TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. The following procedure shall be used for the purpose of evaluating the teachers of the River View Local School District.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. Licking Valley’s evaluation system will be based upon the ODE-approved model developed by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Teacher performance shall count as 50% and student growth measures shall count as 50% of each teacher’s evaluation. All teachers will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation instruments and procedures agreed to by the evaluation committee which will be incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix B. Upon ratification of the tentative agreement, the evaluation committee will begin meeting to ensure that all aspects of the new evaluation system align with the mandates of OTES. Any recommendations to alter contract language must be ratified by the Board and the Association. The evaluation committee shall consist of six (6) members appointed by the Superintendent and six (6) members appointed by the Association President. The evaluations committee will periodically review the evaluation instrument and procedures and make recommendations to the Board for modifications.
A. Upon agreement of the Superintendent and the Principal that a teacher on a continuing contract or employed under a multi-year contract is experiencing performance problems, the observation procedures set forth in the Evaluation Handbook at Appendix C may be instituted with prior written notice to the teacher. Such written notice must set forth the areas of concern.
B. The Board and Association agree that compliance with the evaluation procedure set forth in this negotiated agreement shall fully satisfy any and all requirements of law with respect to the adoption and implementation of evaluation procedures for members of the bargaining unit including, but not limited to, all of the requirements of Section 3319.111 ORC.
C. The timelines applicable to the year a teacher’s contract is due to expire shall be extended by one (1) day for each day the teacher to be evaluated is absent. If the application of this rule does not allow for the final evaluation to be completed by April 20th, the member shall be renewed under a one- (1-) year limited contract.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. A. A tenured teacher will receive a written evaluation at least once every three (3) years. The evaluation will be based upon at least one (1) classroom observation.
B. Non-tenured teachers will receive a written evaluation at least once a year. Their evaluations will be based on at least two (2) or more classroom observations held at least 60 days apart, unless a shorter interval between the two (2) classroom observations is mutually agreed upon by the teacher and the administration, and shall include at least an assessment of the teacher's progress in meeting the goals of the teacher’s Individualized Development Plan. For a first year probationary teacher the first observation shall be during the teacher’s first three months of teaching in the teacher’s assigned area.
C. Observations will be in person by the building principal or administrator who the teacher is directly accountable to and will be for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes and will be followed by a written report. Within thirty (30) working days the written report will be signed by the teacher and filed in the teacher’s personnel file. (Probationary teachers shall also have an oral conference within the ten (10) day period immediately following the observation.) Upon mutual agreement between the parties, another qualified person may be part of the evaluation process.
D. Any teacher assigned to more than one building will be evaluated during the years of his/her evaluation by both supervisors.
E. Any report of a teacher who will not be considered for re-employment will be sent to the Superintendent and to the teacher under consideration.
F. Each teacher shall have the right upon request to review the contents of the teacher’s own personnel file with the exception of confidential documents excluded by law. A teacher shall receive a copy of material(s) being placed in the teacher’s own personnel file along with notice of same.
G. Each teacher shall have the right to file a response to the material being placed in the teacher’s personnel file and have the response included as part of that material.
H. Any teacher will receive notification of any formal complaint made against the teacher, and will be given a copy of the complaint if it is in writing.
I. Written classroom teacher evaluations will be made using the form included as Appendix B in this Agreement. Written evaluations of others, such as counselors, librarians, speech teachers, occupational therapists, social workers and psychologists, wi...
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. This standards-based teacher evaluation procedure has been developed in consultation with teachers employed by the Board of Education in conformance with the framework for the evaluation of teachers adopted by the State Board of Education under O.R.C. §3319.112, and is aligned with the Standards for the Teaching Profession set forth in state law.
A. The purpose of periodic formal evaluation is the improvement of licensed/certificated classroom instruction and to aid in the professional development of the licensed/certificated staff member.
