VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. 15:01 Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be paid at the rate of 10% of basic earnings for all categories of employees during the term of this Collective Agreement, 6% shall be regarded as Vacation Pay and 4% shall be regarded as Statutory Holiday Pay.
15:02 Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay will be paid every month to the "Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay Trust Fund" as administered by Trustees elected by Local 787. It will be seldom that the end of the month will coincide with an Employer's pay week; therefore the Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay may be calculated to the end of the last pay period of the month.
15:03 Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay shall be recorded weekly. Income tax on Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay will be calculated and paid out of the employee's hourly rate weekly. Pay cheque stubs will show actual amount of Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay.
15:04 Vacation periods will occur preferably between June, July or August. A schedule is to be posted on the Employer's notice board before the month of May.
15:05 Vacation periods will be allocated by seniority.
15:06 It is the intent of this Collective Agreement that the employee shall be permitted to take three (3) weeks vacation annually, one (1) week if requested by the employee must be permitted during the recognized period as per Article
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. The Parties hereto agree to pay vacation pay into a holiday and vacation pay fund, known as the "Labourers' International Union of North America, Local Members' Holiday and Vacation Pay Fund", the terms or which are set out in a separate Trust Document, which is hereby made part of this Agreement. The said Trust Fund will be jointly trusteed. The Parties hereto acknowledge that they are familiar with the contents of the Agreement and Declaration of Trust establishing the said Local Members' Holiday and Vacation Pay Fund and they agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the said Agreement and Declaration as if original parties hereto, and as if the same formed part of this Collective Agreement. In the event that any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement and Declaration are in any way altered, added to or amended, then the Parties to this Collective Agreement shall be bound by the same as if original Parties thereto, and as if the same formed part of this Collective Agreement. These contributions, together with a duly-completed Employer Contribution Form, are to be made by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which payments are due. Vacation with pay for employees shall be paid on the following basis: Ten percent 0%) of gross earnings. It is understood and agreed that the portion of vacation with pay over four percent (4%) as set forth above, is paid in lieu of statutory holiday pay. It is understood and agreed that vacation pay payments from the Fund to employees will be paid out once annually between June and in each year. Vacation periods shall be scheduled by mutual consent of the Employer and the employees. Vacation periods shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) weeks per calendar year, except every three (3) years the employee may be entitled to a leave of absence to a maximum of eight (8) weeks, provided that such a request is made in writing at least ninety (90) calendar days in advance of the commencement of the leave of absence. The Employer shall provide a written reply to a written vacation request within five (5) working days.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. 4.01 (a) Vacation and statutory holiday credits shall be paid to employees covered by this Collective Agreement at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned. It is understood and agreed that five percent (5%) of the gross wages is to be considered in lieu of statutory holiday pay.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. Vacation pay and statutory holiday pay allowances will be calculated at the minimum rate of eight percent (8%) of gross earnings, or such higher rate provided in Schedule D Appendices. Vacation and statutory holiday pay will be paid to employees in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act of Ontario. It is understood and agreed that four percent (4%) of gross wages is to be considered in lieu of statutory holiday pay.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. Vacation pay (6%) and statutory or general holiday pay (6%) shall be combined in an amount equal to (12%). These amounts shall include any additional statutory holiday or general holiday, which may be declared by the Federal and/or Provincial Governments. These amounts shall be paid on the gross hourly earnings of each member on each pay cheque.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY a) Temporary employees shall receive four percent (4%) of their gross earnings as holiday pay in their first year of employment. After 1387 hours worked they shall receive six percent (6%) holiday pay of their gross earnings.
