STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 9.01 All work performed on the following holidays shall be paid for at double the straight time rate of pay: New Year's Day; Family Day; Xxxxx Xxxx Day; Good Friday; Victoria Day; Canada Day; Civic Holiday; Labour Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day; and Boxing Day. If any other day is proclaimed, by the Federal or Provincial Governments, a holiday or a day on which work will not be performed, such holiday, if worked, shall be paid for at two (2) times the straight time hourly rate. 9.02 Should any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday, such holiday shall be observed on the next regular work day(s) unless changed by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Local Union.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 9.01 All work performed on the following holidays shall be paid for at double the straight time rate of pay: New Year's Day; Family Day; Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx (Manitoba); Good Friday; Victoria Day; Canada Day; Civic Holiday; Labour Day; Thanksgiving Day; National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; Christmas Day; and Boxing Day. If any other day is proclaimed, by the Federal or Provincial Governments, a holiday or a day on which work will not be performed, such holiday, if worked, shall be paid for at two (2) times the straight time hourly rate. 9.02 Should any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday, such holiday shall be observed on the next regular work day(s) unless changed by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Local Union. 9.03 LiUNA, IUOE & Teamsters Only Vacation and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be ten percent (10%) of the total earnings of an employee. It is understood and agreed that four percent (4%) of the total earnings are to be considered Vacation Pay and six percent (6%) of the total earnings are to be in lieu of Statutory Holiday Pay. It is understood and agreed that Statutory Holiday and Vacation Pay will not exceed a total of ten percent (10%) of total earnings of an employee. UA Only Vacation and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be twelve percent (12) of the total earnings of an employee. It is understood and agreed that four percent (4%) of the total earnings are to be considered Vacation Pay and eight percent (8) of the total earnings are to be in lieu of Statutory Holiday Pay. It is understood and agreed that Statutory Holiday and Vacation Pay will not exceed a total of twelve percent (12) of total earnings of an employee.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 26.01 Holiday Pay shall be twelve percent (12%) of wages (which is to mean earned hours times the hourly rate of pay), consisting of six percent (6%) for Annual Holidays and six percent (6%) for Statutory Holidays. Holiday Pay to be paid on the regular pay day. 26.02 An Employee may take up to four (4) weeks’ annual vacation in any calendar year. The vacation period will be arranged by mutual agreement between the member and the Employer.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 13.1 All work performed on the following holidays, and any additional holiday(s) proclaimed by the provincial government, shall be paid for at double (2x) the regular rate of wages: Should any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday, such holiday shall be observed on the Monday and/or Tuesday following unless changed by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. No work shall be performed on Labour Day except to save life, limb, or property. 13.2 Vacation and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be paid weekly to each employee covered by this Collective Agreement, at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned, and income tax will be deducted weekly. It is understood and agreed that four percent (4%) of the gross wages is to be considered Vacation Pay and six percent (6%) of the gross wages is to be in lieu of Statutory Holiday Pay. It is understood and agreed that the Statutory Holiday and Vacation Pay will not exceed a total of ten percent (10%) of gross wages. 13.3 Vacations may be taken at any time within the calendar year (without loss of position) and every effort shall be made to schedule vacations to benefit both the Employer and the employee.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 13.1 All work performed on the following holidays, and any additional holiday(s) proclaimed by the provincial government, shall be paid for at double (2X) the regular rate of wages: Should any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday, such holiday shall be observed on the Monday and/or Tuesday following unless changed by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. No work shall be performed on Labour Day except to save life, limb, or property.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 13.1 All work performed on the following holidays, and any additional holiday(s) proclaimed by the provincial government, shall be paid for at double (2x) the regular rate of wages: New Year’s Day Family Day Good Friday Civic Holiday Victoria Day Dominion Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day 13.2 Vacation and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be paid weekly to each employee covered by this Collective Agreement, at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned, and income tax will be deducted weekly. 13.3 Vacations may be taken at any time within the calendar year (without loss of position) and every effort shall be made to schedule vacations to benefit both the Employer and the employee. ARTICLE 14 - I.U.O.E., LOCAL 793 TRAINING FUND 14.1 The Union and the Employer agree to maintain and recognize the I.U.O.E., Local 793 Training Trust Fund (Training Fund). The parties agree to abide by the Letters of Understanding attached hereto as Appendix “B”. 14.2 Apprentices shall be indentured to the Training Fund or an Employer and the Training Fund shall have full authority over the training and education of all Apprentices and the Union shall accept as members of the Union all Apprentices who are approved by the Training Fund and indentured to the Training Fund or an Employer.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. Article 14.01 Annual Vacation pay and Statutory Holiday pay shall be paid to all employees on the following basis: Up to 900 hours uninterrupted employment Annual Vacation Pay: 900 hours to 36 months uninterrupted employment Over 36 months uninterrupted employment 4% 5% 6% Statutory Holiday Pay:
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 13.1 All work performed on the following holidays, and any additional holiday(s) proclaimed by the provincial government, shall be paid for at double (2x) the regular rate of wages: Civic Holiday Victoria Day Dominion Day Should any of the above holidays occur on a Saturday or Sunday, such holiday shall be observed on the Monday and/or Tuesday following unless changed by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. No work shall be performed on Labour Day except to save life, limb, or property. 13.2 Vacation and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be paid weekly to each employee covered by this Collective Agreement, at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned, and income tax will be deducted weekly. It is understood and agreed that four percent (4%) of the gross wages is to be considered Vacation Pay and six percent (6%) of the gross wages is to be in lieu of Statutory Holiday Pay. It is understood and agreed that the Statutory Holiday and Vacation Pay will not exceed a total of ten percent (10%) of gross wages. 13.3 Vacations may be taken at any time within the calendar year (without loss of position) and every effort shall be made to schedule vacations to benefit both the Employer and the employee.
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 18.01 Employees will be entitled to observe the following statutory holidays and will receive eight (8) hours pay at their regular hourly rate for each holiday. New Year's Day Civic Holiday Family Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day 18.02 Employees are entitled to the following vacation pay schedule. Length of service is considered to be the date three (3) months prior to the date of completion of the probationary period with the Employer. From current start date but less than three (3) years. 4% Three (3) years or more but less than nine (9) years. 6% Nine (9) years or more 8% 18.03 In addition to the vacation pay entitlement set out above, each Employee will be entitled to unpaid vacation time, if he so chooses, as follows: From current start date but less than three (3) years. 2 weeks Three (3) years or more but less than nine (9) years. 3 weeks Nine (9) years or more but less than fifteen (15) years… 4 weeks Fifteen (15) years or more… 5 weeks This shall not prevent the Employer from permitting additional vacation time without pay at its discretion, provided the efficiency of the operation would not be adversely affected. a) Holiday pay is accrued for the Employees and is payable within one (1) week following the Employee's request for payment to a maximum of four
STATUTORY HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. All work performed on the following holidays shall be paid for at double the regular rate of wages: New Year's Day Civic Holiday Dominion Day Good Friday Labour Day Christmas Day Victoria Day Thanksgiving Day Boxing Day Any other civic and national holidays if and when proclaimed by the Government. When any of the foregoing holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the next day (Monday), or a day mutually agreed upon by the Council and the Association, shall be recognized as the holiday, as per Ontario Labour Relations Board Rules of Procedure. It is understood that any member of the Association has the right to determine a vacation period and shut down its operations during that time. Vacation pay for employees shall be paid at the rate of twelve percent (12%) gross earnings. It is understood and agreed that eight percent (8%) of the gross wages is to be considered Vacation Pay and four percent (4%) of the gross wages is to be in lieu of Statutory Holiday pay,