B. The parties agree that, in the event that there is a change in the current law governing the evaluation of teachers, adjustments will be made in order to bring this procedure in compliance with the new law, and all proposed changes need to be submitted to the evaluation committee for input.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. Bath Local Schools will follow all Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Department of Education regulations regarding OTES including forms provided by the Ohio Department of Education. Areas that the Ohio Department permits local decisions, the BEA and the Board of Education will negotiate the permissive language.
33.2 Definitions: Definitions of terms used are provided in Appendix C.
33.3 Purpose: The purpose of the teacher evaluation is to use fair, objective, reasonable practices to:
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. The evaluation of teachers shall be in accordance with the standards-based teacher evaluation policy adopted by the Board of Education in consultation with teachers employed by the Board as required by O.R.C. §3319.111.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. A. Each teacher shall have the right upon request to review the contents of the teacher’s own personnel file with the exception of confidential documents excluded by law. A teacher shall receive a copy of material(s) being placed in the teacher’s own personnel file along with notice of same.
B. Each teacher shall have the right to file a response to the material being placed in the teacher’s personnel file and have the response included as part of that material.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. This Evaluation procedure applies to the following employees of the District (hereinafter referred to as “OTES Teachers”):
1. Teachers working under a license issued under Chapter 3319 of the Revised Code who spend at least fifty percent of their time providing student instruction;
2. Teachers working under a permanent certificate issued under former section 3319.222 of the Revised Code who spend at least fifty percent of their time providing student instruction; Bargaining unit members not covered by paragraphs 1 or 2 above (hereinafter referred to as “non-OTES unit members”) shall continue to be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation system in effect during the Agreement effective until June 30, 2013 except that the timelines for evaluation (completed by May 1st and delivered to the unit member by May 10th and deadline for action in the last year of a unit member’s contract (June1) shall be as provided by statute.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. SECTION I: EVALUATION PROCESS A teacher may be evaluated each year. The evaluation should be continuous. It will be based upon observation of the teacher in the classroom and lab, in the total school setting, and his/her performance in relation to other designated duties connected with his/her teaching assignment. Part of a continuous evaluation system will be the establishment of program and professional improvement goals along with procedures for accomplishing them. The program and professional improvement goals will be established cooperatively with the Administrator and the teacher.
TEACHER EVALUATION PROCEDURE. Decisions about evaluation of a “teacher” under the Revised School Code MCL 380.1249, or who is assigned to students in any grades EK-12 as a “teacher of record” (“classroom teacher”), Non-Teaching Professionals Subjects to the Teachers’ Tenure Act, and Non- Teaching Professionals Not Subject to the Teachers’ Tenure Act will be made as stated below. The parties agree that the procedures established below constitute clear and transparent procedures as required under Revised School Code MCL1248. Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, the negotiated performance evaluation system shall include a rigorous, transparent, and fair performance evaluation system consistent with MCL Sections 1249 and 1249a of the Revised School Code and the Teachers’ Tenure Act. The performance Evaluation System shall: ∎ Include specific performance goals identified by the Administrator in consultation with the teacher to improve their effectiveness in the upcoming school year. ∎ Provide timely and constructive feedback. ∎ Include clear approaches to measuring student growth with relevant data on student Growth. ∎ Include multiple rating categories that take into account student growth and assessment data or student learning objective metrics that have been negotiated with the Association. ∎ Use student growth and assessment data or student learning objectives metrics for 20% of the year-end evaluation determination. ○ The student growth and assessment data or student learning objectives shall consist of measurable, long-term academic and student growth goals set for all students that utilize available data as determined annually by mutual agreement between administrators and the grade-level/department level teachers. ○ The teacher, in consultation with the administration, shall be allowed to eliminated data attributable to students who have excessive absences (15% or more of the school year), including partial year transfers into/out of the teacher’s classroom, or who have other anomalous circumstances that warrant eliminating that data. The teachers supervising administrator must approve the data removal. ○ For non-core teachers, the data used in this section must be attributable to the actual teaching responsibilities of the individual teacher. For core area teachers, no more than 10% shall correlate with NWEA and the remainder shall be attributable to the actual teaching responsibilities (SLO) of the individual teacher as determined above. ∎ Include a negotiated year-end evaluat...