing between the aforementioned days. The employee will be paid those unused days at the current substitute daily rate. If an employee separates prior to the end of the contract the number of annual leave days will be prorated (based on percentage of contract days worked) unless the separation is due to illness or disability. The employee will be docked for any excessive leave taken if there is not sufficient accrued leave to cover the deficit. Any absence in excess of three (3) consecutive days must be approved at least 48 hours in advance for all non-emergencies by the supervisor in consultation with human resources. Annual leave that is denied by the supervisor can be appealed to human resources. Each July certified staff shall receive, in addition to their regular pay and benefits, payment at the current daily substitute rate for all annual leave days not designated for accrual, and not used from the preceding school year. Administrator inquires expressing concern for well being of teachers is not considered harassment.
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. Each certificated employee shall have five (5) annual leave days (non-cumulative) per year, with pay. Unused annual leave will be reimbursed at per diem rate in the following manner:
1. One day in the month of June
2. Two days in the month of July
3. Two days in the month of August
A. This leave is to be used for absence during school hours.
B. Notification shall be made to the employee's principal, or other immediate supervisor, for annual leave at least forty-eight (48) hours before taking such leave, except in cases of emergencies.
C. The applicant shall not be required to state the reason for taking such leave, other than he/she is taking leave under this section.
D. In the event that the use of annual leave on a given day and given building would create a situation that not enough substitutes could be obtained, the principal could limit the use of annual leave to 10% of his/her staff. (Employees having to use annual leave for emergency situations shall have priority in taking such leave.) Annual leave shall be taken as either a full day or one-half (1/2) day.
E. This leave may not be taken the first or last three (3) days of the school year, without Superintendent approval.
F. Refer to Article IV, Section 1 – Absences and Leaves; Procedure to Secure a Substitute
G. Up to two (2) days of leave may be elected to carry over to the next school year. This election must be made and the form turned into payroll by March 31st. If this election the carried over days shall not be paid back to employee via reimbursement. If the employee elects to carry over two (2) days only three (3) days will be available for reimbursement the following year. If the employee elects to carry over one (1) day only four (4) days will be available for reimbursement the following year.
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. New hires will accrue annual leave each month for the first twelve months of employment. The amount of annual leave accrued will be 8 hours each month multiplied by the board-approved position FTE. Full-time employees will accrue 8 hours each month while a 0.50 FTE will accrue 4 hours each month. (For example, full time employees will accrue 8 hours each month while a
Section 2. Annual leave front-loads will be effective January 1 of each calendar year except for employees who have not completed the first 12 months of employment. Upon the employee’s one-year anniversary, the front-load will be pro-rated based on the number of months remaining in the calendar year. (The term “front load” means annual leave hours for the calendar year will be credited to the employee’s annual leave bank January 1 of each year for use throughout the calendar year.) Annual leave amounts are set forth in the following tables: After 1 year 25 days or 200 hours After 5 years 29 days or 232 hours After 10 years 32 days or 256 hours After 15 years 33 days or 264 hours After 1 year 18 days or 144 hours After 5 years 22 days or 176 hours After 10 years 25 days or 200 hours After 15 years 26 days or 208 hours After 20 years 27 days or 216 hours
Section 3. An employee on a temporary assignment in a position with a higher Board Approved Budgeted FTE will continue to earn annual leave hours at the rate of their regularly assigned FTE and not at the higher rate of the temporary assigned position.
Section 4. An employee may elect to cash out up to two (2) days of unused annual leave days, not to exceed 16 hours per full-time employee and prorated for eligible part-time employees based on their Board approved FTE. Letters to request the payment for unused annual leave time shall be received by the Finance Department by November 15 each year. The money shall be paid to employees in the first paycheck that is feasible for the Finance Department in the month of December.
Section 5. Employees are allowed to carryover up to 80 hours of annual leave from one calendar year to the next. Any hours in excess of 80 hours shall be forfeited with no compensation.
Section 6. Employees hired prior to January 1, 2019 who retire or resign with a minimum of 10 days’ notice shall be compensated for the remaining balance of hours in the annual leave bank upon termination of employment plus the subsequent year’s annual leave, pro-rated based on the number of months of employment. Employees who retire/resign as ...
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. The Superintendent shall earn 1.25 leave days each month. The 15 leave days for the current school year will be available July 1 of each school year. Such days may be used for personal illness, family illness, religious holidays, bereavement and person days. Personal days are limited to three (3) days per school year. Any unearned annual leave days taken in advance of being earned will be deducted from the Superintendent's final paycheck at the time of termination. Upon retirement or voluntary separation of employment, unused leave days shall be forfeited.