b) Temporary employees may request from the Employer to take time off up to three (3) weeks without pay for purposes of vacation at any time during the year. Requests will not be unreasonably withheld.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. Vacation and holiday credits be paid to employees covered by this Collective Agreement at the rate of ten percent of the gross wages earned. It is understood and agreed that five percent (5%) of the gross wages is to be considered in lieu of statutory holiday pay. Vacation and statutory holiday pay as aforesaid shall be paid into the Labourers' Local Civil Engineering Vacation Pay Trust Fund, jointly administered by an equal number of Employer and Union trustees, which Employer trustees shall be appointed by the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Sewer and Watermain Contractors'Association, the Utility Contractors' Association of Ontario, the Heavy ConstructionAssociation of Toronto and the Toronto Area Road Builders' Association. One of the said Employer trustees may be appointed by the Association. Paymentsinto the Fund shall be made monthly and the interest earned by the investmentof the monies in such fund shall be firstly applied against the administrationcosts of the Fund and secondly, against any deficit caused by the delinquency of a contributing Employer and the balance shall be paid to the Association Union on an equal basis and pro-rated on the basis of contributions into the Fund made by all Employers covered by this agreement, on account of the Association's costs of negotiating and administering this agreement. Payments into the Fund shall be made by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which payment is due. The Chairmanship of the Trust Fund shall alternate annually between the Union and the Employer trustees. with Pay Trust Fund surplus to be distributed as follows: Administration costs;
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. 18.01 Vacation and statutory holiday pay credits shall be paid to employees covered by this Collective Agreement at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned. It is understood and agreed that five percent (5%) of the gross wages is to be considered in lieu of statutory holiday pay. Payments hereunder to employees in Labourers' classifications shall be made in accordance with Article 18.02 below, and in the case of employees in Teamsters' classifications, payments will be paid weekly.
18.02 Vacation and statutory holiday pay as aforesaid for employees in Labourers' classifications shall be paid into a Vacation with Pay Trust Fund which will be jointly administered by an equal number of Employers and Union Trustees. It is understood that the surplus of the said Trust Fund will be:
(a) firstly applied against the administration costs of the Fund;
(b) secondly applied towards creating a reasonable reserve to be established by the Trustees based on past deficiencies and;
(c) the balance shall be paid to the Association and the Union on an equal basis annually and pro-rated on the basis of contributions into the Fund made by all sewer and watermain contractors covered by this Collective Agreement. Payments into the Fund shall be made by the 15th day of the month following the month for which payment is due.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. (a) Vacation and statutory holiday credits shall be paid to employees covered by this Collective Agreement at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the gross wages earned. It is understood and agreed that five percent (5%) is to be considered in lieu of statutory holiday pay. The holidays for which pay is being received pursuant to this paragraph (a) are: New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and the twenty-sixth (26th) day of December or any other holiday proclaimed by the government.
(b) During the term of any one (1) year, by mutual arrangements between the Employer and employee, only three (3) weeks vacation without pay will be taken by an employee, exclusive of statutory holidays. Vacation may be taken at any time during the
(c) The Employer agrees to remit the employee’s Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday pay along with and in the same manner as the other contributions required by this Agreement. Payment shall be made to a Trust Fund designated by the Union, and shall be held in trust for the employee. These requirements shall not apply to owners, partners, or shareholders that perform bargaining unit work in accordance with Article 2.04 (c) of this agreement.
(d) It is agreed that Vacation Pay and Statutory Holiday Pay Trust Fund referred to in (c) above shall permit employees to withdraw those funds held in trust for them at such time or time(s) as the employee may request.
VACATION PAY AND STATUTORY HOLIDAY PAY. Vacation and statutory holiday credits shall be paid to employees covered by this Agreement at the rate of ten percent 0%) of the gross wages earned. It understood and agreed that percent (5%) is to be considered in lieu of statutoryholiday pay. The holidays for which pay is being received pursuant to this paragraph (a) are: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and the 26th day of December or any other holiday by government. During the term of any oneyear, by mutual arrangements between Employer and employee, only three (3) weeks vacation without pay will be taken by an employee, exclusive of statutory holidays. Vacation may be taken at any time during the calendar year at such time as may be most convenient to the Employer, but every effort shall be made to schedule the vacation at times suitable to the employee. The Employer agrees to pay the ten percent (10%) vacation and statutory holiday pay to employees weekly.