Special Education Committee. The parties agree to establish a committee comprised of representatives from ETFO, the Ministry of Education and school board leadership in the area of special education. Additional representatives may be invited as resources to the committee as needed. The committee will discuss current issues as identified by the parties related to supporting students with special education needs. The committee shall meet regularly commencing no later than November 30, 2015 and recommendations will be made to the Minister of Education by April 30, 2016. Terms of reference will be jointly developed to inform the scope of discussions and recommendations.
Special Education Committee. The parties agree to maintain a Special Education Committee of no more than five (5) representatives appointed by the DOE and no more than five (5) representatives appointed by the Association. This committee shall meet not less than four (4) times each school year for the purpose of fact-finding and problem-solving operational and working condition concerns such as:
a. the use of time within the instructional day for IEP meetings without disrupting students' schedules;
b. the use of school days for developing IEPs;
c. the modification of existing rules, procedures and practices relating to the development of IEPs; and
d. the need to decrease the length of IEP conferences.
Special Education Committee. In an effort to enhance communication and collaborative problem solving, the District and the Union shall continue the Special Education Committee of teachers representing a cross-section of general education and special education programs and levels to meet with District representatives on a monthly basis. Agenda items shall be provided by both sides no later than three (3) days prior to the meeting. It should be noted that references are made to special education teachers and the special education program throughout the contract. Of particular note are the following:
A. A duty-free lunch period and preparation time as provided in Article 7, Days and Hours of Employment for TK-12 Teachers.
B. Transfer rights as provided in Article 15, Staffing and Assignment.
C. Class size as provided in Article 9, Class Size.
Special Education Committee. A committee consisting of teachers and administrators will continue to meet regularly and seek solutions to some of the special education concerns the district faces. This committee will be advisory in nature.
Special Education Committee. The Special Education Committee shall be formed to address issues for both support educators and regular classroom teachers concerning special education programs and students. This committee will be comprised of one representative from each building that, for the purposes of this committee, will be referred to as the intervention specialist/teacher leader, Special Services Administrator, Special Services Supervisor, one building level administrator from each building, and Superintendent and/or designee. Prior to the end of each school year, a calendar shall be developed which will include monthly meeting dates scheduled throughout the following school year.
Special Education Committee. A Special Education Committee shall be established consisting of up to six (6) representatives of the Association and up to six (6) administrative representatives, including the Special Education Coordinator, if available. The Board will communicate its request that the Coordinator attend committee meetings as a priority. The purpose of the Committee shall be to study, review, and recommend effective and consistent Special Education Practices, as well as, address and resolve current issues related to Special Education Services within the District. The Committee shall meet once in the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. The Committee may meet more often as appropriate. Release time shall be provided to all members of the Committee. An agenda of items to be addressed at each meeting shall be submitted to each party at least one (1) week prior to each scheduled meeting. Decisions of the Committee shall be by consensus. At the end of each school year, the Committee may choose to submit a report to the Superintendent and Board of Education regarding recommended changes to the District’s Special Education practices. Such recommendations may include, but are not limited to, changes in current practices, staff training related to Special Education, communication among the Administration and Special Education staff, use of Special Education staff, and consideration of Special Education models used in other Districts.
Special Education Committee. In an effort to improve enhance communication and collaborative problem solving, the District and the Union shall establish continue a the Special Education Committee of teachers representing a cross-section of general education and special education programs and levels to meet with District representatives on a monthly basis. Agenda items shall be provided by both sides no later than three (3) days prior to the meeting.
Special Education Committee. Each building will develop a process, including a committee to address any challenges faced at each building to provide services to students that qualify for special education. Each site will implement solutions and options for students on a continuum of services. Part of this process shall include collaboration between special education and general education staff. In addition to a building’s special education teachers, other appropriate education staff may be included.
Special Education Committee. In District 75 schools, the principal shall meet with the District 75 special education committee, once at the beginning and once at the end of each school year. The principal and the committee shall discuss (a) issues regarding available space and staffing at the main school and each cluster site to support students in crisis and (b) special education compliance issues, including but not limited to teacher and paraprofessional programming, and, if possible, resolving special education compliance issues at the school level. This committee may request assistance from the District Representative and the Superintendent as needed.
Special Education Committee. Non-District 75 schools shall have a special education committee, selected by the UFT chapter leader. The committee shall meet with the principal in the spring and fall and as needed to discuss special education compliance issues, including but not limited to teacher and paraprofessional programming, and, if possible, resolving special education compliance issues at the school level.