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. Teachers shall be allowed full pay during absence on account of personal leave, personal illness, illness in immediate family (immediate family is defined as parents, parents-in-law, spouse, children, brother, sister) or bereavement leave as follows. (For purposes of bereavement leave only, grandparents and grandparent in laws shall be considered to be immediate family.)
Section 1. New teachers shall be credited with thirty-six (36) days leave for the first two (2) years and shall be credited with eighteen (18) additional leave days in the third
Section 2. Each teacher, after the third year, shall be allowed fifteen (15) leave days for each school year which shall be accumulated at the rate of 1.5 days per month from September to June.
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. A. Employees shall be allowed full pay during absence on account of personal leave, personal illness or illness in the immediate family as follows.
1. Full-time regular twelve (12)-month employees -- up to fifteen (15) days per year, cumulative to one hundred ninety (190) days. Up to three (3) days per year may be used for personal leave.
2. Full-time regular ten (10)-month employees -- up to thirteen (13) days per year, cumulative to one hundred fifty (150) days. Up to three (3) days per year may be used for personal leave.
3. Part-time hourly twelve (12)-month employees -- up to fourteen (14) days of regular assigned hours per year cumulative to one hundred (100) days. Up to two (2) days per year may be used for personal leave.
4. Part-time hourly ten (10)-month employees -- up to twelve (12) days of regularly assigned hours per year cumulative to eighty (80) days. Up to two (2) days per year may be used for personal leave. The immediate family is defined as parents, parents-in-law, spouse, children, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, guardian, grandchildren or grandparent. Such absence will require oral approval followed by written notice upon return to work. In the fall of each year the District will notify employees of their accumulated sick leave. The reason for the personal day shall, upon request, be orally stated to the Personnel Administrator. Requests for such absence must be approved in writing forty-eight
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. A. All teachers regularly employed by the district shall be credited with 15 days annual leave at the beginning of the school year. Accumulation of annual leave days shall be limited to 200 days.
B. Teachers absenting themselves for reasons under this article shall notify the designated building representative as soon as possible, and no later than 6:30 a.m. Teachers shall notify the designated building representative of their intent not to return no later than 3:30 p.m. of the day before. The substitute teacher will not be retained until the teacher notifies the principal of his/her intent not to return.
C. In the event a teacher engages in overt behavior which may lead a reasonable person to believe the teacher is medically unable to fully perform the duties of his/her position or in the event of absence of a teacher for illness in excess of five (5) consecutive working days, the Board may, at its own expense, require an examination by an independent physician to ascertain the teacher's fitness to return to work. The teacher in such case shall authorize the release of all medical records relating to the referral of the physician to the Board.
D. Annual Leave Days may be used for the following reasons:
1. Illness or Disability
2. Other Leave (not to exceed 15 days per year).
a. Serious illness in the immediate family.
b. Death in the immediate family (up to five [5] consecutive days).
c. Funerals of close friends or relatives (up to two [2] consecutive days unless additional time is approved by the Superintendent).
ANNUAL LEAVE DAYS. A. Employees who commenced employment prior to January 1, 2014 shall be allowed full pay during absence on account of personal leave, personal illness or illness in the immediate family as follows.
1. Full time regular ten (10) month employees up to thirteen (13) days per year, cumulative to one hundred fifty (150) days. Up to three (3) days per year may be used for personal leave.
2. Part time hourly (10) month employees up to twelve (12) days of regularly assigned hours per year cumulative to eighty (80) days. Up to two (2) days per year may be used for personal leave.
B. Employees (including re-hires) who commenced employment on or after January 1, 2014 shall be allowed full pay during absence on account of personal leave, personal illness or illness in the immediate family as follows.
1. Full time regular ten (10) month employees up to seven (7) days per year, cumulative to one hundred fifty (150) days. Up to three (3) days per year may be used for personal leave.
2. Part time hourly (10) month employees up to six (6) days of regularly assigned hours per year cumulative to eighty (80) days. Up to two (2) days per year may be used for personal leave
C. The immediate family is defined as parents, parents in law, spouse, children, brother, sister, brother in law, sister in law, guardian, grandchildren or grandparent. Such absence will require oral approval followed by written notice upon return to work.
D. In the fall of each year the District will notify employees of their accumulated sick leave.
E. The reason for the personal day shall, upon request, be orally stated to the Personnel Administrator. Requests for such absence must be approved in writing forty eight (48) hours in advance of the leave. Such requests shall not unreasonably be denied. The following stipulations also shall apply:
1. No approval will be granted for days immediately preceding or following a vacation period or holiday unless the absence is clearly beyond the control of the employee; and
2. The Administration shall have the right, in its discretion, to limit the number of employees absent on any given day in the best interest of the School District.