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TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. A. From time to time, the Board may employ temporary employees to supplement the regular work force. Their employment will conform to the following guidelines and limitations. 1. They may be employed for not more than ninety (90) total work days during any one school year, counted from first day of school each year. 2. They cannot replace a permanent employee. 3. Their rate of pay will be the initial base rate of the classification in which they are employed. 4. They will not be eligible to receive any of the fringe benefits contained in this Agreement. 5. They may work overtime when the district overtime list is exhausted. B. The Board may also employ substitute employees to supplement the regular work force. Their employment will conform to the following guidelines and limitations. 1. They may be employed to work in place of regular employees who are absent from their job for any period of time. 2. They cannot permanently replace a permanent employee. 3. Their rate of pay and working conditions will be established by the district at its sole discretion. 4. They will not be eligible to receive any of the fringe benefits contained in this Agreement. 5. They may work overtime when the district overtime list is exhausted.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. Temporary and substitute employees shall be compensated at a rate as designated by the school district. However, if a school district retiree or an employee on layoff is serving in a temporary or substitute position, such employee will be compensated at a rate pursuant to this Article. For purposes of this section, the term temporary position shall mean a position anticipated to last less than twelve (12) months.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. 2.1 Temporary and substitute employees are not members of this bargaining unit until they work thirty (30) or more days in a twelve (12) month period ending in the current or immediately preceding school year.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. 40 To become eligible for bargaining unit representation, a long-term temporary or substitute 41 employee must have been employed by the District for more than thirty (30) days of work 42 within the current school year or the immediately preceding school year and continue to be 43 available for work. 44 45 1. A position is “temporary” due to an immediate need that cannot be posted and filled as 46 a regular position. Short-term temporary employees are those employees who work at 47 least thirty (30) or more consecutive workdays, but less than sixty (60) consecutive 48 workdays. Long-term temporary employees are those employees who work for sixty 1 (60) or more consecutive workdays in an assigned position on a temporary basis. The 2 employee shall be paid according to the Salary Schedule at the appropriate pay level for 3 the job they are filling and shall be subject to all terms and conditions of this collective 4 bargaining agreement except Section 3.4, Section 9.2, 9.3, 9.8 (and their subsections), 5 Article XI, and Sections 13.2 and 13.3. Should a long-term temporary assignment 6 extend into the following year, the situation shall be addressed and resolved jointly by 7 the District and the Association. 8 2. If the District knows in advance that the long-term temporary assignment will be at least 9 fifty-percent (50%) of the time scheduled for the position for the year, the long-term 10 temporary employee will be subject to Sections 3.4 and 13.2., in addition to the benefits 11 noted above. 12 3. Substitute employees are on-call employees who fill positions on a day-to-day basis due 13 to absences of regular or long-term temporary employees or who work in a temporary 14 assignment for less than sixty (60) days. Substitute employees are paid the substitute 15 rate as shown on the Salary Schedule and are not subject to any other term or condition 16 of this bargaining agreement.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. During the initial six (6) months of employment with the District, substitute and short-term employees shall be evaluated at least twice in accordance with the provisions of this contract. (Evaluation Form, Exhibit B)
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEESThe District recognizes that the work of the bargaining unit shall not be assigned to district personnel outside of the unit.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. A temporary vacancy shall be defined as a temporary absence of any bargaining unit member of less than sixty (60) consecutive work days, that the district determines must be filled by on a temporary basis. Temporary vacancies of less than sixty (60) work days shall be posted within the Union first. If no bargaining unit member applies or is qualified for the position, the administration shall fill the position from outside the unit. However, temporary vacancies of 15 or fewer days may be filled by transfer or substitutes. Non-bargaining unit member substitutes shall be used, as needed, on a day to day basis and shall be paid at a rate determined by the Administration. Bargaining unit members who substitute or accept temporary positions shall be paid their regular rate of pay or the rate of pay of the substitute position, whichever is higher. Vacancies that are not permanent but extend beyond the sixty (60) day temporary time period shall be posted as any other vacancy. The employee accepting such temporary vacancy does so with the knowledge that when/if the absent employee returns, such position shall be filled by the absent employee and the appointed employee shall have the right to return to his/her regular job. Bargaining unit members, who are not requested but voluntarily sub for absent employees, shall be paid the substitute rate.
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES. ‌ Temporary and substitute employees are not members of this bargaining unit until they work thirty
TEMPORARY AND SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEESSECTION 16.1 COMPENSATION Temporary and substitute employees shall be paid in accordance with the salary schedule set forth in Appendix A. Provisions of this Agreement covering overtime, mileage reimbursement, and lunch and rest periods will apply to temporary and substitute employees.