Unpaid Child Rearing Leave Sample Clauses
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. Leave without pay or benefits may be granted to a unit member for child rearing. The unit member shall make such a request to the Human Resources Department as soon as practicable during the birth/adoption year, but under no circumstances less than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the leave is to begin. Such a request shall be in writing and shall include a statement as to the dates the unit member wishes to begin and end the leave.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. A unit employee may seek an unpaid child-rearing leave of absence by making application to the Superintendent at least sixty (60) days prior to the requested commencement date of such leave of absence. Said application shall set forth, in writing, the commencement date of the requested leave of absence and the anticipated termination date thereof. The Board shall grant such unpaid leave of absence with the requested commencement date, which commencement date may be any date prior to birth. A unit employee may request to return to work from an unpaid child-rearing leave of absence within the same school year in which his/her leave began, provided that she/he shall have requested to do so in his/her application and shall have specified the month when she/he desires to return. The Board of Education shall be the sole determiner of the specific day on which she/he returns from leave; however, the date determined by the Board of Education shall fall within one (1) pay period of the date requested. Any extension or reduction of the date of return within the same school year shall only be allowed at the discretion of the Board, provided application has been made following the original grant of the unpaid leave of absence, but prior to the announced commencement date thereof. Such extension or reduction may be granted by the Board for an additional reasonable period of time for reasons associated with the pregnancy or birth, or for other proper cause, provided that such extension or reduction will not substantially interfere with the administration of the school system. Since no unit employee has any guaranty of continued employment beyond the current school year, no such unpaid child-rearing leave of absence may extend beyond the termination of the current school year in which such leave was granted and no grant of such unpaid child-rearing leave of absence for the duration of the current school year shall be construed as guaranteeing reemployment in the following school year. However, in the event such employee shall be re-employed for the following school year, she may apply for an extension of such unpaid child-rearing leave of absence beyond the end of the current school year.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. In addition to paid parental leave and child-bonding leave under Section 11.10.1, leave without pay or other benefits may be granted to a unit member for child rearing. The unit member shall request such leave as soon as practicable. The request shall be made in writing to the Superintendent and shall include a statement as to the dates the unit member wishes to begin and end the leave without pay. The determination as to the date on which the leave shall begin and the duration of such leave shall be made at the discretion of the Superintendent when considering the scheduling and replacement problems of the District. The duration of such leave shall consist of no more than nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), or twelve (12) consecutive months depending on the bargaining unit member’s work year. The unit member is not entitled to the use of any accrued sick leave or other paid leave while such unit member is on leave for child rearing. There shall not be change of employment status for child rearing except that no person shall be entitled to compensation, increment, or the accrual of seniority for layoff. The unit member shall have the prerogative to continue to receive insurance benefits provided by the District, as allowed by the vendors, with provision that the unit member pays the full cost of the premium. If a unit member is on leave for child rearing and in the event of a miscarriage or death of a child subsequent to childbirth, the unit member may request an immediate assignment. If there is no vacancy for which the unit member is qualified, the District will assign the unit member to a position as soon as practicable. Any unit member adopting an infant may receive leave without pay of up to one (1) year which shall commence upon the member receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary, to fulfill the requirements of the adoption. Four (4) days leave shall be provided under Personal Necessity Leave without loss of pay or benefits to a unit member for the purpose of submitting to the rules and regulations of said agency.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. An employee may be granted a leave of absence for child rearing purposes. Such leave is to commence not earlier than the date of the birth or adoption of the employee's child. The leave is to commence not later than one (1) year after the date of the birth or adoption of the employee's child. Such leave shall be granted without pay or pay increment for a period not to exceed one (1) year beyond the date on which it became effective. Except in cases of emergency, the employee shall notify the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the leave is to begin. The leave's start and return dates shall be included in the letter along with a copy of the child's birth certificate or adoption order.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. A leave of absence shall be granted to a teacher for the purpose of child rearing. A child rearing leave shall end one (1) year after the birth or adoption of the child, unless the Board grants an extension of this time limit. Such leave shall be granted without pay or increment for a period not to exceed two (2) semesters beyond the date on which the leave became effective. The teacher shall notify the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources in writing of the desire to be granted a child rearing leave. The letter requesting leave shall include the date of return and, except in case of emergency, shall give such notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the leave is requested to begin.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. Upon request, the District may provide a Bargaining Unit Member, who is a natural or adopting parent, unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of rearing the Bargaining Unit Member's infant. An infant is defined as a child under one (1) year of age, or in the case of adoptions, one
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. In addition to the leave granted in 11.4 (A), a employee who has exhausted all paid benefits (i.e., paid child rearing leave, sick leave, etc.) and/or is otherwise ineligible for other disability leave, may take an unpaid leave of absence of up to three
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. A unit member shall request and be granted leave without pay for child rearing purposes. This leave shall be granted for the remainder of the school year when the request is made and upon request, the following school year.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave. Leave without pay or benefits may be granted to a unit member for child rearing. The unit member shall request such leave as soon as practicable, but under no circumstances less than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the leave is to begin. Such a request shall be in writing and shall include a statement as to the dates the unit member wishes to begin and end the leave. The duration of such leave of a unit member with a child (natural or adopted) shall consist of no more than the remainder of the current school year in which the birth or adoption occurs and may be extended for the following school year. Such leaves will be renewed upon request of the unit member for one (1) additional school year if such a request is made for a period that commences within two (2) years of the child's birth or adoption, whichever is later.
Unpaid Child Rearing Leave a. Subject to the following terms and conditions, Child Rearing Leave shall be granted upon request to:
(i) an employee, other than a substitute employee, who has given birth to a child;
(ii) to an employee, other than a substitute employee, whose wife has given birth to a child;
(iii) to an employee who has adopted a child.
b. The election to take Child Rearing Leave must be made in writing to the Superintendent sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of such leave. Such notification must include the length of leave chosen by the employee.
c. Child Rearing Leave shall in no event be for a period of time less than the remainder of the school semester in which it commences. At the employee’s own election, leave may extend one or two additional semesters.
d. The Employee on Child Rearing Leave shall give at least sixty (60) days’ written notice to the Superintendent or his designee of his or her intention to return to work at the beginning of the semester.
x. Xxxxx termination of Child Rearing Leave, the Bargaining Unit Member shall be reinstated in the position he or she held before commencing the leave, subject to the right of the district to reassign employees. Reinstatement prior to the scheduled termination of the leave is contingent upon the existence of a vacancy for which the teacher is certified.
f. Child Rearing Leave shall be granted without pay and benefits of all natures and descriptions.
g. Insurance benefits may be continued during the Child Rearing Leave, subject to the rules and regulations of the insurance carrier and provided that the full premiums are paid by the employee.